Who /masternode/ here ?

Who /masternode/ here ?

I sold 99% of my stuff in Dec-Feb and I think we have months of bear market in front of us with a bottom at 4900.

For this reason I decided to invest in masternodes. Which one do you own ? I plan to have (unironically) 100K on 2-3 coins with MNs.

Masternodes seems like the comfiest way of holding shitcoins for the next run. Who cares about months of sideways and wojaks if you stake hard ?

Attached: smugy.jpg (699x485, 31K)

Other urls found in this thread:


When BTC starts hitting my bottom targets im going to start easing into a lux masternode. I genuinely believe it will replace the functions of a few coins in the top 20

Thinking about this shitcoin in particular

Attached: phr.jpg (2000x1000, 32K)

Lux sounds good but is so general. No real purpose and the team is not that outgoing.

I only have 1 Syscoin masternode.
Kinda wished I sold in Jan tho

Hands down you won't find a better masternode code this cheap right now.
You need 1000 XZC for a masternode and you get about 3% monthly dividends.
What Zcoin has achieved besides masternodes?
>Arguably the most advanced privacy coin
>Optional privacy without giving away any anonymity (using Zerocoin protocol)
>Has had TOR implementation in wallet pretty much from start
>In Q2 they will release MTP which is the first 100% ASIC resistant PoW algorithm.
The main thing about the team is that they actually create new top of the edge blockchain tech, not just rebrand old existing technologies.
Here's a good comparison between competitors:

Attached: Capture.png (626x346, 160K)

I got myself a masternode for around $1000. Akroma is an outlier, but it offers decent stake rewards, the team is super active and their plan to integrate oracles into a ETH fork is at least intersting.

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-04-04 at 23.21.58.png (487x402, 216K)

Sounds good and I never heard of it, will have a look

Snowgem has a very high ROI, about 300% a year. I plan to hold on to that for a bit then try to sell it for a zencash masternode

Explain masternodes to this brainlet

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Masternode coins are one kind of staking coin where a certain minimal collateral (typically from $500 to $50K) is required to get stakes. In contrast to ordinary PoS, you don't get anything below that. You have to run a node on a static IP, most likely a rented VPS.

Are masternode coins worth their collateral price?

Depends. Most masternodes are scams (or to be precise, pyramid schemes) where ROIs of 300+% reward those who get in early and the late-comers are left holding the bag as the coin crumbles under heavy inflation.

Done right, every masternode works for the network (validating transactions, doing encryption, running a TOR endpoint) and gets paid for this. There are only a few truly valuable masternode coins, ZCoin is one, GIN is a small one, Akroma as well, DASH is the granddad of this.

i think masternodes are so underrated. people will hopefully realize that there are plent of better alternatives to Dash and it is not the only coin with MN and since they give a constant stream of rewards it is like collecting rent

gotta second this. zcoin doesnt get mentioned much on Jow Forums but its definitely a standout among privacy coins and mns.

All currently existing masternode coins will be worth less in fiat by 2020 than what they are worth now. Screencap this.

I think the next bullrun will be really popular for masternodes, almost everyone that got burned this time around realized their tokens don't do shit if you just hold them. Next wave will be tokens actually used for functions/dapps/dividends through staking to secure network

thats like saying any coin that is mined will be worth less in 3 years. the coins are produced regardless of there being mns. with mns though you get a cut of them for holding and helping the network.

What about Neblio?

SHHHHH still need another 1100coins and i spent all my fiat already

Thoughts on a potential NuCypher node?
roughly 2500 $ a node

Guys you should DEFINITELY check out this coin!! It is really fresh but already on exchanges!
It works on masternodes and PoS so you get a great revenue for just holding the coin. Went 5x up this week since it just launched. Check it out boys: discord gg Y8M7Vgy

this was exactly my thinking for a long time, although its hard to tell what exactly will go up in a bullrun because usually everything moons, however i was thinking that if crypto is to survive long term it will be coins that have a community and masternodes can provide the income to fuel it. I see MN as more of a blue chip stock investment more than anything else

>Which one do you own ?
I don't own any currently. I'm hoping the market dumps even harder so I can afford a BlockNet masternode (you need 5000 BLOCK for a MN).
If that doesn't work out I'll stack ZenCash secure nodes.

Is their ROI decent? And is ZenCash even used? I think ZCoin simply stole their thunder.

ROI was around 20% per year last I checked. Secure nodes get a small portion of each mined block. So technically you only need miners to continue receiving rewards from running a node.

im making a killing with my P0WH masternode

Attached: POWH_CRAIG_GRANT.jpg (909x617, 63K)

Fuck off, scammer.

Neblio has awesome rewards (10% PoS rewards plus Tx fees) but doesn't require masternodes. Any amount will get 10% year.

Zcoin is your best bet user

I think ENG will have masternodes at some point - that could be massive.