Maybe i'm immortal

So every time I go someplace where people haven't seen me for a while, I always get told the same thing, that nothing about me changes, I always look exactly the same as I used to. But I recently came back to my hometown after a decade and the passage of time hit me like a ton of bricks. I go visit my old hangouts and everything is just so different. And seeing the few people I still recognize, or that recognize me and are willing to talk to me, they all look and sond so goddamn old now. I'm not sure how to cope with this

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You know what you must do...

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determine the properties every atom in the universe and then write a program calculate things backward and then watch your past life and get a nostalgia trip

your lifes stagnating and youre going to die without having done anything of note since your early days

The house I lived in last year with my Dad got burned down by a bushfire!

I used all caps for dramatic effect, did you notice?!

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>is boring and autistic
Checks out

You’re Belgian Mokou

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you're not going to be immortal after I find you and kill your ass


lucky you

No we didn't own it, it was a Ranger house owned by the government!

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Yes, it would have been awful if I had lost my things!

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please burg

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go to the EU headquarters and start throwing poo


u're poo
manchineel trees are very interesting but I don't think they lend anything useful to the topic at hand

I am unironically scared every summer that a bushfire will come and I'll choke to death or something. I'll feel much safer once I move closer to the city.

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I get paranoid when the air feels dry and the temperature hits 42c
My suburb is surrounded by foresty areas as well which doesn't really ease my worrying

Eternal babyface here
Welcome to the club. I can't even grow a beard to make me look older. I'm 23 and still get asked for ID

lel im 25 and I look 18ish. Still regularly get asked for my ID, they often smile to themselves when they realize how old I am. I'm not complaining tho it keeps me cute

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Okay but not looking older is not exactly my problem here, I quite like being mistaken for a 20-ish year old. Don't worry you'll start enjoying it in a year or five

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Yeah idk why people complain about it it's pretty great.

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Didn't it used to annoy you when you were younger? I sure was

A little. Cause I felt girls my age weren't interested cause I was too young/immature looking. Then I started having sex with men and I felt gifted. True story.

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That's gay but good for you

I hope you meant to say swag

make more minecraft videos

>Gender not sure yet

Uhhhh ok I missed my deadline by one day so I should finish editing

laziness is gonna make you lose subscriber

im 19 and people seem to think i am 16 or something like that, its nice. i used to get ID'd but not anymore since the guys at the bottle store recognize me
also nice smug id

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also when i was in the line at the bottle store one time the guy behind me shouted outside to his friend that i look like a child. i thought that was funny



from both my accounts

Bro are you serious right now????

No it was merely a jest haha
I could never go without your quality content
Be trolled

Oof I got trolled


Don't worry eventually you learn to be a epic leet troll 4channertard like me

Woh I wish I was epic oldfah like yourself

You may get close but sadly you will never reach my oldfag level because apparently I'm immortal

Until I kill you and drinky your hyper realistic blooood

God I wish

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