What happens here?

They seem isolated from the whole balkan shitfest and get confused with Slovakia while being nowhere near it. What gives?

Attached: slovenia.jpg (850x850, 191K)


>What happens here?
Balkans larping as Austrian

>nowhere near it
They are rather close.
Also this

That's like saying Germany is French larping as Austrians


I've met exactly 2 people from Slovenia and both of them were among the most beautiful women Ive ever seen

Slovenia isn't balkan and im not saying this ironically

Retarded post

Rightful Italian clay

>Polish intellectuals

Slovenia is Central European, not b*lkan


That depends on who you ask: the left will claim we're Balkan, that Slovenian and Serbocroatian are one and the same and will generously make use of Serbocroatian phrases, while the right claims we're Central European, that our language needs protecting, and that southerners are unwanted here. Realistically, I'd say that one in three Slovenes, if not every other Slovene, has Serbocroatian ancestry.

Political tensions have recently come to a head over the England poisonings, with the right siding with Britain and the left casting aspersions on London's official story and claiming it's all a British plot. I believe the right, personally.

They are germanic, as such their history and culture are aswell

Attached: magyars are centralo-eastern germanic.png (2345x1118, 1.49M)

I think it's a plot to keep us in the EU personally

I honestly think the same
"Hey guys Russia bad, we need the new European army to be safe, let's postpone Brexit" or something like that

my surname apparently originates from slovenia
great country

>Central European

Attached: 1390026711543.png (701x394, 313K)

Dolinšek, a si pripravljen na dom?


pripravljeni na dom = za dom spremni

znam to
ali dolinšek?

ja, to je pač najbolj tipičen slovenski priimek 'ledinskega' tipa (Dolinšek, Hribar, Potočnik, Tratar, Slapar, Slemenšek), a precej je seveda tudi priimkov na -ič (točneje -čič in -šič, kakršnega nosim tudi sam) ter drugih.
