C*nadians want to club this

>C*nadians want to club this

Attached: Harp_seal.jpg (1440x960, 230K)

natives aren't canadian, only english and french can be canadian

Does this look like native too you, leaf?

Attached: sealcullREX0304_468x543.jpg (468x543, 38K)


They eat dog not seals

Attached: canadian girl.jpg (1080x1180, 360K)

it's our culture, you can't judge us.. besides, shouldn't you be off getting drunk and trying to box a roo

Attached: canada sweat guy3.jpg (666x666, 106K)


If it's done fast I don't really care since I eat meat anyway.

This shit is demented
Like it actually disturbs me
We might have had civilians killed during the war but after that we stopped. And we certainly don't kill animals unless we eat them. I would think the leafs would be more civilized than us.

Too bad you guys still have fur farms huh.