Rank the Latin American countries by how civilized they are
Rank the Latin American countries by how civilized they are
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Same as US. Rich and middle class live safely, and the poor kill each other. They just have more poor people.
Doubt it since Latin America has a higher homicide rate than Africa. Explain that away
1. Argentina
2. Chile
3. Uruguay
4. Brazil
x. Colombia
x. Venezuela
Africans can barely afford guns and can't afford ammo.
Also kinda hard to measure homicide rates in places where they barely have infrastructure.
Chile>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>everything else
Everything > LOS
Oh boy...
I doubt africans report all of their homicides.
> Brazil more civilized than Columbia
Nice fan fiction
its :
the rest is correct.
solve this if you are so civilized :
given f(x)=(sqrt(x)-1)/(x-1) calculate the derivative of f(x).
you can call yourself civilized if you are able to guess the limit when x tends to 1.
>tfw civilized
Finally a made man
Descartes theorem, and the rest theorem
Everything else
>California 3rd.
C'mon vato we're better than Argentina
1. Uruguay
2. Costa Rica
3. Cuba
Civilization didn't reach anyone else yet.
Sí Cuba, fuiste alguna vez? No pasa nada ahí.
power gap
everyone else
power gap
cuando chico, es cierto es tranquilo pero me acuerdo que prestaban servicios por lapices de colores
1. Argentina
2. Uruguay
3. Chile
4. Costa Rica
power gap
5. Peru
6. Mexico
7. Cuba
8. Ecuador
power gap
9. All other central american countries
10. Colombia
power gap
11. Venezuela
power gap
power gap
power gap
power gap
otra lista en la que no figuro..
Shut the fuck up, abo
Wakantanka curse you
>brazil worst than venezuela
Añarakopeguare boludo
> we should go 5 in this list, not even memeing
nderasore nde kuru ky'a che ra'y
mba'eiko péa
nde yuru* oops, your mouth
Mexico is worst simply because of the cartels, random people getting skinned alive or put in acid every day.
Perú will try their best!
Even the worst socialist hellhole is better than living in an african country
Your country is ruled by drug lords. You could have been great, but sadly you are not
>Your country is ruled by drug lords
I'll need evidence for this. We rank better than most southamerican countries in transparency, governance and corruption indexes
lmao look at this retard bong getting his information about Mexico from Jow Forums posts
Mexico is not the only one with Cartels there.
We are the most relevant that shit happens con other SA countries too
>We are the most relevant
Brazil is more relevant to be honest
>middle class
nope, at least not here
however because Chile is supposed to be the most developed latino shithole, I guess the other countries are worse
1. Venezuela
2. Colombia
3. Bolivia
4. Brazil
5. Ecuador
6. Chile
7. Argentina
8/9. Uruguay and Paraguay
Chile has a lower homicide rate than the US
Some countries bring the average up
I need to find my old derivates table for this
Why doesn't Penezuela just remove 3 0s from its currency? Or even 4.
>McDonals ice cream costs 59,000 bolivares
they're working on it since you mentioned it
lol, that's high school shit
f'(x) = -((1 + √x)^(-2) )*(0,5*((x)^(-0,5)))
They just did that a year ago and again last week
and written
You're the life and soul of the party
am I wrong?
you couldn't even solve it so stfu
no quiero saber si está bien o está mal
la rubia soy yo
I could solve it back in my high school days, but years have passed and I'm a bit rusty now
so you have no education beyong high school
So you assume I'm studying something math related?
all careers require some math, except law (at least here in chile)
what are you studying then?
you probably weren't even taught that at your shitty narco school
1.south belize
11. the rest
Africans aren't as violents as you think they are. Excluding civil wars you won't get shot for no reason.
>Excluding civil wars
oh, so... never
Says the amerindian less european shithole
other shitholes.
Civil war isn't the same as homicide.
result is the same though?
>all i have is my """"whiteness"""", and I'll not mention how african my shithole is
se te perdio el Jow Forums cabeza de rodilla
> Amerindians are incapable of forming a functioning societies. Ag least there are a couple of decent african countries. Africans are tall, desired by women, athletic, can sing, can play sports and less violent. also. indios can't do nothing other than panhandle and live off of gibs
wasn't supposed to be in greentext
que manera de decir idioteces este calvo fracasado ajdkajskkajdkajdjajdjaj
>muh GDP
¿Tanto te acompleja ser un indio de mierda?
I went to a school in Bogota
Bogota had better scores at the PISA test than your shitty country, dumb monkey.
And it's "perdiÓ", you illiterate subhuman.
hablando de acomplejados...
Dude, yesterday a panamanian destroyed you and showed you how complexed you are when it comes to race issues. You're a little shitskin manlet who dreams about being European. You always talkbout the meme chilean superiority even though it is just another peru tier shithole. Get over it already
Southern Cone (Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay and South Brazil)
The rest
ayyy lmao
no, please no
Honest answer
1. Chile, they have the northern european mindset, they are industrious and really value order
2. Costa Rica, they have reached this almost impossible equilibrium between urbanization and wildlife conservation, they are probably the most responsible latin americans
3. Argentina and Uruguay, they are going to shit tho, in some aspects i would consider them even less civilized than Mexico (they are really loud and vulgar for example) but their pros outweight their cons.
4. Cuba, extremely calm, tempered and uninteresting, there is literally nothing going on in here, thanks socialism I guess
5. Peru, to 25 years ago peruvian society was composed of docile indians minding their own stuff and while the cities catered to their business and politics, uninteresting and calm, nowadays the migration from the highlands to the coast is making things messy, and crime is going up
6. Paraguay and Bolivia, again not much going on in here, but people are calm and corteous, civil
7. Mexico, urban and economic developments in mexican society in the last decades got them in a good position, some cities like Monterrey are indistinguishable from texan or californian cities, but the huge amount of crime, cartels and corruption has made Mexico a shithole unfit of calling itself civil, sad because it's one of those rare cases were the situation doesnt properly reflect its people
7. Republica Dominicana and Puerto Rico
both comfy countries, but EXTREMELY centralized, outside of San Juan and Santo Domingo people unironically can live in huts
8.Ecuador, good job in the last 10 years folks
9. Colombia and Panama, like mexico, but the situation IS a reflection of their people
10. Venezuela, honestly it doesn't deserve how bad it's doing, Venezuela never had a real oportunity to industrialize and their working class kept growing, socialism in there was bound to happen, it's a shame
14. El Salvador, just nuke this shithole
parecen colombianos
Kek, so triggered. Pathetic Indio.
> You're a little shitskin manlet who dreams about being European.
ah yes and that's why we criticized those who did it to, fucking imbecile
Es el animeposter que usa trip en lat. No cogen ni 1 definitivamente
You have got to be joking if you think that's hard for any one in STE who is over 18
Mexico being shit or not(idk ive never been there)
Latin america will always be in the shadow of mexico
Prove me wrong
latin america is a savage shithole no matter where you go
the colombian couldn't do it and now exploded in anger
that's a pretty random list.
woah, it's as if they were describing this guy
I din't even try to solve it. You on the other hand went full tryhard on it Imagine being this pathetic
y buueeenoooooo
dice el dicho:
- entre bomberos no nos pisemos la manguera....
- entre frailes no nos pisemos el sayo....
- entre fantasmas no nos pisemos la sábana....
>implying thats a bad thing
Funny thing is that my uncle is married to a chilean hoe
only got (1) you. Nice try
you are quoting at least 3 different guys there.
how the fuck can solving that problem be "tryhard", you fucking imbecile?
woah, but that pic told me that chileans were the complexed ones? is caring about europeaness this common in your shithole?