Ethically speaking...

Ethically speaking, why is it fair that the son of an owner of a company can earn a large share of the value of the wages produced by its workers, even if he has next to nothing to do with running the company?

From a deontological standpoint it makes no sense. No one behind Rawls's curtain would choose such a division of work versus benefits.

A utilitarian could argue that being able to pass wealth from father to son motivates owners to work harder, but by the same token, control of capital by the few without chances for social mobility deincentives workers from working hard.

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Communist spotted

So you are saying your father was a worthless piece of shit with no money to pass on to you?
I mean tell me why wouldn't it be fair?
Where should the money go? And why even have kids?

Take profit of company you started. People who work for you, work for you, that was the deal when they signed their contracts.

This. OP should seriously jump off a cliff

if father has done good deed to society it's only obvious society has to pay back by giving son some money

there is no way to stop this, have a look at trusts, once the trust is started, the son would be a benificiary of the trust, the trust owns the company.
this is why the rothchilds are not on the forbes list

what is the point of getting there if it isn't benefitting your own family directly? It completely defeats the purpose of working. Are you a Communist or something?

FUCK YOU, you fucking poorfag retarded cunt. You come here with all your intelectual talking points that make no sense at all.
Just to show how fucking disgusting and envy you are of other people's property.
Fuck kill yourself.

1 > 2

>if father has done good deed to society it's only obvious society has to pay back by giving son some money

Did John P Morgan do a good deed to society, when he succeeded in establishing the Federal Reserve (and before that when he was heavily involved in 'banking crisis' of 1907, which served as an excuse to enact the Federal Reserve Act six years later)?
Because his son did inherit his money.
And "the grateful society" is still "paying back some money" to the true owners of the Fed.

Communists are subhuman.
You bloody piece of cum filled shit

You are the cancer that has plagued the world for 200 years now, please consider suicide

BizPol brainlets can't answer a simple question. Don't bother asking. Their main skill is in self-delusion - that's why they are valuable little goys to be rewarded with their digi-bux.

My kids or whoever I want should receive my business and wealth win I pass because it is my business and wealth. End of story.

Life isn't fair. Life has never been fair and never will be. Some people are just dealt a great hand from the beginning, luck of the draw my man. You can either complain about it or change things so your offspring don't complain about it

because he was the fastest sperm out of 6 million in that man's balls at a time when an egg was present


>encouraging gibmedats and handouts
Fucking commies on this board, I swear.

My 77 year old boss (owner) has his wife and son(8 years old) on payroll for a manufacturing lab

Absolute pathetic brainlets

Here I'll spell it out for you. The father Built the business. He can chose how to use it. If he decides to give it to his son, that is fair because it is his to give. What do you think would be fair?

your flawed thinking begins with the owner "earning" it
the son is merely farce
great wealth creation is always ALWAYS dependent on many people. by its nature. sometimes it makes sense to let the owner capture this wealth. sometimes it does not. see present day society. the goodness of it died with noblesse oblige

>why is it fair?

So are you saying life isnt fair?


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Ethically speaking, this would be because we are a product of our genes, and our purpose is perpetuating ourselves. The son of the man who generates social capital (which money is a representation of) is essentially that same man at some genetic level, and so that generational man deserves exactly the reward he was able to extract.

It's the owner's company, he can do what he likes as long as it's legal. If you don't like it, then work somewhere else.

I too was once a college freshman.

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