ITT post foods from your country white people would not eat or would get sick from.
This is mohinga, a traditional burmese breakfast dish. It looks like barf with noodles and coriander but the fish is very sweet and labor intensive because catfish has a lot of tiny bones and the flesh must be removed from the bones by hand. The soup itself is sour and spicy. Do not eat from the food stalls if you ever go to burma, its not hygienic.
its a soup with pasta and fishes, why whites would not eat that ?
Parker Mitchell
too spicy
Oliver Young
>white people would not eat nigga I would destroy this
Anthony Garcia
stay in school kid
Jaxon Morris
>too spicy its epices europeans are importing since centuries tho
Juan Jones
In grade 6 I had a food fair and I brought some mohinga and they wouldn't eat it!!! They even ate indian food over this.
Elijah Lopez
>coriander Sorry buddy it's called cilantro :)
Samuel Young
Not only that, but Europeans (Portuguese) brought that kind of spices to Asia in the first place. They are all native to South America.
Luis Hernandez
i remember that american in my uni class, we went to to europapark to have fun, everybody tasted those bretzels and sauerkrauts but that guy just wanna go to burger king..
Christopher Flores
wypipo be like this yoghurt too spicy
Isaiah Reyes
i've never eaten spicy food. no shit i would have a hard time eating something from fucking nasty hot jungle rice land.
Josiah Adams
Mutton and black pepper chicken. Too hot for wh*tey, they’ll shit meteors next day.
look at that nasty pool of oil and the mystery bits of chicken
Jayden Green
>They even ate indian food over this What do you mean with "even Indian food"? Indian food is great
Zachary Nguyen
That looks so good. I haven't had a good Indian lamb dish in a while. What is that on the right though? Looks like chicken
Michael Williams
It is but Burmese food is very similar to Indian food. Maybe visually it is very off-putting.
Isaiah Moore
No that's the best stuff. You mix the oil and the curry with white rice. It's very tasty. Obviously less oil is better for health but it tastes very good. I don't like eating Indian food with bread, rice is better imo.
Dude I am not a Michellin star chef that I would decorate this dish, this is the most rustic style mutton I have ever cooked and it’s not only oil, it’s juices of mutton mixed with oil.
Logan Brown
either way the presentation is very poor
Christian Nguyen
Chicken Kali Mirch
Camden Allen
>Being proud of coming from a shithole that serves muddy slop that people with non-radioactive gut biomes get sick from
the pale one to the right has a sharp, "spikey" taste the orange one has a mild custard taste the red ones are a little sour. the usual offered for the dare taste (not pictured) are the cheapest one and the most gaseous which make you fart.
Landon Taylor
>i've never eaten spicy food
Like spicy food in general and not just some 3rd world shithole spicy dish? wtf why not
Lucas Phillips
do you live in filth? Even I could smell it whenever it fell from the tree at the orchard.
Isaiah Allen
Not exactly whitey but I've lost count of all the foreigners who refuse to even try a simple fucking tripe soup.
Indian foods are probably the best. Spicy and full of taste unlike most Japanese foods.
Ryan Bailey
It's hard to think of one, but I think the one most likely to turn off whites would be trahanas. It's basically fermented grains and yoghurt which is dried and then reconstituted into a kind of porridge. It's common to add some cheese (halloumi or feta) into it.
Because of the way it's fermented, it has a unique, tangy flavour but the aftertaste is reminiscent of stomach juices after vomiting. It's pretty good, but I think whites would probably be disgusted by it.
I've been trying to force myself to like those things but it tastes and smells like old refrigerator to me. I can basically eat anything else so it is like the final boss of food for me.
Isaac Cox
That looks like the ultimate beer snack. That beer is in the photo for a damn good reason.
Austin Gonzalez
That's a smoked fish on your photo, not dried.
Brandon Campbell
>Children eat like children
Wow, you just blew my mind.
Caleb Diaz
I've tried tripe on several occasions and never liked it.
What is this fucking meme. "White people" in america at least eat spicy food all the time. Half of us have a hot sauce fetish. Being American I've had the chance to try many international cuisines, and supermarkets here sell international ingredients as a regular matter. Maybe some yuuropoor only has access to their own regional food, idk. Any city worth living in in the US has authentic international restaurants. Even though I cook my own food most of the time, I still eat a variety of cuisines. Indian, Japanese, Korean, Thai, Italian, Brazilian, Moroccan, you name it. Must suck to not live in America. I've had tripe plenty of times, find a good pho restaurant and they'll offer it. Tripe is good but tendon is better. I'd eat anything posted so far in this thread.
Lincoln Barnes
I would be up at sunrise in the Philippines, and every morning I would listing to the balut guy hooking his hand help horn, saying loudly balut-balut. I've had them, did not like them at all...
You faggots would evacuate the neighborhood if my grandma opened one can of surströmming so don't come waving you dick around about how hardcore your food is you gutless yoghurt-drinking barbarians
Levi Russell
this shit looks mexican nigga
Lucas Roberts
Looks like dry reheated asado 0/10
Ethan Stewart
Brody Lewis
highest test meal bar none
Juan Morris
Cheese which smells like sweaty testicles on hot summer day.
>tfw you eat spicy stuff constantly >tfw you put retarded stuff like Mad Dog on your meats because you're a retard >tfw your favorite foods no longer have a kick, so you have to lay off spice to lose your tolerance on the bright side, coworkers can't steal my food from the fridge
Grayson Turner
tb.h I've never ate one in my whole life but a Korean friend got addicted to it and got hospitalized for high blood pressure. Few of us eat those like how few Japanese people eat frog meat.
Wyatt Adams
It is what it looks like, it's a sheep head
Isaiah Russell
If only it smelled just like normal testicles. It's closer to being stuck in a tram with a homeless guy with a moldy feet on a summer day. I fucking love the taste, but my fingers and lips smell fucking rancid later. On another note - I fucking love jelita, even tho getting the intestine stuck inbetween your theeth is annoying.
because ''''''''''''''''''''white'''''''''''''''''''''' american food has no spice
Jayden Kelly
whites are more accustomed to spiciness than most nonwhites. in some cases, they introduced it to nonwhites. why is this a meme?
Owen Gonzalez
>sunrise >balut
nigga wat? Pretty sure they're mostly being sold during night time. Maybe you're thinking of taho
Jacob Ortiz
korean penises?
Noah Sanchez
>post things white people wouldn't eat >proceeds to post things that are only marginally different from the variety americans have access too
Are whites seriously looked at by the rest of the world as picky? As an American white, I have access to a halal market about a block down my street, a korean supermarket a few more blocks down, about 30 mexican restaurants, and even an Ethiopean place I can get from grubhub.
This isn't even a white thing. People of any skin color can be picky fucks. Hell, I eaten honey crickets. The only thing I'll never touch is pufferfish, but that's only because I'm terrified of them.
Lincoln Murphy
I'm white and I'll try almost anything once, are you talking about boomers OP?
Seriously. I'm pretty sure this is an "lol whites don't eat spicy foods" even though an American whitey invented the precursor to the Scoville scale and white guys have been trying to one up each other with hot sauce ever since.
If anything, literally everyone else except whites can fathom making hotter foods, just because of some of the dumb shit we put in hot sauce bottles. Pic related. There isn't a single fuck out here, not even a white, who would try this shit. Yet we have it in America. Also, just so you know, if you were to drink a full bottle of this, there is a slim chance it might literally kill you due to the shear inflammation it would cause. You can thank whitey later.