Sell me this Hen

Sell me this Hen

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give me an egg

Buy a hen and then you'll have money leftover from not buying eggs, so you can buy a pen.

It will lay eggs for you. Sell me this Ren.

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He steals from the poor. Sell me this Ven

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It might go up as Bitcoin does.

Sell me this Ben.

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Gets blown up in disaster movies. Stay away during real life invasion.

make me an omelette

Thanks sold 100k

Sell me this Ken

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It can tell time. Sell me whatever the fuck this is

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Nah that coin is gay.

Sell me this men.

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they perform oral sex

can someone make one of these with a nigger?

that meme is dead. blacked women are not allowed to come back women. we only lost the stupid ones who fell for internet propaganda. they're trash anyway. enjoy, nigger.

This is a great hen, it's delicious, tastes like chicken. Buy it.

Has wife and kids. Blonde . Rich. Not tainted by Dark Hadou like his faggot friend Ryu.
Did I mention his Fire Shoryuken r?

Thx for this thread OP.
This is the reason I come here

You can stake eggs

Its my hen you faggot

sell me this fren

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Put a tie on it.

That's a rooster you dumb fuck

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frens are not for sellin fren

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Thats not a rooster...

its mtf rooster

This hen very good sir, moist eggs sir. Wont you want moist eggs and supple meats from our hen sir?

Sell me this Len

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A chicken lays around 300 eggs per year. One egg will eventually be another chicken so if you reinvested 100% of those dividends into more egg laying chickens that's over 80% DAILY return. After just one year you'd have 1.23 x 10^95 chickens (123,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 chickens).

They live 7-8 years and will shitting out 80% DAILY dividends for at least 5 of those years, so you will max out at over 1e+500 chickens holy shit.

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Uh, thanks, Ian. That's certainly some useful information

Kek. You are unironically hired.

>A chicken lays around 300 eggs per year. One egg will eventually be another chicken so if you reinvested 100% of those dividends into more egg laying chickens that's over 80% DAILY return. After just one year you'd have 1.23 x 10^95 chickens (123,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 chickens).
i need some chicken!

idk the staking rewards seem too high, I feel like that would flood the market

the first chickens will be burned after 7 to 8 years to reduce supply

male chickens cant defecate eggs... fuck off with your FOMO bullshit

>think straight line method is legit
>communications skills so low id never pull it off even if i knew the system back to front

Sell me a cure for being socially retarded. Ill buy it

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