This thread is for the discussion of the language, culture, travel, daily life, etc. of Japan. Let's tark at randam in Japanese and English. Take it easy!
日本語に言う方がわからんから英語に言わなきゃ that was probably the most comforting thing someone has told me through this entire ordeal, and it made me tear up. I miss her so much, I can't wait to see her again.
最後は呼吸が困難になって、腎臓が。。。故障?破綻?することが始めた。Her kidneys began to fail. そんな強い苦しみを見て耐えられなかったから、安楽死しなきゃった
Noah Miller
Liam Morales
Helo :)
Do these terms sound politically incorrect to contemporary Japanese?
民族意識 民族感情
I am reading a text from 1957.
Ryder Gray
Hunter Morales
Carson Gutierrez
Ryder Murphy
bump limitに達した
Jace Phillips
ネズミとか、蛇とか、甲虫とか。 同情の余地すらない。
Justin Watson
ええ?そんならどこまでbump limitだい?
Nicholas Long
Nicholas Gonzalez
へぇ。なるほど ありがとう
Tyler Turner
I have a question for Japanese people. Why do you browse Jow Forums instead of 2chan or futaba channel?
And if you do browse the others, which one is better? Jow Forums, 2chan or futaba channel?
Joseph Howard
Tyler Smith
Chase Smith
Andrew Nelson
Eli Gray
get a doggo :3
hello! welcome to this thread :)
Sebastian Ward
>I can't wait to see her again. When your turn comes, God will say "The next is you". So, you relax and wait until then. Perhaps, you might meet new friends and family in this world. Then, you will have a good time with the person (animal) in the world. Your dog is having fun in heaven during you enjoy in this world. And when God calls you to heaven and you have time to part with this world, you go to heaven waiting for your dog.
>hello! welcome to this thread :) Hello! Can you sreak nippingo? (I can-t english, sorryan)
Kayden Richardson
誰か助けてくれ質問がある "No *singular countable noun* (n)or *another singular countable noun*" の構文で, 後者の名詞に不定冠詞を伴うのかどうかが分からないんだわ 例えば、"I have no car (n)or bicycle"の文に関して、bicycleに"a"は必要なのかどうか、を尋ねているんだ no がnot anyないしnot aだろ? carとbicycleはそれぞれ別に冠詞を伴うだろうから、(n)orで否定の意味を継承しそれがbicycleを修飾するならnot a car (n)or a bicycleでno car nor a bicycleになるんだと思う でもNoは文全体を否定する語彙だから、わざわざnorに続く単数可算名詞に不定冠詞をつけなくても、"no car, (n)or bicycle"で自動車も自転車も一つもない、と言う意味を表せると思う
Oliver Hall
Let's hope the god is 8 millions of Japanese local gods.
Joseph Roberts
Levi Sanders
なるほどね。 ドイツなら「民族」の入ってる単語ってなんか使いにくくなりつつある。
James Harris
俺、別の掲示板から来ました。あっちのbump limitは500です
Austin Jenkins
>最後は呼吸が困難になって、腎臓が。。。故障?破綻?することが始めた。Her kidneys began to fail. そんな強い苦しみを見て耐えられなかったから、安楽死しなきゃった I rented an oxygen tent for dogs. (In Japan, we can rent a dog oxygen generator and tent) It seems that it became quite easy because I increased the oxygen concentration. I consulted with my Doctor many times as to whether or not to let my dog euthanasia. I think that I chose euthanasia depending on the symptoms of my dog. But fortunately, I did not have to euthanize her, so I did not choose euthanasia.
Dogs cannot go to Heaven because they cannot accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour. On the other hand, animals are pure; they cannot sin in the way that man can sin. Your dog is gone; her illness is ended.
Anyway, Heaven is not a place that exists alongside this world; it is the Kingdom of God that comes after the Final Judgement; God shall rule over the faithful of Christ, as King, eternally.
Owen Cox
なるほど 名無しさんか ありがとう どんな感じの掲示板?ここと似てる?
Ryan Russell
質問に答えてくれるのか彼は wordreference.comとかに頼るしかないかな
Jeremiah James
Sorry, my nihongo is not sugoi :(
Nolan Diaz
This is why I wished the dog's god is 8 millions of Japanese gods.
Carson Torres
気が向けば教えてくれるだろう たぶんw
Ryan Wright
This is zannnen(
Logan Hall
Samuel Perry
Isaac Cox
No 民族意識 are sometimes used But it does not seem to be officially use
To be honest, I’ve never seen 2ch or 5ch. So I don’t even know how to use them. That’s why I use Jow Forums.
Juan Sanders
例えば、二つの単数可算名詞を使った "I don't have a television (n)or a video" と言う文があるとする。 "no"と言う否定形容詞は"not a"ないし"not any"という意味を表すじゃないか? だから "I have no television"と書き換えることができる。問題はこれに続く"a video"なんだ "No"は文全体を否定するから、videoをすでに"not any"が修飾していると考えて "I have no television (n)or video" とすべきなのか "No"はtelevisionまでを修飾していて、videoには改めて"not a"の修飾を付与しないといけないと考えて "I have no television (n)or a video" とすべきなのか コレガワカラナイ
Oliver Jenkins
>Why do you browse Jow Forums instead of 2chan or futaba channel? Because there are few foreigners in 2 ch I want to talk with foreigners
>Jow Forums, 2chan or futaba channel? 2ch(5ch)
Nolan Jackson
>I have no car, nor a bicycle. >車も自転車もない aが必要 コンマも norだけが適切
コンマが使いたくない場合はneitherにしよう >I have neither car nor bicycle. >車も自転車もない aは必要ないが、あった方がネイティブっぽく聞こえるかな >I have neither a car nor a bicycle. >車も自転車もない でも、入れるなら、carの前にも入れないと意味が以下のようにおかしくなってしまう >I have neither car nor a bicycle. >その二つの車のどっちもない;自転車もない