Friendly reminder

that it was Italians who killed Jesus, not Jews

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Not my ancestors :(

The Constantinian Shift killed the good word.

why did you kill son of God

Acorrding to Jews it was Italians who actually killed Jesus, not the Jews.
Yeah, right.

Pilate wanted to let Jesus go.
But for some reason ....

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We didn't. Romans were so much time ago and so much blood got mixed ion the Italian pool it's not really fair to call them our ancestors. Sorry

so He could save humanity through His sacrifice

It was the ROMANS faggot. The Italian state didn't exist until the 19th century.

ok so it's this guy who killed Jesus

Finally you understand. Roman gipsies couldn't stand how Jesus was trying to ban theft so they acted to kill him before he could become more influential. Unfortunately it backfired of course.


What's the difference?

That doesn't change the fact Romans were Italic people. Also Italian identity existed during their time.

Just like Spartans and Athenians were Greeks, despite the fact that Greece didn't exist at that time.

Thank you based Italians.

honestly no idea, maybe language?

But it was the Jews who wanted it and started demanding that the Romans do something about Jebus cause he was disturbing the order of things.

Pontius Pilate even washed his hands in front of the Jews before crucifying Christ saying his hands were cleaned in this ordeal.

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Yes they did.

They killed a lot of your kind too

You dumb brainlet. You're making it sound like there isn't two millennia of history in between the two states. The panhellenic identity of antiquity is based completely on different values. And to be honestly fair, the panhellenic that arose in the 5th and 4th century BC didn't matter to most of the Ancient Greeks. They still continued to be almost genocidal towards each other in war and in taking pleasure in murdering Greek civilians, running men and men who surrendered. The modern Greek state has almost nothing in common with the one found in antiquity.

In that sense the same can be said about the Romans. The modern Italian state has almost nothing in common with the Roman Empire. There is no neat little line that connects the Roman state to that of the modern Italian state.

According to Romans, this was Italy.

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And? That has nothing to do with the modern Italian state, sweetie pie. The modern Italian state arose from the 19th century.

>Pilate asked who to set free
>A known criminal
>or jesus
>The jews chose the criminal


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Other Italians had to go to war against Romans to even get a Roman Citizenship.