What motivates Japanese people to work 18 hours a day?

What motivates Japanese people to work 18 hours a day?

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Fear,pressure and status

Compensating tiny dick

they just sit there doing nothing half the day

Cult-like social norms

I've heard that junior employees are not allowed to leave the office before their manager. Is this true?

i dont think thats true, atleast not far manga artists. they literally die from working too much. and its not like mangas are especially good or something lmao

Japanese are soyboys
They literally worship their bosses

Capitalism compounded with highly autistic traditional values and social norms is a hell of a drug.

The same thing that motivates europeans to pay 60% of their income to refugees.
Being a mindless goy.

obsession, never quit until see the finish

>everyone in japan is a manga artist

What motivates Swedish people to work 19 hours a day?

you know it's basically same to say

For Japanese salary I would work 18 hours too.

World war 2 obsession with rebuilding and the work ethic it created it.


you better do that

>I need 2 jobs

Dutch person
>I need 60% of a job

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i can barely deal with the amount of time i have to work in this country literally no idea how people in other countries do it

Not really. Also, japanese employers don't report their employees' overtime properly, so statistics don't show how cruel they really are.


No one wants to work that long.
Some (brainless) people feel forced to work like that because of the peer pressure.

Japanese Salarymen are a well studied and well understood phenomenon.

I don't know why people give dumb answers or ask questions like this anyways.

this is not about efficiency

the whites are lazy and only profit from high population density and their evil nature

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Aside from the Berserk guy, they generally don’t.

I doubt they do more than 9 or 10 hours with weekends off, same as western artists. Tendinitis can put them out of job permanently, they wouldn’t risk that.

They also have assistents, unlike many western artists who do everything by themselves.

They need to draw good cartoons or we will nuke them again.

Why don't blacks profit from their laziness and evil nature though? You'd think they'd all be millionaires by now.

>implying it's a good thing all those low educated wageslaves have to spend less time at work

That's exactly the reason why these countries go to shit. Good people work most of the day and the trash gets bored and has more time being a nuisance to everyone else. Do you think there is anyone actually only working around 1.4k hours in our countries? It's either around 1.8k+ for decent folks or less than 1k / none at all for all the fucking parasites.
Look at Japan - everything nice and orderly, because people are too busy working to start shit.

there are many reasons
you are a racist in a place with no moderation
but you wouldnt talk like that in real life

Hentai loli anime

I own my own business. I honestly don't give a fuck how long someone spends at the office. Just get your work done.

I do. This is not America. Here people can still laugh at each other.

they arent busy
they just sit at their work place all the day

you are either a liar
or obviously dont talk with people about this

and I am a Greek
not american

Hollands got Talent has an American judge. And he always says he's shocked at the things people say here lol.

>Some (brainless) people feel forced to work like that because of the peer pressure.
we need unions to help people like this.

i have cousins in holland
you are like germans around immigrants

Their educational system doesn't allow them to develop critical thinking/reflective scepticism, which results in a mass of workers whose brains aren't complex enough to think about the purpose of what they do.

Basically they're stupid and incapable of abstract thinking.

Unions do jack shit in Japan.

Za grory of grorious Nippon

as pressurising their work culture is, you sure you want to say that?

what brazilian companies dominate the world market?

w8 what

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the whites are usually afraid of talking to foreigners

Sopa Technologies Ltd.

>muh unreported
Every fucking time. seriously, grow up if you really believe.
sure, there are unreported things but it basically applies to everything

and you can't generalize by few cases. also, I think it happens many countries including the first world and almost only Japan reports it as a top of the nationwide news

Fuck off delusional retard.

Well, you somehow got it

fuck you

you are anonymous to me on Jow Forums
but you wouldnt talk like that in real life

how could I forget, need to buy me some Sopa canned monkey brains to try later

fuck you

you are anonymous to me on Jow Forums
but you wouldnt talk like that in real life

What does this have to do with what he said?
A lot of other first world countries have worldwide companies and yet you don't see news about their people dying from overwork left and right.

i do though

but the whites dont
because they know they are wrong and racists

Its's the culture. OP. They expect you to work more because "muh honor". Its really sad I know, but it kind of pays off because Japan is one of the cleanest and least crime ridden countries in the world.

true, i agree with that
> they're stupid and incapable of abstract thinking.

that does'nt explain their heyday in the 1980s, they still have a strong entertainment industry, especially so in video games with how the burgers are screwing things up there, are you telling me doing that stuff does'nt require brains?

I recognise Brazil has a good record in music and the arts but I can't even recall a solid Brazilian product like a phone, or some solid item

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>I own my own business.
And your taxes pay for all the trash sitting around doing nothing or worse.

You mean you are autistic.

Well, muh unreported sure is stupid,
but I personally know many people here who work until 9pm regularly.
People don't think working till 9 is extraordinary here.
I lived in Europe too, and i think it's hardly a norm there.

pls imagine, an American woman gets sick because of overwork and then she dies

how does CNN react? no one reacts except her family? or maybe it never happened there?

A million dollar lawsuit for the employer.

In regards to the fact that they are conditioned to act like robots and to think that's the only way to achieve a good and prosperous country, yes they're brainless in that regard. I don't even know why you thought what he said only applied to the creative medium.

