1. country

1. country
2. is global warming real?

yes, unfortunately our EPA is corrupt and will probably get shut down

Attached: earthchan.jpg (800x450, 40K)

See you in the FEMA camps mate

Flat girl
But hot
Becoming hotter

every country that isn't a retarded shithole knows it's real

flatearthers like you disgust me, she's modest-chested!

Attached: earth-chan documentary.jpg (2000x2484, 1.33M)

It's real but not caused by humans

Land of the Free
Yes. And it needs to happen faster.
I want a new Ice Age.

The only place in the world where white people don't believe in global warming and evolution is the usa.

Americans are white niggers and a federalized EU superstate needs to protect the world from such fucking monsters

yes it is real everyone knows this

my masturbation penis throbs

Yes, only retards thing it's a chinese plot

5/5 post