I made this wet, sticky shit again and used half of the toilet paper to clean my ass, still feels dirty

i made this wet, sticky shit again and used half of the toilet paper to clean my ass, still feels dirty

does this happen in your country?

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just clean your ass with soap and water nigga

buy a fucking bidet you dirty poor nigger

Literally me last night

Pretty much. Learn to use a bucket of water to clean your ass instead of toilet paper.

I only seem to have those when I eat peanut butter. it's very annoying.



We clean our holes with water and soap thanks to the greatest invenction of all the times: the bidet.

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I want one so badly I have hemorrhoids and wiping is painful


fix your diet

Shave your asshole.

i had hemorrhoids for a long time and like a year ago it suddenly stopped
at least i think it were hemorrhoids, my ass was itching after every shit, and bleeding sometimes when the shit was heavy one

but the stubble man
the stubble

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Eat more fiber and use a bidet like every civilized cunt

Yep, hemorrhoids or an anal fissure

>wipe mostly clean
>then rinse off in the shower
Master race

t. Ranjeesh

not even close chang

Lol I’m currently having that issue now ;p

Who /OnTheToilet/ right now?

i feel like my ass is constantly dirty and stinky
when i stick my finger in my asshole and sniff it, it smells like shit
and i want so badly to get a rimming from a hooker but i'm afraid that my asshole is disgusting and she would refuse and it would be awkward as fuck

what do?

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what diet should a man choice to solve this problem? because I have this too.

reporting in

buy a bidet

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clean ass after ever visit to toilet, I also use wet wipes, literally every time, but it needs to have a garbage can for this because you can't just flush it

based argies

Yeah sucks to be a northern barbarian!we don‘t have Bidets,i hate beeing white.

>buys something just because hes not too insecue ti buy a butt rub
>not Ranjeeep I believe you piece of shit cunt fuck you

I seriously don't understand how can people take a shit at work without smelling like shit afterwards.

washing your ass with soap is indian?
wtf i love India now

Indians probably barely even need to wipe their asses and have no asshole problems because they shit in very healthy and natural position
human is not made to shit while sitting like on chair

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based poos

>anglo is a dirty piece of shit who doesn't know bidets are popular in france and southern europe
why am I not surprised