Time to buy this.

Attached: EDG.jpg (512x512, 24K)

I try to help you guys, but, man...my posts are ignored big time.


This was a 2017 shitcoin. You trying to pump it to dump your bags ?

Long time holder here. It already pumped when they launched a working version of their product.

Why would it moon again?

Man, I just called the gain this is hitting. You guys wouldn't have to be so skeptical of everything if you'd just learn something about this shit.

I'm not even going to draw lines on this.

Attached: EDGBTC.png (1566x815, 50K)

Looks dead to me

You're wrong.

This coin is going nowhere and I've been stupid enough to hold it for over a year. Should've sold when it hit $1+

You don't get how this works.

Whatever you say, junior. Trying to shill a dead shitcoin lol k

God damn, dude...

This coin is a worthless token that will never recover this bitcoin crash

I don't know anything about any of the coins. They are just really easy to trade.

Why make this thread about Edgeless then?

I posted this prior to it hitting a gain as a heads up to buy it and sell it.

Look at REP...same thing. PIVX too

VTC will prob make 30%+ more than where it is right now.

ARK looking like 25%+ from where it is right now.

MONA making a move

You get the idea?

Last one... XWC.