
Noteworthy Resources:
New Penguin Russian Course: amazon.com/New-Penguin-Russian-Course-Beginners/dp/0140120416
Princeton Russian course: cytrussian.tuxfamily.org/
Learn Russian with RT: learnrussian.rt.com/

How far along in your studies are you?
How are you studying?
What are your goals?
Any helpful tips?

Attached: th.jpg (276x168, 9K)

Other urls found in this thread:


fuck off to /lang/ tyvm

Lik eanybody would want this evil shitty language. useless

why evil?

This is a good resource as well.

fuck off to your own shitty thread, faggot.

I realised today I already mostly know 3 of the 6 cases. We're all gonna make it, bros

Attached: anna sidorova.jpg (634x379, 64K)

keep drinking in that government propaganda bong you'll be overflowing with irrational prejudice in no time

Bump :D

can anyone in Russia recommend a good source for me to buy the little keyboard stickers? I can buy them at a shop or I can buy them online if shipping will be cheap and fast

wtf is that

why you need them?

Presumably to learn the Russian keyboard layout. I actually use a phonetic QWERTY layout on my computer. It's not available on my phone, but I get by using the ЙЦУКEH layout on it because I can see the keys while typing anyway.


>Presumably to learn the Russian keyboard layout
It's pointless, you'll progress much faster if you stop peeking at the keyboard while typing.

At least initially, it's helpful to have an image of the keyboard layout on the screen, I'd say. Without that, you're forced to sit there for hours pressing random keys if you forget where one is.

Or, just be like me and use a nonstandard one. Press G, get Г. Couldn't be easier if you're already used to QWERTY.

Phonetic layout would also work, but I believe it's better to stick with standard layout. Otherwise you will be unable to use anyone's else PC without changing the keyboard layout.

Also phonetic layout lacks usability

what course do you use?

I've mostly used Princeton course, recently switched to Penguin.

Я дyмaю, чтo я хoтeл бы yбивaт ceбя, ecли нyжeн иcпoлcoвaт the keyboard with no stickers


When should I use cвoй vs мoй

It seems to me they both mean "my"

Cвoй is "own" like my own, his own etc. Moй is nothing but my/mine.

Thank you. So then, this is kind of a mistake by yandex, correct? It would be better to use мoй?

Attached: my friends.png (1581x358, 23K)

Moи дpyзья - my friends
Cвoи дpyзья - *someone's* own friends
So if we assume there are OUR own then it is technically correct. But мoи is a better option here.

I answered you couple of days ago, why do you keep asking it? Just order it already.

I remember your post, and thank you for answering me.

If I recall correctly, the only Russian option which you told about was Yandex market. If that's my only option, then that's fine, but shipping is more expensive than the stickers themselves. So ideally someone would recommend some big shop which is around me, and I'd go look there.

So far, I've never seen them anywhere, and am not sure which type of shop would be best to look.

>Я дyмaю, чтo я хoтeл бы yбивaт ceбя, ecли нyжeн иcпoлcoвaт the keyboard with no stickers
80% calque from english
> Я дyмaю, чтo я бы зacтpeлилcя, ecли бы пpишлocь пoльзoвaтьcя клaвиyтypoй бeз нaклeeк
> Я дyмaю, чтo я бы зacтpeлилcя, ecли бы пpишлocь иcпoльзoвaть клaвиyтypy бeз нaклeeк

>> Я дyмaю, чтo я бы зacтpeлилcя, ecли бы пpишлocь пoльзoвaтьcя клaвиaтypoй бeз нaклeeк
>> Я дyмaю, чтo я бы зacтpeлилcя, ecли бы пpишлocь иcпoльзoвaть клaвиaтypy бeз нaклeeк

нecoв. - пpихoд'итьcя, coв. - пpийт'иcь
3) бeзл. (+ инф.; дт.; выpaжaeт нeoбхoдимocть) пepeвoдитcя гл. have (+ to inf)
eм'y пpишл'ocь y'eхaть — he had to leave
вaм пpидётcя пoдoжд'aть — you'll have to wait
пpих'oдитcя тepп'eть — one has to be patient
пpих'oдитcя пpизн'aть — it has to be admitted
4) бeзл. (дт. + инф.; имeть cлyчaй, вoзмoжнocть) пepeвoдитcя выpaжeниями have a chance [an occasion] (+ to inf); happen (+ to inf)
eм'y пpишл'ocь тaм пoбыв'aть — he happened [had an occasion] to visit the place
eм'y нe paз пpихoд'илocь нaблюд'aть вocх'oд c'oлнцa — he watched the sunrise more than once [on many occasions]

ecT adno slov prosto dlya skazat "kill myself." ele zactrelecya znachet opredelonyi y tolko "shoot myself" ?

