Why is he so based, lads?

Why is he so based, lads?

Attached: corbyn.jpg (225x300, 18K)

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He's a contrarian and controlled opposition

>giving greater powers to the public sector

Only an eyetalyen could be this dumb

fuck off to Jow Forums

>brainwashed by ne*liberalism
typical br*t

I have to deal with the public sector (NHS/local authorities) everyday in my job you slippery gypsy.

If people are seriously dumb enough to give greater support to such blatant inefficiency and wasting of taxpayer funds then we will all end up living like Italy's walnut faced peasantry.

if private sector means efficency why are your railways the worst in europe? And the most expensive to boot?

>the worst in europe
Negre, prosim. That's simply not true.

Also it's inefficient because it's far from being a truly competitive, privatised industry.


>why are your railways the worst in europe?
Terrone, please.

I REALLY hope you guys don't start privatizing healthcare, I don't want my friend in Oxford go bankrupt for hospital bills like in muttland.

Who is this qt daddy?

Why should all of us be forced to pay for your friend's healthcare?

nigga, Italy had the first privatized high speed train line in Europe. You're deluded.

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Fuck off cryptoyanks

Okay Cleetus, go back to South Carolina. Vacation time is over

>Why should all of us be forced to pay for your friend's healthcare?

Still waiting for an actual answer

Well whoever he is, I wanna face fuck him


I don't believe people should die or be forced into poverty for something that's 100% out of their control


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>Brits want to give power to an unironic marxist who is commonly seen wearing lenin's hat

How do we save Britain, lads?

Based Commie

Attached: 1521856078415.jpg (680x833, 62K)

>I don't believe people should die or be forced into poverty for something that's 100% out of their control
Me neither. I also don't believe people should be stolen from to cover the expenses of something that's out of their control as well

Do Americans seriously think they should be giving other people political advice? Are you guys really that ignorant?

>Taxes are theft
Wow, kill yourself faggot

everyone should turn communist so Lithuania could be more releveant after they destroy their economies so yes I like him

Our politics have led us to be as successful as we are, so it's not ignorance but experience telling us that we can help our friends like the British from their corobynite-marxist movement to Canada's high school drama spending spree.

I just wish our friends would listen to us.

Ojisan White daddies are only good for face fucking

>taking money from someone involuntarily is okay

Go back to the middle eastern shit hole that you crawled from Muhhamad

What can we excpect from a Corbyn prime ministership?

>having a government system where the nation’s chief executive can be removed from office due merely to a lack of parliamentary/party confidence, and can call snap elections when he wishes

based syndies

Attached: general-strike.gif (283x438, 53K)

Canada grew faster economically than the US the last year

What's with guidos and being corrupt union fucks.

>Our politics have led us to be as successful as we are, so it's not ignorance but experience telling us that we can help our friends like the British from their corobynite-marxist movement to Canada's high school drama spending spree.

Attached: hurrr.jpg (645x773, 56K)

Attached: UOBflag.png (1160x772, 71K)

What’s anarcho-syndicalism?

>Spending spree
The US expects a trillion dollar deficit expected for this year. Canada expects an 18 billion deficit. Once you account for population and dollar value, the US should have a 130 billion dollar deficit if it spent like Canada does. Not the trillion that it has.

>hating the NHS
Kill yourself

Canada is responsible for itself. America is responsible for the world so it has to spend more.

Attached: world police.png (887x1202, 683K)

This desu he is stupid enough to support Brexit
He is nationalist, but from the "left"

I bet you gladly make use of services provided by tax money, hypocritical cunt

What a cuck answer. America is one of the least financially responsible country in the world.

Based Fascist man of action

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>acknowledging America's role as the most dominant power in world history is "cuck"

It is financially responsible to spend a lot to protect the shipping lanes throughout the world and maintain global commerce. It's not financially responsible to spend to import people you will have to spend even more on.

You're a fucking cuck, bro. You're literally paying for everyone else's military, while they use the money they saved to build roads and hospitals.

>says maintaining world stability is a cuck thing to do
>ignores the importing of foreign people and maintaining of their comfortable lifestyles

People have been brainwashed to think privatisation is a good thing.

I'm moving post brexit and you guys can keep your low wages under a conservative government.

THIS. Our railways are shit and price gouge every fucking year with increases.

>I'm moving post brexit
Please be brown please be brown please be brown please be brown

Corbyn was elected head of the party on the strength of online votes that you could buy for £3.

Tories voted for him to derail the Labour party.

America doesn't maintain world stability. It maintains the stability of the coffers of the social democratic banking mafia.

Attached: 52.png (960x674, 383K)

Most likely he's white and the ratio of white to brown in Britain will decrease even more. ;_;

This is why you should stop bullying your fellow brits on Jow Forums (unless they're /brit/fags)

>dude just make everything private
>what could possibly go wrong

Attached: image.jpg (640x834, 112K)

I'm white. Cons will import more and more migrants, enjoy it.

Your economy is based on military bases. You literally will be poorer if you isolate yourselves, this isn't altruism its hard pragmatism.

Ah, yes, the economy has nothing to do with tech and financial services

The poor think it's good for them, they've been duped but constant marketing such as efficiency, muh tax payer money and other dog whistles. Also most old people are rich so they don't really care.

I exaggerated I mean a large part. I'm not saying you'll be shit, but your growth won't be as much as it is now.

Labour would import even more

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Implying conservatives won't do anything in their power to import as much as labour. Importing migrants is an easy way to increase GDP.

Choose your migrant, more poles or more commenwealth.

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CIA should take him out desu senpai