
ol' Mick ed.

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Other urls found in this thread:



love chocolate

i'll introduce you

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why arne't you subscribed to the sultan of silver?

curing me of Jow Forums excuses every video.

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spacky bruce you in?

made pasta lads

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love the implied femdomination here, any other webms like this user?

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im mates with a lesbo and she is genuinely one of, if not the most, beautiful women i've ever seen. absolutely stunning.

she thought she was bi-sexual but we were chatting and she realised that fannies make her dripping wet but every cock shes taken shes had to use lube.

Woke up thinking it was 8am tomorrow so in my groggy state I took tomorrow's dose of my medication

But obviously it's 8pm today and now I'm fucked

i don't really think so but fair enough

>le american footy lad edition
How contrived. Sad!

bad weather we're having

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afraid i'm out
if you have any similar webms feel free to help me expand my collection

probably used the wrong hole

The only men interested in lezzers are 14 year olds desperately trying to sound like the most heterosexual person in the room

DON'T fucking dare reply to this post because I won't read it you spastic

post pics

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>wake up every morning any my teeth hurt

are you meant to sleep on your back? i sleep on my side and apparently im putting pressure on my jaw when i sleep


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and post pic

>The most common cause of sore teeth while waking up is grinding and clenching of teeth while asleep

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do you think your facial structure appropriately reflects the kind of person you are inside?

post your best ice breakers when in contact with a new roastoid

get a gum gaurd

Agree. They are sissies, a real man cannot self-insert as a woman.

>The only men interested in lezzers are 14 year olds desperately trying to sound like the most heterosexual person in the room
>DON'T fucking dare reply to this post because I won't read it you spastic

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weatherberg was not forgiving today

I don't know how humans are meant to sleep
lots of conflicting information

no no one could be as rotten inside as my outside suggests

never happened to me and i sleep on my side
probably grinding your teeth at night

Things I've achieved so far today:

me and the lads

hello femoid roastie whore

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Might order a McDonalds, lads.

What should I get?

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Yeah,your face reflets who you are

reminder they put toenails and cum in the food

"i'll kill you if you don't have sex with me"

fish burger

this could work in this era of irony

Chicken nuggies and a few double cheese burgers

back or left side only
right side causes acid reflux and heartburn

fish finger happy meal

supersized mcfatcunt burger

would be interesting to see if bullying victims get an easier or harder time when a school shooting occurs


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wish i could simultaneously watch a film and read a book while enjoying both fully

lard jaysus

never howled at a fedora post pic as hard as the one I saw posted one time of some fat american lad in full samurai regalia wielding a katana in a shitty dilapidated trailer gaff with his obese grandmother visible in the backdrop

should have saved it but didn't

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veggie burger, its good friday.

I love tongue play.

Or used to. It's been so long now.

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only works if you're brown m8. you're not a brownie, are you?

Whats the virginity cut off age for being irredeemably subhuman?

feel like spending money

off to watch black panther again lads, or as I've taken to call it: nigger panther



these are quite boring when they're only doing it for attention. the smiling, laughing and forcefulness of this is does not tingle my willy as much unfortunately.

love solo girl stuff but cant get into lesbian stuff nearly as much... if there is interaction in the shot i want to be able to project myself unto one of the people and i cant do with women so i just feel like a cuck watching two or more women going at it through a computer screen whilst tugging my boy

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i'm 32 and a virgin so definitely hit it by now, for neurotypicals I suppose it's 18, probably 16 for chads

oh boy


he uses all this japanese imagery and stocks his video with fake tittied south china sluts.

the ignorance.

growing up all my mates lost it when they were like 14/15, really surprised when i found the average age was 18 i think




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imagine being such a fucking runt. trust me lad, the minute you get away from this archaic social construct of 'virgin/non-virgin' life gets 110% better.

the absolute state

ah yes the virgin post

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>be me
>be 27 year old ugly beta loser loner autist with no friends or social experiences since school, no female attention ever, never been to a pub, club, or party
>woke up at 11 am
>browse internet for two hours
>read for a few hours while drinking coffee
>decide not to bother exercising and just go outside
>go to Victoria and Albert museum but it was really crowded so I left almost immediately
>lots of Chad and Stacey couples taking pictures everywhere
>went to city of London to walk around
>was raining and almost empty
>walk past Liverpool Street station and see a 50 story apartment complex and wonder who lives there
>saw an online post saying £60k was the minimum London salary to enjoy London
>walked in to Shoreditch, the run down hipster area (I think hipster Staceys seemed even more disgusted by me than regular women)
>saw "Boxpark", a row of ship container sized shops, each one of them the type of high end fashion shops that ban ugly people like me; what a heart warming economic story
>step on to Brick Lane, which is just as hipster as Camden Town, maybe moreso
>walk down it and it becomes more Muslim as I walk, until I see a mosque and a Tower Hamlets sign
>walk back to Liverpool Street station and saw lots of slag types- wonder whether I only noticed more at that place because it has "Liverpool" in the title
>will now go to McDonalds or Burger king, hopefully for one of the last times
>British museum and v&a open late on Fridays but I am already demoralised

which tv show is this?

is it meant to be a boy?

>have a mandatory toil break
>remember how depressing and without purpose my life is
>crave the toil
they've broken me

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Doctor please, some more of these
Outside the door, she took four more
What a drag it is getting old

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Think average is like 16 most people lose it around the mid teens I think. I remember at school by the time of sixth form no one really cared about who was a virgin or who wasn't as it was assumped that most people had.

jordan peterson DISMANTLES apple with TEETH


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authorities have been informed

how do I stop acid reflux
throat is burning


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the gf (right)

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>shoreditch the run down hipster area
you typing this from 10 years ago lad? Most of it looks gentrified as fuck now too


it's okay lads i'm here

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ah yes the brainwashed post.

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vague resemblence to elle fanning

Need a strong alkali like bleach



poo abrewin' bigly tbqh ngl la

Madras is here lads

>that virgin rage
grim m8. just grim.