C*nadians want to club this

>C*nadians want to club this

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natives aren't canadian, only english and french can be canadian

Does this look like native too you, leaf?

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They eat dog not seals

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it's our culture, you can't judge us.. besides, shouldn't you be off getting drunk and trying to box a roo

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If it's done fast I don't really care since I eat meat anyway.

This shit is demented
Like it actually disturbs me
We might have had civilians killed during the war but after that we stopped. And we certainly don't kill animals unless we eat them. I would think the leafs would be more civilized than us.

Too bad you guys still have fur farms huh.


>And we certainly don't kill animals unless we eat them

If it's a fur farm why would you kill them?
You keep sheep around so you can get their wool.

They also flay them alive

But Bosnians are allowed to and do kill animals for fur. At any rate you're full of it, sorry. You're no better than Canadians.

>using clubs with nails sticking out of them to hunt
Should be illegal. They should either use guns or captive bolt pistols.

I'm not sure what you are talking about.
Are you complaining about hunters or farms where they keep animals like sheep for their wool?
Naturally since they are animals you can kill them if you want to but from personal experience people kill them for food and stuff. Hunters do it because they want trophies but you can't really stop them since even in western countries they can hunt at certain times. If someone kills a sheep they plan on selling and or eating the meat. If they have wool on them you use however you can.

Well not always, but sure that should be handled if they want to continue. Just muh opinion though.

The club is actually more effective than a gun. When done right you kill the seal instantly whereas a gun may miss the sweet spot.

A captive bolt pistol would probably be the best course of action.

How do they kill those cute creatures?

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How thick can one be.
People also kills for for FUR in your country. It's the same thing, we're not talking about wool.

Sorry but my English is not the best (and i'm a little drunk)
Are you referring to hunters then?
We try to control them as much as we can. They can only hunt during certain parts of the year and can only target certain animals. Things like that actually help the environment since foxes and wolves are pests that kill everything and can in some cases destabilize the local ecosystem.

I can tell.

We don't smash the fluffy ones. It's illegal to do that.

And naturally they are going to use their fur to make some money since this place is a massive shithole where a huge amount of people can't even find a regular job.

same shit dumbass, seals eat a lot of our cod that are depleted. they are pests.

they're cute though :3

I will club your ass until it is more red than our flag.

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I want to fuck it.

I would rather fuck a walrus personally.

Ask yourself

>seals eat a lot of our cod that are depleted.
Then find an unoccupied region with lots of fishes and cods, store the food for later, hide cods in a better place, find other types of aliments to eat, or anything else except killing seals.


ITT: people who eat cows and pigs get upset people eat seal and whales

The cows and pigs I eat are reared free range and killed humanely without panic to the animal
they most certainly are not beaten to death

There's a difference between eating meat from animals slaughtered out of your sight in some factory and actually taking a bat and clubbing an obviously cute animal to death, that's straight psycho

Just behead them lmao

you can't feel pain if the first blow to the head incapacitates you. it looks bad but it's humane and effective.

>i care about the environment

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So that's what a canuck mean by lets go clubbing

You don't survive hakapik m8

What does this expression convey, Jow Forums?

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>cows and pigs aren't cute


comfort in suffering

you are not better

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Says a potato-starved peasant on a barren rock in the sea.

Hunting is disgusting and unethical. Anyone who does it, from hicks to nips to edgy teenagers in their backyards, deserves a life sentence.

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>Things like that actually help the environment

Why the fuck do you think we kill seals?

Seals have nearly driven to extinction the Atlantic coast cod, even with a full moratorium on fishing them, they're still diminishing because of seals.

why would ethics apply to animals

>put in small enclosuers
>taken to the slaughterhouse
>see, hear and smell their friends and family get killed around them

>mfw I see a smug-faced s*al look at me
I will destroy him

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>self sufficiency is bad

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