wassup bros its ur honorary Jow Forums coke head here
AMA again
just had a great night fucked a bitch w my limp coke dick it was lit
Wassup bros its ur honorary Jow Forums coke head here
Its me
I told you to buy bitcoin at one cent
Had a 4 day coke binge last week, shit was cash.
Ah I miss the magic powder
How much do you consume on a daily basis?
pics of the bitch pls
I'm the user that called you a limp dicked faggot
i think coke is what made me super irritable and made me quit my job
i probably shouldnt get anymore now that im unemployed
half a g everyday
i didnt know her i dont have pics i ditched her after i came
she was 3 years younger than me which was cash
Hello friend
Do you know what the kali yuga is?
That's an expensive habbit, ditch that shit for weed user
no what is it?
i quit weed, coke is the drug for me. and desu i made a lot of money off crypto so i can afford it
nope i wasnt here that early
That's 40 bucks a day, honestly. It's sustainable.
Is there a remedy for the coke dick? Literally just about to declare "coke is for girls" and let them do it.
Fair enough, I'm pretty jealous
meant to say hows ur night been bro?
That's rookie numbers bruv
Or are you legit doing ½g literally every day?
Risk reward but, viagra.
You'll get stiff, but you might end up a stiff as well.
>ditch that shit for weed
weed is for kids, and it makes you not want to do anything
theres a reason why wall street was fueled by coke and not weed
yeah im also good homies with my dealer so he hooks me up w good prices and gives me free shit sometimes
coke is the best drug bro
>coke is the best drug bro
idk about "best" but its one of my favs
just depends what you want to do. if you are with a girl or with friends, its the best
if you want mental performance and getting shit done, it's amphetamines like adderall
that being said, i wish i had some coke right now.
How do you get anything out of such a small amount if you do it daily?
I barely get anything except a heart attack out of a g if its the second day in a row. Trying to do it just every second weekend nowadays or so.
And its not the purity, my shit is nearly highest possible.
i just got back from a trip to costa rica with some friends, coke was everywhere. Literally everywhere we went guys were selling it
the thing is, the coke we got there was completely different then anything we ever got in the US. It was much more moist and couldn't be turned into fine power, it would just clump together instead (pic related)
The high was also much more mild than what we were used to. I tried to bring some back home but got scared at the last minute.
I get the clumped up stuff where I am as well in Europe. The reason its milder is cause it cleaner. The "extra" you feel is often going to be impurities and shit they cut it with.
did coke last night
not proud
how can you make a gram of coke last more than a day? ive never been able to do this
and no, its actually good shit before you say it
>not doing "poor man's coke" amphetamine instead of your dirty jungle gak
enjoy ur levamisole
>how can you make a gram of coke last more than a day?
the only way is by not even doing that first bump. there's just something about coke that makes you keep doing it until its all gone
I suspect op is a liar.
What's so amazing about that? Maybe the trick is having an ounce of self-control, so that you only take the amount that stimulates you but doesn't fuck up your brain chemistry and induce immediate tolerance?
Admittedly I haven't done cocaine, but I have a prescription for methylphenidate I've been using for over a year.
Doing half a g a day, you are not going to get the enjoyable buzz from it so whats the point?
that's not good
Perhaps getting a buzz that makes you feel better but not unnaturally so? It's no wonder that going overboard causes tolerance, but moderate dosages might be sustainable.
aka ritalin, that's what they give to kids in primary school. Why aren't you on adderall like the rest of us grown ups?
>What's so amazing about that? Maybe the trick is having an ounce of self-control,
>Admittedly I haven't done cocaine,
you never did coke so you don't get it. all that self-control shit goes out the window after the first line
vyvanse called
Half a g a day is not moderation though haha
>aka ritalin, that's what they give to kids in primary school. Why aren't you on adderall like the rest of us grown ups?
Amphetamine makes me feel unnatural. Amped up, if you get what I mean, and kind of "forced". Meanwhile methylphenidate just gives me a natural feeling of having energy and not being so foggy-headed. It's supposedly healthier too.
