What's your favorite regional cuisine?

What's your favorite regional cuisine?

Attached: Regional-food.png (693x328, 529K)

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Definitely southern European

Indian, lebanese, georgian
Objective best 3 cuisines in the world, and you're retarded if you disagree

I love eating American, especially since there are more burger joints than churches (Texas)
Sushi is alright
Chinese is basically white washed
Indian food is ruined by cheap restaurant owners that only care of money not taste
I like pasta too
Idk what top right is

>idk what top right is
Thanks for embaressing my flag again.

>Idk what top right is

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WOW really fighting the stereotype of a retarded American aren’t you

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I like greek, persian, italian, and continental food the most

Rude! I literally grew up there >:(

Good for him. He was an honest person.
It's greece hence the olives.


Attached: Chinese food 1.png (1148x1325, 965K)

>idk what top right is
Ameritards don't even try to fight the american education meme at this point


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Attached: Dolmas-close.jpg (640x480, 67K)

>Greek cuisine


>What's your favorite regional cuisine?


I'd love French cuisine but they don't use spice and it tastes just bland.

Apulian cusine: great seafood, lots of veggies, great holiday foods
what's the food that makes up turkey flag?

What's wrong with greek cuisne it's great.
Turkish delight

Greek is the best
the others dont offer a lot of good things

turkish diaspora

writing with capital letters is Greek
just like the dish he posted

>omg he didn't know what this flag was, americation everyone! xD Now, let's go post some groypers amiright?!?!
i remember being 12

Lokum, turkish delights


Güllü lokum

Well I go with SEA. Indonesian food is great.
I understand we don't get the 'real' stuff but regardless they sell a lot of stuff to easily make Indonesian meals which are very good tasting and quite healthy too

Chinese food is disgusting compared to Thai

""""""""Greek"""""""" cuisine is literally just a rip off of Turkish cuisine.

I'm not even making it up. Half of their foods have Turkish names. Whereas the only foods that have Greek names here are fish names like Levrek etc.

You need to stop posting Jamal, you're just embarassing yourself even more

For example: here we have a some kind of dolma called "Yalancı Dolma" which mean "Liar Dolma" because it has no meat in it

Do you know what's that called in Greece?

"Yalandji Dolmades"

Turkish food is generally just Levantine dishes with a DÜLULUGULULULU name

good argument Giuseppe

Either Belgian (I'm biased) or Italian
Mexican is good too.

Levantine food is actually very different. You're only a retard and you don't know anything about Turkish cuisine in general. You only eat meme foods like döner (which is Turkish) and lahmacun.

Also whites eat shit.


turkish cuisine is basically Greek
all the turks did in those centuries was renaming food

its not
turks brought Greek food to arabs
before that they were eating sand

>all the turks did in those centuries was renaming food
>Greeks use Turkish names for their food

what did iki mean by this

you seem to be a trashy person

gyros is Greek
lahmacun is armenian

dont use capital letters you muslim

>Rename something in Turkish but make it sound like the original Greek word
>then claim the Greeks renamed it

>you're dumb because you made a fool of one of my countrymen who has the same culture of a lobotomized orangutan
You need to stop posting Jamal

Thx Greeks for baklava :)

that turks did nothing except renaming food and cities
same with humans

I get quite inspired by techniques and dishes from big European nations and cooking is easy because ingredients are pretty much the same with Greek cooking

>Greek cooking


what is even the difference between Turkish and Greek food

>i summarize a entire group of people and compare them to apes
grow up my friend and get a good degree and be happy because right now it isn't looking good for you

literally pork vs lamb/chicken

i didnt know it was from Byzantine period
i thought it was some arab thing

turkish food is MUCH trashier and has middle eastern influences
same with balkan food which is greasier than turkish food

Greek cuisine seem to be influenced by European ones

Original/Modern Turkish food:

Based on mutton/chicken meat, wheat and soups/rie
Uses spices
Influenced by Iranians

Original Greek cuisine

shit taste, no spices
mostly based on fish and garum and olive oil

modern greek cuisine

ripoff of Turkish cuisine because it's clearly superior to their gayass garum

thats wrong muslim

purity of hands that prepared it

In contrast to turkish cooking which is basically Persian, Armenian and Byzantine foods and maybe two (2) turk recipes

Greek cuisine is the best

no matter how much you lie
you cant change the truth

This Armenoid from Giresun again

Turkish cuisine
>Turkish cuisine (Turkish: Türk mutfağı) is largely the heritage of Ottoman cuisine, which can be described as a fusion and refinement of Central Asian, Middle Eastern and Balkan cuisines.[1][2][3] Turkish cuisine has in turn influenced those and other neighbouring cuisines, including those of Southeast Europe (Balkans), Central Europe, and Western Europe.[3] The Ottomans fused various culinary traditions of their realm with influences from Levantine cuisines, along with traditional Turkic elements from Central Asia (such as yogurt and mantı), creating a vast array of specialities—many with strong regional associations.

Greek cuisine
>Greek cuisine (Greek: Ελληνιkή kουζίνα, Elliniki kouzina) is a Mediterranean cuisine.[1] Contemporary Greek cookery makes wide use of vegetables, olive oil, grains, fish, wine (white and red), and meat (including lamb, poultry, veal, beef, rabbit and pork). Other important ingredients include olives, cheese, lemon juice, herbs, bread and yoghurt.

And LMAO at calling Dolma Turkish
It is literally caucasus food drom Armenia
Just like your ancestors

Greeks had yogurt before turks
and dumplings like manti is from the chinese
the turkic steppe animals brought it to the slavs
polaks and russians created pierogi or pelmeni


Do you want me to beat you up?

