Names for astronauts by countries

Astronaut - American
Cosmonaut - Russian
Spationaut - French/European
Taikonaut - Chinese
Vyomanaut - Indian

Are there any more?

Attached: sadness, the final frogtier.jpg (285x230, 10K)

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Are you making this up?

Russian one is correct.

Taikonaut comes from Taikong (space in chinese), Spationaut comes from, well, space, and Vyomanaut comes from Vyoman (sky or space in Sanskrit)
They aren't commonly used but they exist, mainly so governments can make their space program more special.

Indian one is not.

I checked the other and they are also correct. But what do they all share? Greek -naut ending proving once again Greece is superior.

No, the French word is "astronaute".

Ohh okay

Its not commonly used.
I have learned this today.

Porongonauta - Argentine

Because other than Astro and Cosmo they are all meme names

Some random ideas:
German - Sternaut (Stern - Star)
Israeli - Khalalonaut (khalal - space)
Japanese - Uchuunaut (uchuu - space/universe)

Spationaute is specifically a FRENCHMAN (or woman) who goes to space.
When we talk about Russians or Americans we also have the words "Cosmonaute" or "Astronaute"

Is it commonly used or just a meme used by ESA?

Je suis plutôt certain que ce n'est pas le cas en langage courant.

Also - Stellanaut for European/EU

I'm not sure.
I think most people don't know the word exists and will just use "astronaute" because it feels more natural. As for myself, I always try to use the "correct" names depending on the country but then again, France/ESA didn't send that many people in space compared to Russia or America so we'd most often end up talking about astronauts or cosmonauts

T'es français ? Qu'est ce que tu entends par languge courant ? Parce que si tu me dis que le débile moyen ne connaît pas ce mot alors oui, mais ça n'empêche pas qu'il soit correct.
Astronaute est correct aussi d'ailleurs, même si on parle d'un français

Captain vyom nahi yaad?

By the way, how does the word "Vyomanaut" sound to a Hindi speaker? It sounds nice to me but any Hebrew option that comes to my mind is cringy as fuck so it might be equally cringey for you

Angkasawan (Spaceman)

Auf Deutsch: Raumfahrer.

Attached: Sigmund_Jaehn_medium.jpg (305x304, 59K)


Moon and Andromeda, long exposure

Attached: moon_andromeda.jpg.CROP.original-original.jpg (590x430, 77K)

Yes it's cringy. Those two words shouldn't meet. As a standalone vyom is cool word