1. country
2. is global warming real?
yes, unfortunately our EPA is corrupt and will probably get shut down
1. country
2. is global warming real?
yes, unfortunately our EPA is corrupt and will probably get shut down
See you in the FEMA camps mate
Flat girl
But hot
Becoming hotter
every country that isn't a retarded shithole knows it's real
flatearthers like you disgust me, she's modest-chested!
It's real but not caused by humans
Land of the Free
Yes. And it needs to happen faster.
I want a new Ice Age.
The only place in the world where white people don't believe in global warming and evolution is the usa.
Americans are white niggers and a federalized EU superstate needs to protect the world from such fucking monsters
yes it is real everyone knows this
my masturbation penis throbs
Yes, only retards thing it's a chinese plot
5/5 post