What's your honest opinion on Varg?

Lately, I have been watching a lot of his videos and some of his opinions are okay whereas the rest is just batshit insane stuff. For example, this video: youtu.be/hEldsxI0FOE

He mentions that all civilizations were created by race-mixed individuals, such as Egypt, Mesoptamia and Greece, because they weren't fit to live in their current environment due to them being race-mixed. He continues and says that's why germanic whites and african blacks remained tribal for a longer period of time because they lived in the way nature intended.

Is he seriously anti-civilization?

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Other urls found in this thread:


As an immigrant. I love him. He offers a non-violent solution. if all the Skinheads and Altrighters an all the moaners just fucked off and went to live in the woods life would be FANTASTIC!

I even translate his videos for him in German so he can have more exposure to 40+ year olds here. EXCELLENT!

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His voice gives me ASMR.

He's too obsessed with nordicism and uses outdated scientific journals and anecdotal experiences to justify his bad arguments. I don't take anything that he says seriously, but i just watch his videos for memes.

Our ancestors would handcuff a degenerated weirdo like him and throw him head first into a swamp

wow based

His voice is nice but I wish he would stop using shitty background music desu.

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philosopher and sex symbol

His daughter is cute af tho

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>Is he seriously anti-civilization?
yes, very
civilization to him is something that domesticates people and turns them into cattle for the elite

>they weren't fit to live in their current environment due to them being race-mixed
As for this, this 100% bullshit. Egypt, Mesopotamia,Greece, Hindus Valley 5000 years ago was a the golden zone for farming kind of like north america and europe is now. Temperatures in that region were much more moderate back then and it was decently humid, not so hot&dry like today it's also the native lands of wheat, rye, goats, cows etc.. and plenty of easy to mine metals like iron and bronze. Simply; It was ideal for civillization.

>He's too obsessed with nordicism

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i can't really tolerate his videos because he speaks really slowly. but also because he's a radical extremist.

>and sex symbol
Elaborate pls.

Yeah that's what I think so too. I believe that's the most widely accepted theory.

He's a pretty fun dude and I like his music but his political and social views are retarded, you can tell he is partially educated and music was the focus of his life.

When you put into context that he spent around 17 years in solitary confinement you actually have to praise him for keeping a decent amount of sanity; enough to keep 6 children alive


He destroyed the alt right again. That is good enough for me.

Dumb, small-minded, hypocritical, murderous loser.

hes based on some things while being a retard on others

flag checks out

Based Varg

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There is a whole youtube channel of his in hungarian, it even has some of his older, deleted videos. youtube.com/channel/UCvuRwYLe3R3ncyPG9A5Bopw

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Anyone played his RPG?

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>hes based on some things while being a retard on others
What kind of things is he based on and what kind of things is he retarded on?

>flag checks out

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anyone with a brain is anti-"civilization"

Is he basically a Ted Kacyznski that killed less people?

Please explain.

What if Varg is anti-civilization just because he himself is unfit for society? Instead of reporting the man who expressed a desire to kill him(?) to the police, Varg went and stabbed him 23 times.

He was in his earlies 20s at the time and the scandinavian version of a "thug" of course he didn't call the police (btw I also believe it was a murder, not self defense)

IIRC it's simply a WE WUZ version of D&D I played D&D it's fun

Is Varg a radical centrist? Or is he green?

Also, there is that really weird background track he plays in all of his videos that is really calming to listen to, idk what it's called but i love it.

You dare belittleing A NEANDERTHAL?

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A mix of both, but in a bad way.


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>based on
christianity and monotheism the modern fucked up world we live in
he sometimes says some seriously retarded shit like dna isnt real
and he wants us to go back into being hunter gatherers

oh, yeah of course. I absolutely understand his background and stuff. he is definitely an interesting guy, a thinker and an intellectual in a way, but that doesn't make his views any more realistic or correct.

i know you're ptobably not excusing his radicalism or whatever, but i want to make it clear that from the societal perspective it doesn't make him any more valid. he can live in the woods all he wants.

