I'm going to pull all the funds out of my traditional investment vehicles and put them into crypto.
I feel like this might not be the bottom, but it is damn close. I want to actually really go all in.
What does Jow Forums say?
I'm going to pull all the funds out of my traditional investment vehicles and put them into crypto.
I feel like this might not be the bottom, but it is damn close. I want to actually really go all in.
What does Jow Forums say?
Don't spend anything you can't afford to lose.
Of course, I do mean within reason. I'll still have money to pay rent and eat even if my shjt coins get burned.
You're right about this being the bottom/near bottom. Pulling money out of traditional investment vehicles and putting it into crypto means higher risk, but potentially higher gains. Only you can decide if it's worth the additional risk to score some potentially bigger gains
But in the event that this isn't the bottom, are you going to be fine with potentially losing the money? We probably won't see another bull market for a long time, so you're going to have to hold those coins until then.
I suggest link, moria, rhoc if you want to do a crypto
I'll do the same, waiting sub 6k to do so.
I'm debating whether I should get a loan or not to buy this dip.
bitcoin will never go below 6k again
I'm in the same boat OP.
To the thread: BTC or ETH?
Or some shit coin like Link?
still probably more and faster gains than stocks etc.
i would put 70% in btc eth, 30% in link and stuff.
if you want an alt coin get SKY, it's the best you can do. But if btc crashes you're still out of luck.
I do agree we are near the bottom if not the bottom right now, its difficult to tell. why not make it be a bit more stress free and dollar cost average? Its what i do personally. Watchin the market all day is not my idea of fun.
All in on red.
Get a loan and go 100x leverage with it.
I'm not planning to get something I can't pay + I have 0 debt right now.
Considering the 6k marks risk/reward ratio, It seems logical.+ It's much more safer than going long on let's say x10 leverage.
Do something like this. You want most of your money in the top projects like BTC and ETH because it's "safer" than in altcoins. Certain altcoins, however, like LINK, are cheap enough that it's worth throwing some money into on the chance that they moon
How do I get a loan and use 100x leverage? Thanks
Don't buy all on at once. You gotta mitigate your risks - I'm just popping in a bit at a time, DCA ftw. And yeah - we're just staying in this range for now, it is indeed the bottom or close to it.
All btc, maybe small amount eth(%10-20)
I wouldn't risk a loan on alts.
Teach me about the loan meme.
Personally, I've never gotten a loan before so I'm not familiar with them, but I understand the basics.
If you were confident that we could only head upwards from here, and in a short enough time period to pull it off, what exactly are the downsides to taking out a loan for crypto?
I'd do the same desu
Imagine losing all the money you have trading internet funny money
Now imagine borrowing someone elses money and losing that too, on internet funny money. Dont fucking do it.
When people say "only invest what you dont need", getting a loan and investing it is the exact opposite of that.
Worst case scenario you lose %50-60 of your "loan investment" and pay back it to bank over time.
The reason I still thik bubble is not over, and it's barely the first sell off is because most normies only heard about btc after november, watched it go up and crash down. They are paying attention to it now.They won't be buying on bear market but, once it starts going up again, btc will see more media coverage, more people will start talking about it, and the real fomo will began.
Holy fucking shit is this actually a good biz thread?
If crypto were to rebound you would make immense gains very quickly.
The real power of buying low is being able to leverage trade the currency when it has higher value.
>Buy eth at $300
>A few weeks pass
>Price goes to $500
>leverage it at x5 for $2500
This is why you buy the dips and accumulate.
I agree with this.
Have any of you talked to normies at your office about when they invested in December? Most people put in like 200-400 dollars, then pulled it out a month later. We havent seen the supermoon potential yet.
>more money than stocks
Everything is losing value.
Its not about what is making more money but the fact that your money will actively decrease until the next bull run which could be a full year or more.
I'm considering doing the same, I'd just be gutted if I blew all the money I've spent the last 15 years building up in the stock market...
Crypto could unironically be the safest investment for the next few years though, literally everything else is a bubble propped up by Central banks
I'm just DCA'ing in. I can't predict the bottom, but I can put in an amount of money in every week. Because I'm DCA'ing, if BTC drops to $4k, I'll still be buying. I've shed my riskier cryptos in favor of more stable ones.
I've contributed a monthly amount to my stocks even through the past year, and never shifted to 100% crypto contribution. In fact, my stock contribution stayed the same. I will be okay if I lose all my crypto, but I'm in a good position that if we go back up I'm looking at lifechanging money.