FROM WIKIPEDIA: Shinhan Card Co. Ltd. is Korea's biggest, global top-five credit card company



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holy shit its real ITS MOONING BOIS GET IN NOW


nice. I needed some good news.
I'm still fucking numb though after the last few months

Thank fuck

Holy shit this is pretty huge. They have Southeast Asia on lock.

Holy shit I'm glad I own these and not ICX.

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It's been a long time since I've seen good news actually cause something to moon in this red market. Good sign.

Welp there goes that pump

Wow what a weak pump I might actually lose money on this

A moon that lasted a whole 15 minutes

when midget nig is fudding hard, buy hard

this is only the start

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Here we go boys.

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you must be new here.

Unpump the pumped episode 144

Not a Partnership, is a MoU

Meanwhile Tron is up 21%

fucking market

not buying until.i see a skateboard


Manlet nigger brain on suicide watch.

But muh medium article. Ahahahaha you fucking MIGGER

When will you faggots learn?

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Omise Please Go


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Fuck off nigger. You were wrong. White people win again and always will.

Ill.hire you on my plantation to clean up my goats shit for .00001OMG a week

i bought more

You're a delusion, fucking idiot. This coin will be lucky to see 30$.

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Ok niggerbrain. Go back to the damn fields you midget

Oh, yeah. I'm a nigger manlet. Just like every other unique ID post in every other thread. Get over yourself, dumbass.

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every time there is OMG fud this same retard accuses everyone of being the migger. He doesn't know that guy hasnt been back in months. Also, OMG is a literal shitcoin. take care faggots.

You use the same image files so its obvious when you get triggered. I enjoy this more than seeing black people get hosed down at black lives matter protests and treyvon martin being executed without jail time for GZ.

God bless Trump and fuck Obama

>You use the same image files so its obvious when you get triggered.

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Night migger. See you bright and early on the fields at 430am sharp.


It was already $30

>investing in a skateboard token called OMG

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If this coin was a piece of shit. Why would shinhan partner with them. Omise has a real plan.

>jungle gooks partnering with other gooks

how are you fuckers so blind

niggermanlet detected

This. Enjoy your overpriced chinkcoin.

Sometimes I like to imagine a person making a comment like this in an office environment while discussing investment opportunities for their firm. How everyone would stare at them dumbfounded and then throw their ass on to the street, career ending. This isn’t a business and finance board, it’s a children’s board of Jow Forumsfags trying to get rich off coins in their parents’ basement.

this with the spooning
did you see the townhall yesterday?
200 stakers to start with
OMG going to working with staking pools
Only the top 200 holders will get to stake
the amount of steakers will increase over time

there is no credible FUD for OMG

but user, boardroom meetings sounding just like this

Staking pools on cosmos confirmed?

Can you fuck off back to /reddit/
The chinks are world class scammers, foreigners are fair game.
Wait till the day you get chinked, it will come

yes, will happen but not on first iteration. no more info than that though

they don't have to scam, it's a race for the best tech

its down already ahahaha
pump and dump

omisecucks.... think of how much money you would have if you held literally anything else during the bullrun :) even a shitcoin like tron :) you would be rich.... but you are stuck with a shitcoin that still won't pump

omg did its pump many months ago.
the only thing left is bag holders.

Omg was 20c during the bullrun

This thread activity is alarming high, might need to buy some more.

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Is 1k enough?

Now, Mr. user, we’re ready for your report on blockchain developments in East Asia.
>The chinks are world class scammers, foreigners are fair game.
>Wait till the day you get chinked, it will come.

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another fucking MoU

i have only 1k also, you know you need more

Paging the fud niglet, won’t be long till a Lambo pulls up at your window at McDonald’s drive through. You could be rich but you chose the fud life

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Well, its true you know.

What the fuck are you sitll doing here?
>thinks company meetings are not filled with yes men
come here for the truth, go back to fairy land

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I've only got 500 of these sluts ffs I hate being poor!!!
I had only 10 6 months ago, so better than nothing

I only have 21 and 6 GVT :(

poor forever

>there is no credible FUD for OMG
>The chinks are world class scammers
Really makes you think.