>maybe two (2) turk recipes

mantı, sakala sünen, kebab recipes etc

food thief armenoid

>shit taste, no spices
>mostly based on fish and garum and olive oil
More like garlic,savory, marjoram, rosemary, thyme, and oregano
An yeah we have heavy sea food culture
Turks are Persian ripoff cuisine that eat everything with bread instead of rice

Baklava is gross and so is moussaka and I hate that that is what Greek cuisine is known for. Eat a saganaki sometime.
Greeks use more olive oil in everything. Also there's lots of pork. I don't know where the idea of lamb being commonplace in things like gyro came from, but it's disgusting and would never sell in Greece. You usually know when a food is greek if it has oregano, olive oil, and lemon I think. One thing for sure is that it plays around with citrus flavors a lot more and substitutes the usual rosemary for oregano whenever given an otherwise "normal" southern european/mediterranean dish.

Iki we should have weaponized you caucasians in the past to stop this Central Asiatic mongrols
Caucasus people are strong and can crush this niggers easily

they stole that too?



Attached: Santorini-souvlaki.jpg (600x375, 73K)

>"one of my countrymen" = "all of americans"
You can't even read fuck's sake
Besides, your PISA results are shit

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To be fair the average American has nearly no reason to know the greek flag. Can live your entire life without knowing the flag of a 10 million population country half way across the world and it wouldn't even matter

>mantı, sakala sünen
Lmao nobody eats this Middle Eastern trash in Greece
Where the fuck are you living

>we put meat on a stick
>therefore kebab is ours xDDD

also Turkish kebabs are not only on skewers. Turkey has hundreds of kebab recipes varying from region to region. You cook some of them in a well, some in oven etc

I'm certain that every little town in the USA has a Greek food place with Greek flag outside

I love turks it gets never boring with them, here and in rl :)

also erişte, sarma, börek, borani etc

Greeks and Georgians are literally the strongest humans on earth

french is overrated joke
everything about france is overrated
now people have internet and money to visit this shithole just to get disappointed

the tukish flag is an armenian though

Thai food is pretty gud

Also fuck off
Kebab = meatball on a stick
Souvlaki = properly chopped meat on a stick
It is very different and one is obviously superior.

mousakka has an arabic name.

why would a greek food have arabic name?

you stole it from the Turks again.

I wish

This. Said it before and say it again. SEA has best food.

I was born in a town named "Athens".

>The English name for moussaka was originally borrowed from Ottoman musaqqa‘ah (مسقعة), which in turn was borrowed from Arabic lit. 'that which is fed liquid'. It was reborrowed from Greek mousakás (μουσαkάς) and from other Balkan languages, all of which borrowed the word from Ottoman.[1] The word is first attested in English in 1862, written mùzàkkà.[1]

I don't care where it's from I said fuck off to your attitude.

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What is this French kitchen people keep speaking off? What do you make every day that is French?
GA? Isn't that supposed to be a cultural superpower?

>What do you make every day that is French?
Also this

French cuisine is actually just a way of cooking. It does not use any special recipes nor ingredients. But the cooking style makes it perfect

but it has no spices and the cheeses smell horrible

I don't think you understand the insult you put out and how it applies to everyone. But whatever
>pisa results are shit!
O.....k?.... Oh well, have a nice day butthurt italybro I'm off to work

>Every little town
Well no. I agree its hard to go around any major city and not see a greek restaurant every once in a while. I've never seen a greek flag in public desu

There is no China there that's Turkey

Recently I've gotten into Surinamese food. Turns out literally all of it is straight up Indian food. Even roti is Indian.

The French methods are the foundation of most modern cooking, and chances are you've used some methods without even knowing if you've ever cooked. It's not so much about them being good on their own or famous, but more like the French were the first to write them down and solidify their modern use as "building blocks" to today's cooking.

Interesting. An American once told me that in order to be a town, every American town at least has a McDonalds and a Mexican place. I just assume that Greek and Italian places follow quickly.

Sorry to say this but that American was retarded unless he counted Taco Bell as a Mexican place.

Before the Turks came, every town over here had a Greek place. After Indonesians they were the first to bring their food here.
My parents never even go to know kebab. After a night out they always ordered Gyros.
Nowadays it's hard to get a Gyros after 22:00 in most towns.

Athens, Tennessee. Yeah I know, we have multiple.

Attached: Athens-Tennessee.jpg (810x540, 112K)

I want to go to America one day and indulge myself into all sorts of BBQ, different styles of pizza, burgers, Mexican food, etc

Levantine food is trash. They might look similar but the flavour of Turkish cuisine is surperior.

based alamancıs

Mexican only if you visit the States bordering Mexico
BBQ only if you visit Texas
Pizza only if you visit New England
Burgers are good everywhere
Basically just visit Texas because there's the most variety but also the biggest portions and you'll have leftovers for months
You're welcome

The only Mexican food you'll find here easily is TexMex.

Holy shit seriously fuck off you uneducated shit tip

Sarma is most definitely Byzantine, borek is just a generic food that was given a turkish name
Point is turks have not come up with any revolutionary culinary pieces and most importantly claiming Greek food rips off turkish is comical

same with Greek and turkish cuisine
Greek one is superior and turkish is very trash

This is true but I don't know to what extent. Everyone from Syria I know says the only good levantine food is from Lebanon.

>Sarma is most definitely Byzantine, borek is just a generic food that was given a turkish name


kill yourself.

Turks don't rename the name of their foods.

If that were the case you'd still have your native names

Now shoo before i crush your bones

What kind of meat is the turkish one?