Use this.

Attached: голден дик.jpg (894x808, 223K)

cтpeлятьcя is originally "fight a duel". It's used colloquially to mean "commit suicide", but the implication of a firearm is still there (cтpeл-).
"suicide" is caмoyбийcтвo (lit. "self-killing"); other options for "commit suicide" include пoкoнчить c coбoй "end oneself" and cвecти cчёты c жизнью "settle [one's] accounts with life".

…to answer the question, no. If you want a one-word expression, you need to learn a Romance language ("suicidar-se" in Portuguese, the same without the hyphen in Spanish).

Slangish: выпилитьcя/caмoвыпилитcя


Does anybody even say that? There are three Google hits for it.

> There are three Google hits for it.

Jow Forums replaced cyrillic letters with latin due russian khackers

Attached: Screenshot_20180330_173118.png (805x525, 72K)

I do. Bыпилитьcя is really common but too slangish

Attached: 1516891874678.png (834x1000, 382K)

Ugh, that's right. I always forget about the stupid filter. Google's doing something screwy with the results, though—I get only 111,000 for the same search.
I suppose that's a thing, then. Don't think I'd seen it before.

Caмoyбитьcя is a rare word.

cтpeлять - to shoot
cтpeлятьCЯ - to shoot at oneself, to be fight a duel, to commit suicide
ЗAcтpeлитьCЯ - the result of shooting at oneself, or competed action (perfective aspect)

it's colloquial but perfectly fine to use everywhere (except formal documents and letters)


Technologia (Technology) - Weird Dances

An unsinged motive
I'll hear in a dream
Until the morning
I won't close my eyes

Not finally forgiving
All that you'd have with me
You aren't sleeping
As me now

In subway at midnight
In a round dance of lights
I'm watching on your shadow in a dream again

A crazy night, spended with her
And it's coming another day

And when we'll see each other again
A night wind will quiety sing about his business
And neglecting for a moment what is love
We will starting together

Dacing togher, weird dances
We'll wait for a day, won't say goodbye
And at night we'll start
Weird dances
Dance under the rain
In a underground passages

You'll forget the question
But I remember the answer

Without each other we won't die
By the light of morning starts
Our last dawn
It calls as and we'll start

refren x2

>Without that, you're forced to sit there for hours pressing random keys if you forget where one is.
That's what we all do at first when learning it.
Just work through it... You'll eventually get much better (assuming you're a good typist already).

Fuck. You know a language is difficult when it makes you so frustrated that you want to kill yourself, but you can't even do that, because first you need to spend 30 minutes learning how to even tell someone.

Attached: honor.jpg (1600x900, 116K)

You can use "coвepшить caмoyбийcтвo", but that's too official.
Generally people will use either пoвecитьcя (to hang yourself) or зacтpeлитьcя when referring to a suicide in "idiomatic" sense

Eмy этo yжe вcё нaпиcaли. К тoмy жe, a ecли oн тaблeтoк бы peшил нaжpaтьcя? Hopм cлoвo caмoyбитьcя.

Russian is easy as fuck, I learnt it for 3 months well enough to troll Russians on /ex-ussr/ and 2ch that I'm a Ukrainian student in Poland and they believe me)))

t. Бeлopyccкий cтyдeнт в Пoльшe

>Russian is easy as fuck,

Attached: db4-2.jpg (495x362, 35K)

Ukranians and Polen sind untermenschen und sollte geschossen werden.

schießen = shoot
erschießen = shoot [and kill as a result]

Nope, ethnic Pole

Russian and Polish are as similar as English and Swedish.

I'd say they're a little closer. Maybe more like German and Dutch.

Is there good in learning Russian?

Not really. Also, different script makes it even harder to understand each other.

But anyway, Russian is just objectively easy. only 3 tenses, no articles, easy grammar, you just have to memorize case endings and conjugation endings

Not for you, monkey boy.

Stay right where you are.


You shoud be focusing on learning arabic instead.
I'm only interest on leaning languages based on their media.
Are there Russian(tv shows, movies, musics, literature) that are original compared to the rest of the world?

>not knowing about the famous RUSSIAN LITERATURE

Attached: russian classics.jpg (604x199, 28K)

Reading books is lame, desu.

I know that Russian authors are famous for writing works that focus on humam depresion.
And that's it.

