Early adopters

For those of you who believe that crypto will be owned by virtually everyone then we are still in the early adopter phase, about halfway through that phase if you look at this graph.
Related numbers:
8% of U.S. adults own crypto
20% of college students, many buying with a portion of the student loans
30% of salaried South Korean workers own crypto, South Korean alone taking up over 17% of Ethereum network trading.

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we're the laggards... arent we...

I dont believe your numbers

>this delusional

you arent getting your january money back you retard

This just can't be the case. We are at 250B marketcap, but the amount of real money that flowed into crypto is alot smaller.
Estimates range from 10 - 25 times. So all those people combined, worldwide even, just put 25B into the market? No way, reality is, crypto is still somewhat of an obscure market, which not too many people are in.

There is not a snowball's chance in fucking hell that 8% of US adults own crypto.

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That is implying 100% adoption which is retarded. People who bought in the last 6 months are laggards, that is the fact.

Yeah bro you’re wayyyyu the fuck off with that 8% number. We’re still closer to 1, MAYBE 2% adoption among US adults.

i accidently pumped two coins
and i put severel thousand in them
thats why it is so volatile too

Do Google searches, you will see articles. Crypto is the future yet, it is a developing disruptive technology that will change the world as we know it.. mmm mmm no no no

Weak ass FUD

>tfw beanie baby early adopter

Heh, I'm in before all the institutions and the public. God damn I'm a genius

> We are all innovators.

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starting to feel like i bought in at the Late Majority phase....

It is only 8% just in the U.S. We have a long ways to go with adoption, see pic.

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That doesn't mean it's useful enough for mass adoption.

You can't buy drugs with beanie babies or money launder millions across the globe in seconds. That's why crypto won't die. Criminals will always have a use for it

You are. I had .1 butcoin in a wallet i mind myself 5 years ago and lost it. I had years to think about how impracticle and stupid bitcoin in. Anyone who thinks wasting tons of electricity with gaming video cards to generate fake money was a good idea should be killed

>8% of U.S Adults own crypto
Didn't that article only ask a couple hundred people in tech havens like Silicone valley which totally skews the numbers?

There is no way 8% of US adults own crypto. Just no fucking way. That’s 20 million people. What is the sample size and geographic makeup for that survey?

yeah but how many own LINK

please be right


>25 million btc wallets total
>claims 20 million Americans alone have crypto
Oh user....

2001 people, which I hear is a good sample size.

You know some people create multiple wallets?

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heh... exclusively us, and some reddit niggers. probably under 30k desu

Okay so how does this refute what I said retard? Just makes my point even more, please learn to read man will do you wonders