>you never did coke so you don't get it. all that self-control shit goes out the window after the first line
Maybe I don't, but that was just my theory. If you avoid getting greedy you'll be able to use sustainably, but you'll not get the highest buzzes. Cocaine has a somewhat similar pharmacodynamic profile to methylphenidate but maybe they're too different to be compared.
If you're going to be a degenerate then at least don't be a STUPID degenerate. Buy an 8 ball
30 days sober faggot you're not cool at all you're a lame bitch
I'll be honest man, I'm not really educated on the dosing of coke. I'm just assuming it's roughly the same as any other stimulant and can theoretically be used medically.
Seriously though you are a retard pop culture faggot if you think coke is a good drug.
If we butcher the numbers a gram of amphetamine comes out to $20 and a gram of coke comes out to $80. That's still 4x the grams of a superior drug for the same price.
Like I said enjoy the levamisole.
$40 for a half g is crazy when I KNOW you can get an 8ball $160 ez
a 30 day script of amph is like 50 bucks
where do u live where you can get an 8 ball of decent shit for $160?
I'm the son of a mother fucker
Call it larp
It was easier to become addicted because of my dad....shits crazy
Glad I stopped
>I'll be honest man, I'm not really educated on the dosing of coke
well, even cokeheads aren't really educated on the dosing because we don't know what it's cut with or how much is actually legit
the only way to really tell is by having someone experienced doing a line and giving their opinion. everyone has their little tricks for testing purity like putting some on a cigarette and smoking it or heating some in a spoonful of bleach, etc
i know i sound like a degenerate but i probably have more money than anyone else here
>doing junk
>tfw Holland, and you can test your shit for free every day
This lead also to the quality generally being near perfect always.
>even cokeheads aren't really educated on the dosing because we don't know what it's cut with or how much is actually legit
Exactly, exactly, it's a huge piece of guesswork. Your gram might be completely different from my gram, and they might even contain different substances. I'm not a huge fan of street drugs.
I would definitely be doing it daily if it wouldn't ruin me
>the only way to really tell is by having someone experienced doing a line and giving their opinion.
No my son. You can buy cocaine testing kits that estimate its purity and detect cuts like levamisole.
But the best way is to send it in and see what percentage you get. Bear in mind that quite literally 90% of cocaine samples are cut with levamisole and it's a PITA to remove with chemistry.
At least nobody cuts amp with levamisole. It's mostly bulked up with isopropyl alcohol and cut with caffeine which is easily removed with an acetone wash.
>No my son. You can buy cocaine testing kits
yea but who the fuck wants to spend $50+ on a testing kit when you could buy more coke with that instead
just do some crank instead
Fuck hey OP i recently started getting into my charlie
>have you ever smoked weed and done coke?
This is my absolute favortie drug combo ever. I also get raging hardons
>why do you get coke dick?
This has even happened to me
>does coke make girls horneier?
>what happens if you put coke on your dick/ on a girls clit?
>where can i get a little coke spoon to take my bumps
Cheers bro
>I'm not a huge fan of street drugs
neither am i, in an ideal world everything would be regulated and the purity guaranteed, and it would be taxed instead of going to criminals and drug cartels.
i actually prefer pharmaceuticals, but there's something about doing lines of powder with friends that you can't get with pills
Yeah I don't know user. I've always been the more responsible type of druggie. I reagent test all my junk and I wash whenever possible.
Do you want to take your snorting game to the next level? Make nasal spray with all your snortables:
read this guide:
Nobody even knows I do drugs. It just looks like I'm fixing my nose but I'm actually shooting up amphetamine.
I rarely hotrail anything but hotrailing isn't pleasant. Nasal spray is really pleasant on the nose and you can accurately measure milligrams per pump if you did the math right.
>It just looks like I'm fixing my nose but I'm actually shooting up amphetamine.
you spray amphetamines up your nose? I just take a pill, it's called adderall and it's made in a lab and prescribed by a doctor. An extra bonus is that its completely socially acceptable.