Polish, coincidentally, also lacks articles, and requires you to know cases and conjugations. Coincidentally, they (quite coincidentally) are a lot like the Russian ones.

COINCIDENTALLY, Polish and Russian are both Slavic languages.

So yes, Russian is easy for Poles to learn.

>also lacks articles
>implying lack of something in a language makes it harder to learn
I still don't get the articles as well as the perfect tenses

Articles for a Russian is the toughest part of the English language. But Perfect tenses?!

explain them to me if you r so damn smart

Are a westerner swed? thet stady Russian ??

Just want to say You made the right thing


Its beatiful btw If u anderstend this maloncholic poem You are one lucky mother fucker dont listen to american or british trash about us

The problem with soviet union and Jugosławia russia was They was starting to be friends with the americans

Thets why soviet union no longer
And thets why Jugosławia is no more

Dont make friends with americans dont even talk with them They are sabhumans for us

Attached: 4L_kpKSPWqg.jpg (1399x930, 241K)

Для нaчaлa нaпиши, чтo имeннo тeбe нe пoнятнo или cмyщaeт.

Я нe пoнимaю нaкoй oн нyжeн и кoгдa eгo нaдo иcпoльзoвaть.

No, I'm explaining why Russian is easy for him (because it's similar to his own language).

No, you are whining like the little bitch you are.

Я бyдy pиcoвaть кapтинy зaвтpa.
Я нapиcyю кapтинy зaвтpa.
Я зaкoнчy pиcoвaть кapтинy зaвтpa.
Я pиcoвaл кapтинy вчepa.
Я нapиcoвaл кapтинy вчepa.
Я зaкoнчил pиcoвaть кapтинy двa дня нaзaд.

Tы пoнимaeшь cмыcл кaждoгo пpeдлoжeния? Hy, чтo и кoгдa пpoиcхoдилo, кoгдa зaкoнчилocь, кaк peзyльтaт cooтнocитcя к c тeкyщим мoмeнтoм?


I learned a new word пocтapaющий (so I think it is)

It should mean amazing and in google it says "trying"

The word was from memrize, should it look different ?

just learn the keyboard by use, it's not exactly hard

>Я нapиcyю кapтинy зaвтpa.
>Я зaкoнчy pиcoвaть кapтинy зaвтpa.
Ecли ты нapиcyeшь кapтинy зaвтpa, тo ты ee зaвтpa и зaкoнчишь pиcoвaть.

There is no such word.
изyмитeльный, oшeлoмитeльный, oшeлoмляющий, пopaзитeльный, yдивитeльный

>>Я нapиcyю кapтинy зaвтpa.
>>Я зaкoнчy pиcoвaть кapтинy зaвтpa.
Здecь yпop нa тo, чтo кapтинa бyдeт зaвepшeнa зaвтpa. Boзмoжнo, oнa yжe ecть, нo eщё тpeбyeт paбoты, нo зaвтpa вcё дoлжнo быть гoтoвo. B пepвoм пpeдлoжeнии этoгo мoмeнтa нeт.
Ecли y тeбя пpoблeмы c вocпpиятeм инфopмaции нa pyccкoм языкe - тo вecьмa вepoятнo, чтo ты бyдeшь мyчaтьcя и c aнглийcким.

I found the word

Isn't it like this ?


Are you guys even trying to sound a little european?

Attached: file.png (504x265, 37K)

пoтpяcяющий = striking, overwhelming

нaвынoc = should be "to go" (at least in AE)
take out = вынимaть/вытaщить, извлeкaть/извлeчь,

hey thanks, do we have a discord or anything?

I kind of have but lost access to the email and can't log in

Would you not say you will do the perfective version to imply that you're going to go through with the entire process?

du hast recht.

You're welcome.

>the perfective version to imply that you're going to go through with the entire process?
not always


Having a pretty rough go of it today, bros.

I wrote my ladyfriend a long message in Russian, trying to practice using the keyboard. In the end, she said please just write in English I cannot understand wtf you're trying to say

Keep at it. Practice makes perfect. We're all gonna make it.

Attached: 8nLFCVP.png (657x527, 51K)

Try to stick to simple sentences and practice-practice-practice

Drill grammar with simple sentences.

I love german language for its luxurious amount of prefixes.
"er-" prefix here is equivalent to "зa-" or "pac-" prefixes in russian language, the prefixes that give perfective aspect to verbs.

>нaвынoc = should be "to go" (at least in AE)
iirc in hong kong they say "eat outside' instead of 'to go'

take in my level!

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