Ask a Mexican in france anything

Ask a Mexican in france anything

Attached: images (8).jpg (372x395, 16K)

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Are you eating meat today?

Attached: 1522418974546.png (420x420, 7K)

Absolutamente chicaneux

What's your favourite colour?

Could you please go back to your country?

Meat is haram

why do mexicans have such a propensity for leaving their country and moving elsewhere?
please do NOT

No u muhamad


hey wey que haces hay batooooooo , te follastes a muxas gabats ya?

hasta luego





ese no tiene plata ni para cruzar el muro y querés que vaya a Francia? no pue bo

hay que darnos en la madre

ya tenemos 2 chicaneaux jskajsaksjakaj

Do you bring money with you?


Poles of America.

It's not just Mexicans. There's a few groups of people like Turks, Moroccans, Lebanese, Italians, Poles and Mexicans that seem to be everywhere on earth but in their own shithole

the culture of leaving also inevitably leads to some brain drain, just reinforcing the vicious cycle

he is probably just visiting you fucking faggots

you cunts still pour out of your country

dumb amerimonster

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Yellow an u?

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then tell your fucking compatriots to stay in your country

que haces alla estas visitando o estudiando o que?

ayyy santa virgencita.....

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Whacchu doin' over here ? Work/study ?

Ando de vacas puerko


Do you larp as a Spaniard in parties?
Bet you do. I'd do it if I were a Mexican in Europe.

pasas tus vacaciones en francia haciendo threads en Jow Forums?, eso si es ser meco carnal

Aqui son las 9 broder

You guys just seem to get around :D

Have you ever experienced discrimination there?

>tfw ate based chouriço and based presunto today

LMAOing @ ur lyfe

Attached: homer.gif (375x375, 178K)

Che, treaéme un café.

Living in Mexico is a daily hell.

Jelly. How do you portugese prepare it?

por que siempre los gordos dicen esa palabra?

pues ve a pistear, cogerte una francesa, mear en una mezquita, no se algo interesante que puedas hacer en francia en la noche

por que los ñengos siempre son tan mecos?

When you're paid shit money that doesn't let you even rent your own place kind of makes you want to go somewhere where you can get at least 5 times more

Simon beto ya estoy llendo por unas crepita :3

oink oink pinche marrano ya largate a la verga

are you this guy?

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quien te pago el viaje o que pedo juan

we cut it into slices
I ate chouriço slices which were part of a tapa (a wooden plank with all sorts of sausages and cheese)

El sudor de mi culo

lo dice un MIERDAlombiANO nooooo jskajskajakaja