Why are Russians so ugly? And why do nearly all of them have retarded hairlines/hair texture?
Why are Russians so ugly? And why do nearly all of them have retarded hairlines/hair texture?
polar bear
Kill yourself you Asstralian piece of shit.
They are unironically ugly thanks to-
Race mixing.
Meds get picked on for their looks,
Slavs get picked on.
But never the GERMANIC male. hmmmm....WONDER WHY
>abo calling anyone ugly
really makes you think
>calling sminem ugly
have fun in hell user
P-Poland, are you feeling alright?
we have very thin and straight hair
Spend ten racks on a Sminem shirt
t. australoid
Putin would not approve. Cheeky breeky!
Men are not supposed to be beautiful
Gayropeans don't think that.
Not supposed to be ugly as fuck either.
Thin and ugly hair.
Is that due to radioation?
>Not supposed to be ugly as fuck either.
But they are.
they're just born this way
typically their hair looks greasy as well, and their modus operandi is to keep their hair in a bowl cut.
The adi thing isn't even overhyped, they literally go everywhere with adi. Also they like to wear this glittery reflective clothing, like black plasticy winter jackets.
However the absolute best is when you spot one wearing a shirt (in a foreign country) with a big "RUSSIA" or "POCCИЯ" text on it. Literally no other culture in history on the planet has a brain advanced enough to be capable of something like that.
The good thing is you can often tell a russian girl, they tend to overdress and look just hnnnng...
kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself
due to weather and diet i suppose
>clearly wavy
>Why are Russians so ugly
Only males, you fuck.
they're wavy because i styled them so
>Literally no other culture in history on the planet has a brain advanced enough to be capable of something like that.
I know someone from a fake nation as Estonia wouldn't understand, but there's nothing wrong with being patriotic.
w-wtf cute
Stop being such an homosexual, I heard it's dangerous in Russia.
You mean people with Marfan syndrome?
>nearly all of them have retarded hairlines/hair texture?
That's true. When I was in Kaliningrad I couldn't believe how many Russian males had this clown looking haircut. Could any Russian tell me what is the reason for this retarded haircut?
yes but the USA actually has something to be patriotic about
>They are unironically ugly thanks to-
>Race mixing.
>Meds get picked on for their looks,
>Slavs get picked on.
>But never the GERMANIC male. hmmmm....WONDER WHY
That's explains why americans are so often picked on to be fat, ugly and dumb.
It's race mixing and german genese.
>yes but the USA actually has something to be patriotic about
Like what? No history and relying on smart emigrants? Yeah that's something to be proud of.
i thought russian girls are the qt'est of em all
Thanks, butthurt belt countries, you never stop to amuse me. Jow Forums wouldn't be that good without you.
>like black plasticy winter jackets
You can always spot a russian this way
Nothing wrong with having a diverse gene pool. Just don't mix with chinks, arabs and niggers and you'll be good.
Diverse gene pool is the reason German men or Russian girls are that good looking (white Americans are also good, btw), while more homogeneous nations like Balts or Czechs are pretty ugly.
and they squat everywhere
>Nothing wrong with having a diverse gene pool. Just don't mix with chinks, arabs and niggers
So with whom i supposed to mix?
>No history
wash ur head
Putin is really cutting down the education budget, huh?
Russians suffer from spiritual ugliness and it's made manifest in their gruesome outer shell.
truth hurts huh?
wet hair dumbo
Czech girls are ugly, yes.
And you're obviously more homogeneous than Germans and many other European countries.
easiest way to spot russians on the street, they always have
>down jackets (girls usually with bright pink colours)
>lots of bling bling
>lots of make up
according to russian culture it's ok for men to be ugly but women are expected to look attractive so they always wear make-up and high heels and shit
Well, if you want to go the reasonable way about it, more or less every country has a fair share of good looking people and ugly people.
If you don't, I can just cherrypick some Czechcasting beauties and some "Why are Czech women the best" clickbait articles
>you're obviously more homogeneous
Literally every European army has gone through this country atleast once and left a few babies behind not to mention it lies on the Germanic/Slavic divide. As for the beauty, refer to the german reply
>sminem ugly
Burn in hell you demonic creature.
>Russians once again prove who is really butthurt all the time
I guess Ivan has never seen a Czech girl anywhere else than in porn
GiB gopniki gf?
>I can just cherrypick some Czechcasting beauties
Is that pic what you call beauty?
Czech girls are meh. I don't know why do you keep denying it. It's pretty obvious for everyone who's been to Czechia.
>Literally every European army has gone through this country
>literally calling themselves rapebabies
Kek. But war rapes can't add that much to your gene pool. You were simple rural people who kept to themselves and were a bit hostile to other nations. Nothing wrong with it, though, but your gene pool isn't that diverse, as I already mentioned.
>it lies on the Germanic/Slavic divide
So? Slavs is a linguistic group and you don't look Germanic, despite being close to it. Germany influenced your culture for centuries, but not your gene pool.
>a Czech girl anywhere else than in porn
Projecting much? I've been both to Germany and Czechia to compare it to Russia. Have you been to Russia?
Fuck off, Russia has the best and sexiest traps. Your soyboys will never be that cute no matter how hard they try.
>he thinks Russian women are good
Pretty suitable for me, non ethnic-Russian man.
>asshurt intensifies