1.Have you ever run a business?

1.Have you ever run a business?
2.Have you ever run a profitable business?
3.Have you ever had an employee working for you full time?

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Family owned food truck in LA working atm just me and my uncle. We paid off the food truck and most of our debts. 60% profit every week and lately sales have increased.

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A small mobile coffeeshop/truck on the right streetcorner, Office building should be absolutely profit of there isn't something big around?


>60% profit every week
You plan on going public any time soon?


Yes, yes and yes. Haven’t owned the businesses but have ran them. Only experience is with service businesses. AMA.

Are Cunt

1. Yes
2. Yes
3. Part Time

Damn it didn't work. Phoneposter here.
I liked the you are a fucking cunt soundboard, the shoops and this schizo-like video of him watching himself

No. I don't want employees. They're all lazy entitled shits.

That's great. I assume "profit" is before any take home pay?
I have a food truck dream but I suppose everyone else fucking does too. You like it?

What does run them mean?

Yes i know a few people that sell just snacks and coffee for offices and they make some good money but they move around to different offices through the day. If i can recommend something to you in LA is buy those cheap old white food trucks and go to construction places and home depots and sell cheap food to beaners it doesn't even have to be good. I know a guy doing that he makes ok money without busting his ass much.

Never, a bunch of people want to invest with us because they know our food is really good and different from anything around. We will never take outside money though as we don't want to be tether to retards lol.

Yes. But since it's a family thing we just have like a "fund" and spend from there we don't really have pay

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Oh and I like it because all through my life I've been hearing people praise my grandma for how amazing of a cook she is and then my uncle. It feels amazing to know I have that talent too.
I'm not going to lie if you want to be successful in a foodtruck that means you're going to be busting your ads on rush hours and you can't mess up because if you do everything gets pushed back. You always have to improve yourself while listening to costumers. Try not to have any actual paid employees (try getting family or something to work for a small amount of money plus tips)

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Yea thats awesome. i was a short order cook for 7 years. I'm sure its not easy with 2 people day in and day out.

I've since started a business that mostly requires sitting on my ass staring at numbers all day. There's always a grass is always greener thing when thinking about how nice it'd be to work with my hands all day and break a sweat.

what am I looking at? amerifat food looks like shit

Lmao as I was reading about your bussines I was thinking "damn that sounds nice". Yeah 2 people is insane during rush but we've gotten really good at it.
We are planning on expanding next year our ultimate goal would be franchising. That would be the only time we would take any people into the Business.

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Your food looks nice op.

Those would be red chilaquiles with chicken. Dish consists of sauce cooked tortilla chips, scrambled eggs, monterrey jack cheese, refried beans, dry cheese, sour cream and onion. Tastes like fucking heaven and costs like 1 dollar to make lmao. Here's a green sauce version with beef

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that looks really good, details?

i want to start a business where i don't have to interact with people but the only one I can think of is day trading

please give me other jobs if you know them

1) Yes
2) Yes
3) Yes, 3 atm

50 at peak, 20 avg
Retired +$2MM cash and assets

No interaction with people is going to be extremely difficult, because even if you manage to do it in a field that doesn't require interaction with people (which there are almost none) you'll have to hire people in order to run it once it grows - and you'll be forced to interact with them.

It would be a far better idea to start getting along with people, since they inhabit pretty much all of earth (and control all of it's resources) and it's therefore quite tough avoiding them.

Most businesses require acquiring customers

Fitness is still booming.
As a pretty build Jow Forumsizen with business in mind, will it still be profitable to get self employed as PT.
Even with renting a small space ~50m2 for a little gym to show stuff?

You'll have a hard time competing vs larger gym chains that far outcompete you in terms of raw price. Gyms are mainly infrastructure, and the bigger the gym is / the more customers share the infrastructure, the more efficient the gym is. Also, you don't want to care about infrastructure but actually train people as a PT. So I suggest you find a spot that you can rent in an existing gym to work in as PT on your own or, even better, find others PT's and get your own gym with them together in order to share it.

Yes, Video Games
Yes, for a while.
Yes and had to let them go when contractor we were reliant on went bust :(


In a big city you have
A) cheap chains with 10% local people and 90% with people from rape-istan countrys
B) expensive chains for old people and moms

I would aim for those who are currently at the cheap chains.
There are no qualified PTs and they don't get paid extra to show how things are done right.
So I won't compete with them.

I'm thinking of
1) having a session with my customer at his local cheap gym


2) rent some space with the necessary stuff where I can do whatever I want (crypto gains could handle the cost for 1-2 years if there is no income) + I could let people train there with a montly fee.

+ I would have my own "home gym"

This whole thing would be tied to self improvement / personal development, not only health and fitness.
Building a base of loyal smart people.

yes ye yay

> get your own gym with them together in order to share it.

That is actually a pretty neat idea.
Currently I'm at the stage of writting a business plan and finance.

I still have 3 terms left in my bachelor, so this will take some time.
But I will start side hustling as a PT to get more experience.

That is a a la Diabla Swai Salad. Seal is fish a la Diabla means sweet and spicy. The dressing is a bell pepper creme with rosemary.

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1 yes pretty much
2 yes at first then gone to shit
3 yes