>be me
>23 year-old college dropping out NEET who literally have never ever worked at all
>still a fucking kissless virgin (i've managed to get a blow job twice by a female classmate when i was a high school student though)
>have never talked with white girls at all, like 0 seconds in my whole life and have literally zero percent chance for me to fuck with them forever
>the only fun i can get at this point on a daily basis is from fapping to porn (huge-assed thicc woman is my favorite)
>3 house cats are the only companions i have now
>Jow Forums is the only place where i can actually connect with others
it looks like it's just over here
the only cure left to me is apparently just committing suicide here at this point
every night when in bed before falling to asleep i just wish that when i woke up i was just a 12 year-old elementary school kid having adventures with my friends every day and every morning i wake up in fucking indescribable despair and depression
thread theme:
this is my life
there's no future
there's just a dark black hole
i vomit multiple times per day from anxiety