It’s hard to understand for non East Asian

is that all? probably fails

well japan isn't devoid of their own revels, if they did only act like robots why would they have hikkis? Their own youth are increasingly rejecting the system of salaryman/woman -> kids -> death, they even have their own communist party

Even their medium such as Anime seems to reflect a desire for change of escapism from the status quo, so I would not say they are simply conditioned, but rather oppressed by their own elites that tell them it is better for them to continue some of their feudal practices

and as to the good and prosperous country, to some extent they achieved that in the 1980s, obviously they have lingering faith in what they do, has brazil acheived a societal improvement on the level of japan? it may be more relaxed but you cannot deny the lack of development and stagnation, not when it was on display during the rio olympics.


>personally know
sure but that's not my point

Here its illegal to work more than 60 hours per week.
More than 55 hours per week in a month.
Or more than 48 hours per week during 16 week.

The first time you break it the employer gets a fine. The second time criminal prosecution.

japan is good
wh*Teoid subhumans can't understand value of work, they only know slavery and exploitation
から ぼが

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How the hell do you earn money if you can't work?

In the West it really depends on what kind of work you do. In finances, 80 hours aren't too uncommon. I doubt it's the same for any low level office job though.

If you work too many hours one week you have to work less the following week.

Yeah, but they do earn a lot of money too right?
I mean, aren't those who overwork ambitious elites?

>wh*Teoid subhumans can't understand value of work, they only know slavery and exploitation
japonlarda anlamiyorlar

japonlarda から ぼが ruhu vardır

Yeah, but you get less money for the following week.

How much money do you have remaining each month after you paid all expenses(rent, food, etc)?

Eventually at least, yes. As an intern or low-level analyst you don't earn too much (30-40k) but eventually you'll do better if you can stand the heat. But then again cocaine is expensive.

What do you mean? A full time contract is 40 or 36 hours. So you already exceeded your contract. You should be able to live off your salary.

>から ぼが
bu ne?

lol europeans lmao your economies will crash and I can't wait to watch the niggers run wild burning your cities to the ground.

Yea but my question is to you, whats the figure in your bank account after all your expenses have been paid.

Is it really achievable to work these low hours and increase your net worth?

You sound like a delusional weeb who think a few children cartoons is enough to be considered 'rebelling'.

>b-but what about brazil
I've seen several stories from delusional people from around the world who moved to Japan thinking it was a paradise only to live a miserable life that revolved around work and work alone. Work is a good thing, but when you're not happy with it and literally die because of it, I'm not sure if that's worth it.
Yes, Brazil might have a lot of problems, but I'd rather live in this shithole than slave myself away from overworking, living an unhappy life only to die from stress early in life.

What motivates an ant to work for their queen in a colony?
Also no mating.

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the problem is the same
it's very difficult to prove that was “free will” or forced
not to mention articles of the issue basically depend on a view of victims side

What does the youth think of censored porn?

miura doesn't work, he's a lazy nigger who plays Idolmaster 24/7, same as togashi

Your normal salary. Technically you dont work less hours over the course of the month.
And an employee obligating himself to work X hours does not mean he gets paid per hour.
Most people get a steady monthly wage + money for overwork or irregular hours.

And being an employee never gets you rich no. You have to start your own business.

No one is saying Japan is perfect but I'm rather sure given money and a house people would rather stay in Japan as a foreigner than in Brazil out of base concerns such as a crime and health

And your the one claiming their merely robots, and while i'm not saying theres going to be an uprising, the societal strain Japan is in is definitely going to change their country.

All porn is evil, its a disease to your mind. Censoring it is a need, but destroying it is a MUST!

>And being an employee never gets you rich no.
Not true, working smart and investing the money you worked smart for can get you rich.

work sets you free mentality, like germans

>Even their medium such as Anime seems to reflect a desire for change of escapism from the status quo

How can that be true when anime is more and more dominated by SoL which 90% of the time just depicts a bunch of faggots having fun in highschool because they know after that it's just work?


SOL is 100% not what Japan is actually like

The problem is the rate in which that happens. Most people work 40 years and then 'hope' they can live long enough to retire with some nice funds once their life is almost over.

This is fine for most people. But if you want to make it you need to control your own income. And not sell your own personal labor, because that restricts your income to how many hours you can work.

I know, it's escapism. But it's almost literally never set anywhere other than highschool, and even less so set after highschool. Why would that be?

manga artists are mostly SEAs in SEA

replacing depression with exhaustion from work is not bad idea

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If you grow in japan and is educated to do so for your entire life you'd feel like the gaijins are weird for not working hard
That's why the kikoku shijyo aka japanese who came back from foreign cunts back to japan who holds japanese passport is treated as weird fucks in japan, for questioning japanese society

>No one is saying Japan is perfect
But you're delusional to say dumb shit like "cartoons are a sign of the japanese rebelling".
Also, compared to other first world countries, the situation in Japan is borderline slavery.

Some kind of wish high school was freer, more relaxed?

I mean, SOL nowadays isn't just that either, now there workplace, fantasy and sci-fi all mixed in with SOL/comedy

I've also seen an increase in Gary Stu characters , which could imply further dislike towards their own status quo

It's a sign a significant number have an innate desire at least to change something about the status quo

It's not good by developed countries sure but you can't objectively deny they are not at a higher level of development than you no? And this isn't to say it's the average Brazilians fault either

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>18hour a day
what the fuck are you talking about user?

>you'd feel like the gaijins are weird for not working hard
What is so weird about it? Why do you even do this to yourself?