I like Ea Lord of the depths
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Jesu Dod

I have never watched his racist meme videos nor do I plan to, but OG Burzum is the best


I think all his background musics come from his album "the ways of Yore" or something

>dna isnt real

I agree with most of his views on sustainabillity i.e. that we absolutley have to think of a future without fossil fuels and that we need to curb industrial farming a little bit but I don't share his views on race but I think it's ok for him to have that because he encourages like minded individuals to go live in the woods instead of staying in the city where most of the immigrants are. This is an ideal peaceful solution tbqh instead of putting energy into right wing terrorism and ruining politics they just work towards self sustainabillity. I applaud him for that

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his view on gingers is pure insanity

He corrected that here:youtube.com/watch?v=IlRMJufAvas

Nah it isn't like that. I really like music that resembles traditional and old ones, not just viking ones. They sound really nice. For example:

youtu.be/53Efo-S6XI0 - Supposed to be Persian/Arabic
youtu.be/optNWwd2NgA - Recreation of Ancient Egyptian songs
youtu.be/QpxN2VXPMLc - Recreation of an ancient mesoptamian/Caananite song

I think his views on christianity and on the fact our current society is not sutainable are based.

But his views on civilisation and race are too tainted by blind and over the top nordicism to be taken seriously

this pretty much

Does he have anything to say on christianity that's not just what nietzsche already covered

I think it's quite funny that he puts People with brown eyes and dark hair in the same category as middle easterners because A LOT of people in the alt right are like that since people with blue eyes and blonde hair, especially women, tend to travel upward in society due to current beauty standards, so they have no need to complain. Therefore at the bottom of society theres a lot of Descendants of italians and other meds feeling left out of Privilege and they positively HATE Varg.

good point!

he also reminds me a lot of the stupid emails that my dad sends me that are forwarded shitty joke chain emails. he *frequently* uses cherry picked memes to go along with his points, instead of making a cogent support based argument. it is for this reason he comes off as juvenile and sloppy to me.

>alt right
lmao those murimutt subhuman orks have no right to call anyone even non human

He has quality of a cult leader. No wonder why so many idiots fall for him.

Nietzsche mainly made his arguments around the "slave morality" principle. Varg gets to the same end argument "Christianity is bad for society" just by a diffrent route, through the "Abrahamic religions emasculate the nordic man by stripping him of his origins" argument

They are not confined to America my friend right next door to you mutts live, LARPing as EUROPEAN MASTERRACE, pic related they call themselves "Identitarians"

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He claimed that arctic wolves and arctic foxes have blue eyes and posted photoshopped pictures as proof

lmao those are pathethic boomer tier humans like most modern right wingers.

What the fuck does this have to do with my post ? Also I don't really think blue eyed people tend to succeed more than others because of their eye colours, even though that probably gives them an advantage when it comes to beauty indeed

So what, because Italians are swarthy they can't be right wing ?

Do you see arctic wolves and foxes often in Iceland?

what did he mean by this?

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He claimed because brighter colors reflect light INTO the iris the see better. But any child can see that anatomically this is nonsensical it doesn't matter if your pupils reflect or absorb ligt THE EYE IS ROUND-ISH no light wave gets reflected INTO the iris hitting it

The more beautiful you are the more willing people are to give you free stuff. Just look at attractive women.

>So what, because Italians are swarthy they can't be right wing ?
They can't catagorically deny assimilation based on looks if they look exactly or roughly the same as the immigrant group

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There are no wolves here but we have arctic foxes. You might see one if you're lucky but they're people shy

>Is he seriously anti-civilization?
Yes. He believes that civilization will collapse because of its own unsustaintainability. Because civilization is creating its own demise he is anti civilization.

And you'll never guess what eye color they have

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But didn't he ever hear of the term "Sustainable civilization" ?

I also wanted to add that koshervatism and pan europeanism are tumors too

IIRC he argues only Iron age civillization is sustainable because it's supposedly only lets the strong survive

I like Varg tbqh
He's based
His voice and his way of talking makes it enjoyable to listen to and music is top tier

It's my guess that the viking conquestors, or really any group of historical conquestors were composed of a large group of frustrated, probably ugly, morally dubious men that were rejects from whatever mainstream society they came from.

we see the same thing with ISIS recruits, and alt-righters. vikings were 1000s version of fedora neckbeard Jow Forumstards

Modern civilisation maybe, but I doubt Ancient greeks or Romans lived in an unsustainable civilization.

