why can't South Slavs just chill out and get along?
Why can't South Slavs just chill out and get along?
Other urls found in this thread:
does Bulgaria get along with other Slavs (like Macedonia)?
the slavs don't get along with each other to begin with
here, i'll write it in graph form
county politically people
-russia side 1 side 1
-belorussia side 1 side 1
-ukraine side 2 side 2/1
-poland side 2 side 2
-czech side 2 side 2
-slovak side 2 side 2
-croat side 2 side 2
-slovene side 2 side 2
-srb side 1 side 1
-monte side 2 side 1/2
-bosni side 2 side 1/2
-make side 1/2 side 1/2
-bg side 2 side 2/1
When in doubt, blame hrvatske ustaše
I wanna fuck Belarus
I wanna sex Bulgaria woman
>no argument
you know i'm right, croat side 2