Why is an ERC20 in the top 10 and why is it the only positive coin? Pump and dump?

Why is an ERC20 in the top 10 and why is it the only positive coin? Pump and dump?

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Yeah with an anonymous dev team and no alpha version of anything from Cayman Islands? Coinmarketcap is involved in this fraud

The erc eos token is just a placeholder untill the blockchain goes live and they do a token swap, how people still don't understand this baffles me.

Doubtful but ok

probably because it's fake news spread by paid shills; anyone who's read the faqs on eos.io knows better

While I agree, I also think that the fact it's still a token reflects the state of development at this moment. Thus being in top10, you could say it's value is quite speculative.


Read their terms. It’s a fakecoin

lol, retard.

You own this Ethereum token? I’m a retard?

Its legalese, They're covering themselves from excessive regulation from the US. It's in ICO untill june.

The value isn't only based on speculation they've raised over a billion which they are going to use to pay devs.

It'll be replaced in June. It's on the ethereum blockchain untill it goes live, then they switch.

There are probably 4 newbie developers max. They deserve $250 million each? Nice try.

Another thing, why do the developers of an ERC20 that has NO PURPOSE deserve a billion dollars? Lmao. John Oliver spelled it all out crystal clear. Better source of info than biz because his IQ is above 70

Because it's a temporary ERC20

Not a fan of google then ?

Struggling to understand this irrational FUD. Enjoy your ETH when EOSs market cap gets taken out if ethereum and they dump their remaining ETH.

ETH is the shitcoin not EOS a handfull of people buying cats kills the network kek, whilst exchanges like bitfinex are going to move to the EOS platform

All lies. Nobody even knows what EOS is other than Jow Forums. Bitfinex would never work with a scam project like EOS

When that smug Jew on the T.V told me it was a scam I literally doubled my holdings, enjoy being poor.

It’s cause eos is dumping their eth for more eos. It is a marketing strategy and you got hooked


Why lie?


You need to stop lying

Yeah shills making fake blogs. Cool scam. 2 words John Oliver

korean autism

>XMR top 10

We made it boys

Also, because it's only temporarily erc-20 you fucking simp. Still a shitcoin though that won't dethrone ETH

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Ethereum charges gas. That’s obsolete. EOS will definitely beat the shit out of Oldthereum.

Is EOS the new Cardano?
>new platform
>promises Scalability
>active CEO who speaks well
>doesn't have a functional product yet

I hold Ethereum and I am still considering buying some EOS. Will Plasma and Casper solve the issues that EOS is supposedly addressing? I understand that it is possible for more than one platform to succeed in the market.

I dont know shit about programming but developing a platform like EOS seems exponentially harder than something simpler like BitShares or Steemit, so even though Larimer has a good background, should we fall for the team experience meme?

Is EOS going to appreciate until mainnet and then tank until dapps and ICOs launch on its platform like how we are seeing with Icon? Icon has plummeted since their mainnet and I expect it to moon after it hosts some relevant ICOs. Can we expect the same trend with EOS?

I think I am going to buy EOS and then sell a week before mainnet. biz?

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