I do coke when i want to party with friends
And if anyone actually does this, the spray bottle I linked dispenses 0.1 ml per pump.
Illicit amp, licit amp, same shit. If you're bored you can extract the amp from your adderall with isopropyl alcohol and do the same thing.
The advantage of nasal spraying amphetamine is that the bioavailability is significantly higher and less is needed.
I've eaten adderalls before but I much prefer spraying it up my nose. If you don't want to bother with all of this just put the adderalls under your tongue, also a better ROA than oral.
>If you don't want to bother with all of this just put the adderalls under your tongue
thats the only way i take it
>The advantage of nasal spraying amphetamine is that the bioavailability is significantly higher and less is needed
that might be true but the advantages of taking it in pill form is the guaranteed purity, the fact that it's socially acceptable (seen as "medication" and not "drugs"), and that it's 100% legal in pill form and 100% illegal in any other form (not that i care as i do legal and illegal drugs anyway)
never had levamisole in my shit. thats a US problem mainly
Lol at taking viagra while on coke regularly. Say goodbye to your heart. But who was ejection fraction and left ventricular hypertrophy? You’re gonna be on antihypertensives and cardiac glycosides soon lmao.
It's not illegal to modify your prescription drugs for another ROA though. If you want to try these chemistry experiments you could do it completely legally with your current prescription.
most of us bet it all on crypto and don't care about our long term health or future now. potential heart problems mean nothing to me.
If you’ve been doing 0.5g daily for over a month you already have some hypertrophy of the walls, and thus maybe higher heart rate and/ or reduced ejection fraction. Not telling anyone how to live their life, I’m a registrar cardiologist so as long as you’re not a fat alcoholic smoker you’re a dream patient.
Playing with viagra and coke though? That’s the stuff that will literally make you drop dead in an instant. Be careful user.
Been there, enjoy it while it lasts. It's not going to end well.
Yeah no i was joking, i'd never combine those.
What do you mean by hypertrophy on the walls? Also how much better is "semi regular" use like once a weekend or two?
I always combine with alcohol though which is bad and dangerous, sometimes the next day feels like a heart attack haha
This guys is right. Only issue with Intranasal admin is that the bull/ fillers can damage your nasal membrane. Nothing wrong with changing your ROA at all.
Hypertrophy is muscle growth. Sinply our, taking a stimulant like coke increases your heart rate (how fast it beats) and it’s contractility (how hard it contracts/ beats). These both increases in resistance to a normal beating heart, and the cardiac muscle will grow in order to deal with the added stress of pumping harder and faster. Over the long run, since the walls grow bigger inwardly, it reduces the diameter/ total space of your left ventricle. A reduced chamber size means a reduced blood flow output (ejection fraction). In order to compensate for this, your heart will beat faster to make up for the lower blood volume, or sometimes it won’t, and you just end up with mild heart failure. If this gets worse, sometimes the fluid can go backwards out of the heart back into the lungs, or can pool and clot in your heart. If it’s the former, quite often you’ll have trouble sleeping when lying flat down or wake up in he middle of the night gasping (paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnoea).
Outside of your heart, this harder blood flow can do the same thing to your arteries; toughening them up and causing them to stiffen. This means they can’t relax as much when they need to, resulting in a higher blood pressure I.e hypertension.
This is the primary cardiac effect of stimulant abuse fyi. Areboic training like cardio can help reduce the hypertrophy, but you’ve got to be careful if you’re abusing. That’s not even talking the neural issues either; can lead to reduced NA release if you’re constantly taking coke, which can result in Parkinson’s/ tremor like symptoms long term when you stop.
That's one advantage of illicit powders. No fillers. :^)
You can extract the active ingredient from a lot of pills using either isopropanol or cold water extraction.
Avery’s acetate works well for a cocaine wash too as far as I’m aware. Never touched the stuff, but I see stimulant abuse patients at least once a week. Very sad when they’re young and they take like 4 ecstasy pills and they’ve scarred their heart walls; they’re on glycosides for life then if the damage is bad enough. Careful anons
Cialis works better and keeps the heart working fine.