Makes sense, but eye colour still seems like an arbitrary criteria and not very predominant over things like height, facial structure and such whereas Varg seems to be autistic about eye colour (most likely because of his blind nordicism as I said earlier)

He's a joke, but I see some (very little) truth in a surprising amount of his opinions.

Varg makes comfy videos and he raises good points but hes very intellectually dishonest. His criticisms of other right wingers or christianity are sometimes right but a lot of the time hes attacking a strawman he made up (e.g. his "christian debate" video)

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>IIRC he argues only Iron age civillization is sustainable because it's supposedly only lets the strong survive
Oh no no no. . .

It was sustainable because of the small amount of people, I think.

He believes that it is impossible to implement that on a large enough scale to avoid some kind of social collapse. He believes that people should create small communities that are sustainable and self-reliant, because those communities should be able to survive the incoming collapse of civilization and able to create a better world afterwards.

>spending time actually listening to this looney and thinking over what he said
Are you retarded? Do you stop and take notes when you hear some crazy hobo on the street yell about doomsday?

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Varg must be rolling in his grave.


Spotted the roastie.

No not really. I only listen to some of his videos because some of my friends do and I am curious as to what kind of stuff do they listen to.

What happens next ?

I unironically like this one youtube.com/watch?v=DPyOhP1GTRQ

That's how most of human history was. Criminals, Outcasts Losers, Crazies, or otherwise unfit for society tested their luck in war (as merceneraies or raiders mostly) and rolled the dice to get a decent life through victory&conquest

Yeah but that also comes with it's diadvantages i.e. technological discoveries are only really possiblein a society that can patron scientists doing ONLY science and not many iron age civillizations managed that

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I'd inject my subhuman brown haired genetic material into her every hole.

He actually makes a few good points every now and then, to be completely fair. He's wrong on a lot of other stuff, but just because he's wrong on some stuff doesn't mean he's wrong on everything.

I'm not sure but I think that is explained by the fact that modern civilization is created from the civilizations that proceeded it. Civilization is always a process.and the endgame of that proces is unsustainability.

We know which child is the first to be left behind and starve when SHTF

If my dad ever found his channel I'd never hear the end of it. He's already like a toned-down, less racist version of him.

Varg "Stop wearing deodorant and get killed by a rogue army despite preparing a lifetime for it" Vikernes

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>alt right
Is this bait?

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> even translate his videos for him in German so he can have more exposure to 40+ year olds here. EXCELLENT!

I checked YouTube and I can't find these German subtitled Varg videos. Where are they?

and scientific discovery. Through the internet scientists have acess to immense and previously unfathomable amounts of resources and other scientists, you in a sense increased the amount of scientists available through that by a factor of at least a thousand

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Reminder that the guy he interviewed recently )))Piero(((( has his books published by Radix, a literal Richard Spencer ran thing yet Varg always goes on about muh alt-kike

Top kek

Ok, but the abcense of civilisation also leads to civilisation, maybe it's in the human nature to become "unsustainable" and our destiny to expand through the stars ?

dumb wh*toid

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that's not his daughter

> He offers a non-violent solution
he killed a communist, said before he dreamed of being in the waffen ss as a teen and believes anyone without blue eyes and light hair is not european
if he thought a political solution was possible he would probably advocate culling non europeans

No. Scandinavia is just cold and poor, if you are strong and good sailors and have no fellowship with christianity then it makes perfect sense to raid. People are so blatantly butthurt at the vikings over Jow Forumsfags so they are as uncharitable as possible, it's really annoying.








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the funny thing is there were plenty of raids on monasteries done by Irish clans/brigands but they are forgotten because a non christian attacking christians was seen as such a huge affront that the vikings is all that is remembered

Yeah but he is throughly convinced it's not even more so, after Trump and Le-Pen. How likely is it that he thinks a political solution possible with every day he gets older an more frail?

>believes anyone without blue eyes and light hair is not european
nah he just believes thats what all europeans have as genes and the more you resemble these traits the more european you are

I can't fucking stand the Persian Austrian flag, it's obvious he's butthurt by right-wingers. He knows that he's leeching off a 1st world people and in a society that makes sense he would get booted the fuck out immediately

I can't stand him either tbqh, he always gets immensely butthurt in threads like these. But he's right tho, varg is retarded.

well its kind of hazy but he literally said in one video that brown eyed people have "negroid admixture" yeah
also yes the austrian arab would be heemed by varg