
peng slags edition

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Dos san miguels and a full english please pedro

and turn the TV on ya dozy dago city are playing

what was the context?


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Hahahahahahahaha loyalist “people”.

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This man is Honourable.

god i wish that was me


I had a shower/ shave. I did my hair. I'm not going anywhere and I'm alone in my house. I just don't know anymore.

>be american
>forget to suckle on the boot of the policeman
>get shot 30 times

don't like this one, always makes me really sad

Ireland can have NI, Jesus Christ.

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>he still hasn't taken the radcenpill

what are you, some kind of pussy?

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I hate Americans.

love making girls laugh

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>Work in a shitty call centre
>Everyone bitches, snitches and gossips about eachother on a daily basis
>Managers constantly get rinsed by their team members
>Everyone goes to the pub and pretends to be friends with eachother

No thanks.

if canzuk were a nation, it'd be the world's 3rd largest economy after the United States and China

>slagposting begins


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Agreed, brother.

having a burger from a local place.

shan't be visiting a global(ist) franchise ever again


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nice comedown track though

might try private mental health treatment. i feel like killing myself right now and i'm not dealing with my GP fobbing me off referring me for some using talking therapy in 8 weeks time

also can you hang yourself with a belt?

If you don't read/listen to The Economist weekly, then I just can't take your opinion seriously.

you just need some friends to talk to

>tfw no jew gf

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mad how one bloke in a football team is allowed to use his hands and the rest aren't

and after that extrajudicial murder, he probably got suspended with full pay and is back at work again right now

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Even if we get liberation we will still have to keep the proddies and look after them.


Really hope that you lads have signed this position so we can start a /brit/ colony in the Australian outback. I know I have.

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is it though

if you're rejecting therapy you're beyond help so kys. no one who knows you should feel any guilt. they tried. you let them down not the other way round

sun came out today

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why did janny stop enforcing the 'wait until page 7' rule

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Anyone interested in switching countries? Asking for a friend's friend

fuck off

The honker on that...

>house across the road was up for sale
>a young well-to-do family with two kids moved in
I was worried that our road was going to get its first pakis, crisis averted.

drinking culture is fucking retarded literally worse than weed culture

>colony in the Australian outback

unitoil is killing me today

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absolutely seppo tier post

we got a different janny

plus enforcing rules like that doesn't actually work
the problem is /brit/ posters themselves always climbing over each other trying to get the new in before someone else

saturday night takeaway on in 10mins on itv lads. very interested to see how they will adress ant's absence

looks like croydon

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>attempting to start a colony when your birth rates at your home nation are declining


what are you doing

sort yourself out first

I actually like girls with big noses

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australia is closer to us in terms of culture than they are to any of those countries

>algebraic topology

still annoys me that people post threads 30-40 posts early and single link the new

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>mfw /brit/ spends half its time complaining about the housing crisis in the UK but doesn't want freedom of movement to several countries where housing is not only cheaper but incomes are higher than the UK

l m a o

Hope mummy gives me lots of choccy tomorrow

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I used to think no one would understand my psyche but after reading the confession part of "fappy master Kurosawa" manga I started thinking differently

going to apply for a job in canada

any anime man in?

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Of course you do, you're circumcised

honestly, why does it seem like the rest of the UK hates Northern Ireland?
by all right's I'm as neutral as a non-Brit can be, but wouldn't the protestant crown-loyal folks there be on "your side"?
Do you just want to surrender all those protestant counties to the Irish?




is the fight at 9 GMT?

hmmm oh yes the runts are afoot
you can tell because they post slags and porn and put zero effort into their posts

I wish lad. It's a projective geometry course but my proff is a topologist and is pushing his shit in here despite it not being a prereq to the course.

you realise millions of chavs will descend on canada and fuck all will move this way
i mean if you really want that


why do black people wear wigs

group a is not the same as group b

they should enforce queen's guard rules on regular policemen

>australia is closer to us in terms of culture
not really
Australian culture and working class British culture are basically exactly the same

Get the New York look

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typical algebraic topologist

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Good anime lad

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greenwich mentioned

new york seems comfy but uncomfy at the same time
odd place

fascinating take there Davey boy

reminder: this is an emma roberts general

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they're normally at 11 BST, the programme started earlier tonight though so maybe the fight is a bit earlier

t. never been to australia

Yeah but did he get away? No? Then the officer did he job fine.

at least i can chat shit with a chav whilst sharing some cold carling. pakis are boring and weird unless fully assimilated

can you get banned for toad posting?

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It's grenich

Top kek

Dining room at some random joint in Bostawn

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If you are marrying a non-EU citizen and want to bring them to the UK you have to earn at least £18,600 or if you earn less than that you have to have at least £18,000 in savings for 6 months


If you claim disability bennies they can come in to the country without the salary requirements and they too can claim bennies off the state

So basically if you mooch off the state you can bring people in to the UK but if you have a job and pay into the state, you have to meet wage/savings requirements

Wanker whats wrong with you

just sign it

You are now remembering the time when Nigel Farage dropped in on Trump's dinner unannounced & they had to make room for him while Trump basically ignored him.

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does PJW really watch the footy? or does he just occasionally larp as an owls fan on twitter to make himself seem more relatable to his rorke /sp/ fanbase?

if that were america, that man in the red would have bled out already

>black and white people having fun together
Oh shit reeeeeeee.
State of rorke.

she has very smol breast

i'm convinced algebraists in general were bullied as children, and become proffs to get back at the world.