Kurva anyátok

kurva anyátok

Attached: alma.jpg (250x250, 4K)

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a nap kérdése: fehér nyuszi jó nagy hasas, essen ki a mocskos vasas

Magyars are high quality people

>Alma is apple in Hungarian
>how strange, Napoleon fought a battle at Alma Bridge
>wonder where the name comes from
>it comes from the Alma River in Crimea where the battle was fought
>Alma is the Crimean Tatar word for apple

jó reggelt

hello, did you wake up early or are you going to bed late?

early waking
a 100km journey awaits me with line change and i should be there by 10am

késik ez a szar

hitler vagyok

fejezd be amit elkezdtél légyszíves