1. Your cunt
2. Are cyclists cunts in your cunt
1. America
2. Yes
1. Your cunt
2. Are cyclists cunts in your cunt
1. America
2. Yes
Seething cagers
cyclists and bikers are cunt worldwide
Those caught driving below the minimum speed limit can be charged with a moving violation for blocking or impeding traffic. In New York state, for example, a first-time fine for driving too slowly is $195 — more than some speeding tickets.
>cutting cagers off and seeing them go ape shit
Cagers btfo
Fucking cagers. LMAO
wtf is cagers and when did it become a thing
t. cager
lmao memes are real!
Yes, they are mostly cunts
.t cyclist
>so user you don't like cyclism and italian cyclists?
t. cuck in his cage
>Proceeds to get hit by said angry driver and dies
Automobile is great but not owning one is great as well. You are freed from maintenance, gas fee, insurance fee, etc.
I live in NYC. I bet they are bigger cunts than where you live. They have bike Lanes and they don't fucking use them, ride on the sidewalk, drive through crowded crosswalks when they don't have the right of way, etc.
>My bicycle is a vehicle, that means I can ride in the road
>My bicycle isn't a car, that means I don't need to stop at stop signs/red lights
But cars park on bike lanes, don’t they?
I live in Chicago.
Here they ride down one-way streets the wrong fucking way and in the middle.
We don't have that many but not really
AYO hol up. So you be sayan there are vehicles beyond cars and shit?
I dont respect road signals when I ride my bicycle
Unfortunately they are more many than ever because the government say anything to beat up on automobiliste, for example they simply delete car parks, when you park your car in a city you have to pay and it's far from being free, they reduced the speed limit ont roads. Everything is good to forbid us to take our car.
Yes we got more bikes than people lol.
Its a part of our culture so cars are the cunts here.