Yep. Will have to wait for something else to pump first.

1000 eoy faggot screen cap
My staking rewards will give bread to the homeless community

user, happy to hear you will make it, it just might take a little while longer.
between now and then you have a big decision to make, Lambo or Ferrari?

People were talking shit for the last months. Now the project begins to gain some traction with news coming more often. It will be the same with Icon.

You're clearly retarded.

Your brain is mushy. I bought into OmiseGo the day it hit Bitfinex (unfortunately couldn’t get into the crowdfunding sale). I do diligent research on coins and it helped me make hundreds of thousands of dollars this past year. I think bullshit comments like “jungle gooks partnering with other gooks” is fucking retarded. I’m not pissed at the racism, I’m just so autistic that people say retarded shit like that without considering the fundamentals of any coin, it’s at the cost of good business and they’re staying poor because of it.

So autistic that it pisses me off to see people say retarded shit, I mean.

>“jungle gooks partnering with other gooks”
I did not say that ^
Wow you do research and don't know the chinks scam the West at every opportunity they get. Its apart of the culture. Sorry you can’t read good. The state of Jow Forums
FYI OMG is not a chink coin
Chink coins have a habit of not delivering what was promised

It's a chink startup partnering with other chinks. It's vechain all over again. No working product after 8 months? Get chinked on. You will be sitting there waiting for them to release their product until EOY you start to wonder, maybe fudders were right and this is going nowhere. I'm telling you this for your own good. Another all hype no substance CHINK COIN.

I know you didn’t. You chimed in for no reason when I said that gook thing was a retarded comment by telling me chinks are scammers which is, y’know, thanks for sharing that when it’s irrelevent.

your welcome

VeChain had a working product two years before they even had their ICO. You probably didn’t know that, but I did, which is why I bought it when it was twenty fucking cents.

but did you read the white paper? I know you do lots of research

Obviously they didn’t have a formal one, but they had a long document where they opened with “This is not a whitepaper” that still outlined their business development plans.

it actually said 'This is not a whitepaper, it just not' and that is the point I stopped reading. any company that is going to be that casual on it’s white paper is going to be casual about its goals.
Vechain is a chink coin, now I see why you are all defensive
happy to hear you got in @ $.20 though, good job!

Congratulations, you got out before people realized there was chinkery going on. OMG is already like $8. Dumb money is now.

The only important thing here is making money. I saw that they partnered with Kuehne + Nagel in September, had all sorts of bullish shit lined up and at the time I invested was still half the market cap of Walton.

Heuristics like “chink coins are bad” are self-evidently not conducive to making money, given the fucking astonishing bullruns of Antshares, VeChain, and god-forbid Tron (which I didn’t invest).

«Last year, Shinhan Bank entered into partnership with China’s top three online payment solution providers including Alipay and WeChat Pay by offering its debit card as a new payment option. The latest partnership with a U.S. online retailer will allow Shinhan Financial Group to expand its fintech business not only in the Asian market but also in the U.S.»

Although I know near nothing of omg and never even owned 1 you are not seeing straight. There are cryptos right now with mainnet launched , working product blah blah blah. Guess what, they are performing wayyyy worse than the projects based on speculation. This market is completely retarded , and you want to seek the coins that have lots of things coming brainlet. Not the ones that are completely done.

I think a few coins will survive in the future but crypto is purely about getting in before the next guy does so you can dump your bags for more profit than he can.

Yeah, and 5 days ago it was being added to coinbase.
Fuck off pajeets

It still is fucking nigger. Didn't you see the Town Hall? OMG will only be operating as a back end, meaning it wont be a competitor to coinbase but coinbase can use OMG.

The absolute state


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NiggerBrainStain is still at it? Kek. This fag really has no life. What a negative person.

James Edwards biggest fag midget Ive ever seen

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