Anyone else get really coked up and drunk strike out at the bar go home and call a hooker? Do coke with the hooker and fuck, ramble and when she leaves you're still coke up? Call another hooker but you can't get your dick hard so you just talk? Ask them about their child hood, if their father was in the picture, were they molested? You know Practicing therapy Etc..
Asking for a friend
Thanks for the info friend.
I'm going to enjoy until the end of this summer and after that stop it entirely. Fortunately i also bike to work daily giving me 40min cardio every day.
You’re correct there. Cialis inhibit is a diffferent phosphodiesterase than viagra, so you don’t get the cardiac side effects like tachy, etc. as far as I’m aware, the only caution with cialis is with hypotension due to the systemic vasodilation. As long as you’re not a fag taking those things that open your ass for anal sex you’re fine.
Np man. Drugs use is fine with me as long as the user knows the risks and can use it reasonably. Take care. Keep up the cycling, don’t get fat or smoke and you’ll be fine. You wanna be alive to enjoy those crypto gains in a few years :)
>You wanna be alive to enjoy those crypto gains in a few years
ahahaha ill be dead before that.
From old age.
How do I find coke? I would like to be a coke head.
Find hooker adds that say snow bunny or party friendly. You could also hang out at a heavy drinking bar who's ever coherent and still up when 4 am comes probably knows.
you are already involved in crypto, so just buy the shit online. I would recommend buying small amounts (0.5 -1g) from a few different sellers to see who has the best shit
I live in Adelaide Australia and one gram is $300AUD :/
Do other stims cause the same heart problems as coke?
>not buying quality amfetamine
Meth fag here. I can do a quarter gram or less everyday. It lasts longer, it is stronger, it makes you hornier , it makes trading more fun etc.
Why are you wasting money on one of the most overrated drugs on earth. Upgrade to the big brother or quit. Basically stay dumb and waste money or grow balls and do drugs right
Good to know, you sound like an alright dude.
>Being literally heroin/meth level junkie
ISHYGDDT in the lords year 2018
Amphetamine is pretty kind to my cardio. Caffeine is worse IMO.
Ah, it’s the nasal spray adderall user. What’s up nigger.
Only sensible reply in the thread btw. Amp is 1/4 the price of coke by the gram, but that’s not even mentioning the fact that the dose is a mere fraction of that needed for a typical coke binge (and the fact that yes, it’s almost always a binge, whereas with amp you can exercise some self control)
My litmus test for rookie druggies is if they say a single word about coke. Literally the most pajeet tier drug. If I want something more intense/shorter than amp for recreational fun at the club, I’ll just use NEP or some other cheaper research chem.
........anyway user, any advice for getting prescribed addy? I ran out of 2-FMA and my supplier shut down. Been thinking about getting some darknet speed like in the old days, and learning how to acetone wash but I’m worried it’ll still turn out shitty. I’ve been putting off getting a legit prescription for forever now and I know I can, just not sure what all’s involved.
Although true, it is considered grimier
If you know your drugs and control dosage you can be a low key junkie
Brush teeth daily
Shower daily
Eat 3 times a day easy
Stay up late but still get sleep every night
Still perform at work etc
Look it's a horrible addiction. Hard to get motivated to do stuff with out it. But if you are already a coke fiend and not planning on quitting
Get amps
>be white
>look important
>doctor shop until you find someone
The path to unlimited amphetamine is a dark one. It's literally cheaper than my insurance co-pay.
lol thats interesting
the only difficulty with coke is that if you get drunk af, you WANT it
Even if im on a binge i can be like "eh that's enough for today, time to go home."
So i think that is magnitudes healthier compared to what you just described. you are doing hard shit, and that's a legit dangerous addiction.
Also i dont get this shit with Amp. It lasts way to long, short 30-90min bursts of coke is perfect.
I get 60 addys a month. Will try this thanks user.
twenty dozen dozen DAMN-huh