How to become evil?

how to become evil?

i inherited a couple of flats from my old man. Fixing the houses a bit, the rent would both would be more enough for a neet life. Not exactly my goal life, but its a comfy income. The thing is, the flats have tenants, which are basically old and poor. I live in a country which froze rents for like 30 years (only now its more agile to do something) and basically they pay almost nothing compared to market prices. The counterpart of that is that the houses have ever been barely fixed. The issue, is that they have lived there for many years (one, even when my grandfather was the owner), and they are genuinely nice people. I met them, even lunched there and I sorta saw their struggle. Shitty pension really gives them zero room.

Now before someone says that i just throw them away, i can't. By law I can, but consciously, I legit can't. I wouldn't be able to sleep, especially after meeting them and hearing stuff about them. This has been going on for 3 years already, and sooner or later they will die and the issue will disappear. Until then, i am undoubtedly, financially supporting this families by allowing them to live there.
Where the fuck people get their evilness?

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>inherited a couple of flats

Thank you mommy and daddy :)

any money that i have from it actually go to property taxes kek. hardly an amazing gift.

You are robbing your children from the same privilege you had by not renovating/reinvesting/asking market price for these buildings.

So, consider yourself evil towards your non-born children.


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Gets gives a couple of flats

>hardly an amazing gift

The fucking entitlement of some people.

I am sure they should be okay to raise the rent so you can cover the tax, otherwise you can use the difference for tax reduction of your regular job.

Also, safe some money for renovation. You do not want to be dependant on rent to pay for a credit from renovation later.

Spoiled neckbeard

The best way to be evil is to rationalize your wickedness as normal. Few evil people think of themselves as evil.

For example:
"It's not my duty to help these people. As much as I sympathize with their situation, forgoing the revenue I could get from these rental units puts a damper on the things I could give to people I care about. Prioritizing random people over my kin would be evil."

This is how Jews think and that's why they own the world now.

Also this.
Some of us worked hard for what we have ourselfes, so look for people who can help you with your problem, arrange a compromise which both parties can live with and stay on good terms with them this way. You do not want to experience what upset tenants are capable of.

Too many edgelords flying around these days, thinking that "being bad" makes them successful. Rarely goes well.

morally perhaps, but financially i can't see how they would be able to cover it.

>hardly an amazing gift.
first off that was a lovely gift, its was not the intention for you to have these issues.
I personally could not kick them out either (my father owns houses, i hope to never have this problem), you can have slightly more money or morals, you picked the right one!
How about selling the house(s)? its someone else’s problem then + houses prices can't rise forever. sell them now and wait for the crash and buy property back at a lower price.

don't throw them out op. Moving out as a young person is a huge hassle. Can't even imagine how it'll be for poor people that can't even lift boxes anymore. Also they'll likely get new leasing contracts that will fuck them over

dude, if i was entitled i would have paid a lawyer and they would have taken care of this in a month. im not rich. i barely have any savings, and half are in crypto. i'll know one day i'll make some money of this, but right now i don't. that's just it.

>morally perhaps, but financially i can't see how they would be able to cover it.

Talk to them. Make your situation clear, that you cannot handle it the way it is right now.
Make compromises and engage with them in a give-and-take-relationship. Do not just talk up your ass, care for them.

One option, that comes to my mind: sell one of the flats and let the new owner sign, that he will keep the tenants with no adjustments to the rent, while they are alife. No one looses their housing and you have a bit more air to breath, financially spoken.

Actually, over which timeframe do we talk here? Are they in their 70ies? 80ies? Even older?
Do they have kids that might help you later with renovating (like I said: give-and-take)?

Be creative. The world offers many opportunities.

im not criticizing the gift in any way. right now it just consumes my time. and i'll always have to invest in it in the future. i thought about selling yeah, but the way the house are, i would have to take a major cut in the price just cause of their state. renovating them would make them go much higher though. but i need money for that, which I don't. and if i sell, they would still be fucked by the new owner.
im not throwing them out. i haven't done until now, and i won't do it.

Find a middle way then. Tell them they are paying almost nothing, but seeing their struggle you are still willing to rent them below market price, and use throwing out as leverage.

Don't wait people to die, I'm waiting my grandmother to die since she was 83, now she 93 and still alive.

79 and 82. one of them his kid already died :/
the other i think family left country.

>half are in crypto.
Also an advice: do sell fucking now. The hype is over.

I hope you die first you fucking dickless faggot

link marines don't sell!

As a landlord. Your first mistake is getting to know them. In order to not be affected you must only know them as names and what unit they are in.

Well, they could die tomorrow or in ten years. Fuck.

In any case, you will not get around talking to them. Like I said: I would try selling one of the flats to get a bit of breathing space and broker a contract between the tenants and the new owner, so he cannot throw them out or fuck with their rent.

Personally, I would then see how I can come up with something together with them.

Congrats, you so far never had nomadic tenants or hoarders.

Knowing who rents your property is essential, if you do not want to get fucked up royaly by hoarders. Especially, if you do not own half the block but just a couple of flats.

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kill yourself you soulless faggot.

>how to become evil?

man this is a great thread good jop opie. nice pepe too, fuck

you guys would be surprised how much people tell me to just throw them out. maybe cause they don't have to do it, or they don't really give a shit. shit world we live.

you portuguese are nice people. Be a nice man

Don't be a faggot and kick them out. There is no reason why you should care about a bunch of strangers to the extent of giving them free shit.

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What nationality are they?

You're a good man OP.
Wait till they die and have some money saved up by them to fix up the apartments.

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Nah, senpai. I'll probably live longer than you faggots too.

Wicked people live longer.

Even if you cant make passive income from them they are each worth over 100k so your parents casually gave you over 200k.
Unless they are shitty roach boxes.
You kick them out and deal with the emotional baggage later.
Eventually you will forget though your dad probably wont.

same as I. From portugal.
right now, that's the plan.

>you guys would be surprised how much people tell me to just throw them out.

I was also a landlord, I know what you mean.
But desu., I would be way worse off, if I would have been shit to my former tenants. Could tell you a couple of stories.

Admitted, you can run into shitty tenants quite fast. Which is why you need to know them a bit. And like I said: give and take. If they know you are in a tight spot, I dont think they are unwilling to offer at least a little bit of help.

You're doing good OP. Were there more people like you and the world would be way less shitty.

give everything you own away including the houses and go out for yourself and see how nice people are to you