Attached: le hawaiian face.jpg (400x400, 27K)
Do you fit a stereotype, Jow Forums?
Christopher Lopez
Jace Bell
i'm brown yeah
Ryan Jones
Not really, but I'm so exotic that people always guess I'm Brazilian, since I have Portuguese, subtle African and Ameridian features.
Dominic Torres
i'm just your typical honkey
Brandon Jenkins
>Superiority complex
Not really. I don't have superiority complex, im just superior, thats all.
Carter Myers
I have high tolerance for spicy food and that's it
Noah Gonzalez
Yeah, i'm hot
William Wood
I guess I could stand to lose a few pounds
Blake Nguyen
I actually don't have a head
Brayden Hernandez
Not necessary by looks (rather red-ish than blonde hair), but I was told on multiple business trips that I was almost too german in character.
Cameron Kelly
not really
I don't look Sl*vic, I don't drink vodka unless it's mixed, I don't even have Russian accent when speaking English
Jason Richardson
My nose is big and round. I also avoid people if possible.
Other than that, not really no.
William Foster
I wish I were white.
Logan Lee
What stereotypes could I fulfill, lads?
Jordan Rogers
Michael Bennett
>be Panamanian
>get cut in half
Nathaniel Robinson
I have no idea. Are you an interoceanic canal?
Adam Gomez
i actually don't know any panamanian stereotype now that you mention it
Julian Bell
Yeah but all Central American countries should get cut in half for their own good. Except for Costa Rica which is doing just fine without a canal.
Anthony Bennett
Mutt? Yes.
Fat? No. I'm fasting until I hit 150
Juan Stewart
I am a CHI obsessed with Texan rap music so I guess
Ethan Brown
Do you keep money clean?
Lincoln Wright
I guess I am not.
Fine. Not having a stereotype just means that no one can be disappointed at me since they won't have any expectations.
William Jones
Not anymore. Sorry.
John Morgan
Yeah I’m a hapa vancouverite
Are u fasting cuz ur fat
Anthony Hernandez
I unironically eat McDonald's every day. Somehow I'm still a 5'11" 130 ibs skeleton though.
Jackson Clark
our only flaw is being too humble
Henry Morales
Kinda, I wanna be /fa/ thin.
Gavin Reyes
-I like wine, all kinds of cheese, snails, frog legs, horse meat.
-I have pretended to not understand English.
-I have pretended that my accent is worst than it is to get foreign girls (and it worked)
-I have cheated
-I’ve been told I’m a romantic guy, but it was by foreign women.
-I like to argue about politics forever.
-Always complaining about something.
-I’m pretty arrogant and proud, though I keep it under control.
-I often hate France and it’s people.
-But if anyone talks shit about France I’m going to defend it, we are the only one allowed to hate it.
But I don’t smoke, I take baths and I’ve never went on strike.
Adrian Gomez
Jaxon Russell
>middle class CHI
>suck at spanish
>low tolerance for spicy food
>only times i've been in Mexico were in TJ for fireworks
>parents are aztec larpers even though I'm the only family member to walk into Mexico after the 1920s
>own horses that are tended to by other mexican immigrants that my dad fails to relate to
u betcha
Julian Parker
i'm a mutt
Aaron Wood
>Do you fit a stereotype, Jow Forums?
Yeah, fat white American right-winger who owns more guns than socks. On the other hand, I speak 3 languages and follow European football.
Tyler Price
>middle class CHI
>suck at spanish but recently learned some more and it came by easy; might be able to learn the rest quickly
>decent tolerance for spicy food
>been to Mexico twice but as a kid, don't remember much
>dad was illegal and mom only had residency
>literally a mestizo/mutt, mom is ethnically spanish and dad is almost completely indigenous
>have a huge family
>go to all my cousins quinceaneras and drink the shitty beer and own a hat
>seen as "Mexican af" by white people
>have a "nopal en la frente" according to mexicans
Jaxson Stewart
>I was told on multiple business trips that I was almost too german in character.
They basically pointed out your literal autistic behaviour, congrats.
Hudson Hill
This. Here even learning German at school is a bulliable offense and anyone doing it will immediately be considered an autistic nerd.
Robert Carter
No, I am actually fairly thin for a Polynesian.
Julian Price
Well my wife is chinese and I found a dead bear on my property a little while a go so make up your own minds I guess
Alexander Flores
Nope, I don't drink, I'm not depressed and I'm not interested about ice hockey
Eli White
Are you an alcoholic?
Christian Ross
No I don't drink, it'll make me ugly
Robert Bell
Do you play baseball? Also, I have the same question, I don't know which are our stereotypes
Ryan Turner
Cameron Harris
I don't really play baseball since high school. But I like watching it.
A stereotype for Ticos here is that you don't pronounce the R. Ore that you say a lot of words with - tico at the end.
Also that you are relatively white.
William Clark
>R pronunciation
I do that, is truly common here
Nope. My mother is kind of white though
Kayden Ramirez
More like chronic apathy, ilike to think of it as worldview
Yes please
Quite good
Not really
>shitpost finnish memes
Yes, I tend to do that
Jeremiah Morales
>blonde hair blue eyes middle class lives in village drinks tea well spoken
John Green
my fellow CHI.
everything will be better when Aztlan rises from its CHI soil
we will then make Spanish illegal, ban polka and reggaeton, then conquer Mexico for revenge
Jacob Gutierrez
yes we are too white
Ethan Peterson
I'm from Malaysia. I fit the "food snob" stereotype.
Jace Martinez
socially retarded NEET that barely ever goes outside and fears rejection :D
Tyler Taylor
I went to school in France once. All pupils who chose to learn german were the autistic fucks without any friends, just like learning latin in german schools
Hunter Stewart
I'm a NEET that barely ever goes outside, browse Jow Forums way too much and play a shitload of vidya.