Give me one argument in favour, and one against immigrating into your country

Give me one argument in favour, and one against immigrating into your country

ANY country, even Haiti welcome

Attached: argentina yes.jpg (432x335, 41K)

>Mexican illegals

1. My country is more rich than yours (though it makes sense to migrate only to some big city, like Moscow or Petersburg), and you can travel to Europe much cheaper than from Southern Hemisphere.
2. Climate maybe bad for you, tropical monkey.

>There's a chance that everything will work out and we'll become a superpower
>There's also a chance that it won't happen

W-we're white, I guess.

>South America
Oh. In that case, we actually have a higher standard of living. Please come here, we need people.
we're racist

lmao, it's temperate here

+first world
-not really first world

>Safe, calm, peaceful
>You'll probably end up unemployed, working minimum wage or doing an internship

You can pull of the "cool" look I bet. Get into sports and women will really love you
You'll be seen as a Mexican by conservitards and you'll be seen as white but won't have the usual white privilege because your name, I assume, is Hispanic, and not John Smith

For you?
for: our economy and quality of life is better than yours
against: we don't need you

Attached: Thinking_Face_Emoji.png (640x640, 111K)

>we don't need you
i's not like he is coming there to make you a favour.

>in favour



Attached: main-qimg-7993fad1345d868d4646157e52c282d1.jpg (602x349, 99K)

There are no cons.

>can live like a parasite your whole life
>doesnt get punished for crimes


1. White areas are rich and have good jobs
2. Lots of nonwhite areas and absurdly high costs of living in some places

Shut up rotten former Argentine city

1. pre-socialist western society
2. being wiped out once a century or so

Shut up former Brazilian state

Enjoy your ban :^)

>the beer
>the weather

Attached: Leogrug II.jpg (485x443, 66K)

spics get benefits socially and financially especially if you speak english

>being wiped out once a century or so

>Safe: few crimes happen
>Nothing interesting at all happens/ very boring

>Nothing interesting at all happens/ very boring

bring the troubles back

Cala a boca Cisplatina.

>corruption, unemployment and recession

>we are ok we dont more people
>We are okay, we don't need more people.

favor: good for economy, new culture added cosmopolitan city building
cons: we are a shithole with no education and based on comunistnazis, so a lot of cons

Pro- Beatiful and diverse landscape, or at least the parts that aren't fully industralized.
Con- Where do I start?

it's cheap
but it's a fucking shithole

No te das una idea de la risa que me da verte lloriqueando por todo Jow Forums
Si tenés un módico de dignidad por favor te lo pido haceme la gauchada de colgarte de una viga

que deber ser tener la piel beige, morochito.

in favor : we need more people to get robbed and to steal our few jobs.

against : well we dont need more people.

AAAAAAAAAAJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ sos el meme de "argentina is white" personificado indiecito

>Money. Lots of it. Especially if you look european and have a degree in engineering
>No alcohol, pork, nightclubs/night life, women(difficult to talk to), porn(you're gonna have to use a VPN) and stores close during all 5 prayers.

this is argentine, no dignity here

Attached: 1516250300228.jpg (600x417, 18K)

emm para mi, el que lloriquea es el OP

Attached: 1516141739476.png (268x285, 37K)

in favour: you'll be living in a 99.99% white country
against: same

unless you're working as a specialist and hanging out with people with higher intelligence and muscle to back you up as a bro you're gonna be shat upon as a neeger.


In favour: 2nd Highest HDI
Against: VERY high cost of living and housing

are the job interviews held at siesta time or are you just such shitty people who can't qualify for any job?

we are the best country in the world

cute! no do the double-roll!

>in favour
Different people with an outside perspective.
They could be cunts.

For: generally good living conditions
Against: autism and Kanacken

For: First and Second Amendment
Against: Having your kid get Columbined.

>high quality of life
>slow ass internet, we're full