invited: India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Bhutan (lol), Afghanistan
not invited: Rohingyas
desi qts edition
invited: India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Bhutan (lol), Afghanistan
not invited: Rohingyas
desi qts edition
Other urls found in this thread:
why do we never see any bangladeshis and sri lankans? Its all indian/paki/nepali shitposting
>no Pakistan
Thank god.
We consider ourselves genetically and culturally closer to Iranians, Turks and Arabs. We don't have anything in common with Hindpoo street shitters.
I have seen Bangladesh and Sri Lanka quite a few times.
Why are Indians so fucking insecure and butthurt all the time? Just take a look at these comments. Are you Pajeets really like this irl, or is it just an online phenomenon?
For some reason I only ever see nepal and pakistan. For some reason nepalis are disproportionately present in these threads.
Yeah, a lot of people get triggered about this shit online. But then again, the case is worse for countries like China, but they can't understand or comment in english, so you never see this shit.
I love Indian songs
It's only one guy. Pakistanis, there are four I think. But you get to see only one a day, it used to be two sometimes. There was a guy from Quetta, very comfy lad. He stopped coming here.
good for him
Why is South India better in everything than North India?
>Bhutan (lol)
Redpill me on Bhutanis
they chose to focus on gross happiness instead of gdp, but neither indicator is particularly high
because they don't have degenerate european genetics
They ethnically cleansed their entire cunt of Hindu Nepalis in the early 90's, but retards still think of them as "le based peaceful Buddhists".
Paki fingers wrote this.
Give it up Paki. You're not smart enough to divide and conquer.
>Pakistan not explicitly invited
>Rohingyas not invited
anti-Muslim edition, sala kutianda
Submission week is almost here.
It's the final semester - I hope the professors won't be complete cunts this time.
Doesn't make much sense desu, everywhere else population of European origin does better than others (except for Jews and East Asians). Also countries further from the Equator and tropical climate tend to be more developed than brown people's countries.
Give me something else.
Same with Sri Lanka. They are even darker than South Indians and miles better than India. :^)
Probably because they never had to face foreign invaders and enjoyed peace + availability of ports
This is the real reason. Also applies to Sri Lanka.
For one, many empires from Central-Asia never managed to subdue them (think the Mughals, the Delhi Sultanate, etc.) and they are not insanely crowded unlike shithole states such as Bihar. That's why Kerala does so well.