tfw no based gf
Other urls found in this thread:
>wanting to be a lanklet
for what purpose?
do you play basketball?
gonna get some crips for my sammich dindin
which ones should i get la
>its my right to free speech to deny the holocaust and disrespect the millions of lives that needlessly perished
>how DARE you piss on our war memorial, you should be jailed for treason!
I declare war on anglo
just like height
think willies are better looking like fannies
april fools btw haha
What is the sexiest accent on a woman?
yeh when i'm sleeping
ugly flag tbqh
idk how mosley came up with the flash and circle but thank god he did
french, same for men obviously
nobody's being brainwashed by some jock shitposting on youtube to get a pug to raise their paw
business idea; free speech for both
On the tinder date lads. She's a bit fat. Send help.
depends on the place, here it isnt
>pissing is speech
if you want to be intimidating at 6'3 then just eat more and rock a skinhead
ohhhh ladd.... its not april fools here yet :////
*denies the holocaust*
gib russia gf
Why do sjws think facsism is lurking around every corner when in reality most people by far either dislike fascism or don’t give a shit?
corbyn is left wing but its unlikely he will be the next stalin or that we will regress into a sort of USSR style general secretary election system
how can wh*tes even compete? another wh*toid dominated by the superior black race
need a gf who will piss on me
i see you made the mistake of cross-thread replying to the 2016 mongoloid thus bypassing my filter
please don't repeat that mistake xx
fear-mongering is an important tenant of their ideology
haven't you heard? mild social democracy is literally the same as gulags and famine.
>Easter Sunday and April Fool's on the same day
kek, imagine if this was actually the case in Biblical times
Jesus could come back from the dead after three days and just say "April Fools! faked me own death aha"
trump is right wing but its unlikely he will be the next hitler or that america will regress into a sort of Nazi Germany style totalitarian system
so your reference to america not learning the mistakes of europe in regards to national socialism doesn't make sense
excited to see what hiro cooks up for tomorrow :p
Wish my friends liked me and everyone didn't think inwas a freak and I wasn't ugly and I was normal
fascism comes in different forms. Especially now. Nobody serious is attracted anymore to old fascist regalia of eagles and leather uniforms and military shit and loud shouty authoritarians giving speeches calling for war. Obviously things have changed and the world moves on but the general ideology and goal remains
it's already tomorrow
Cadburys or nestle easter eggs?
boycott nestle
drunk as fuck lads
Do you think as cases like dankulas become more prevalent and more people get sentenced for "hate speech" online the authorities will recognise certain websites as public places for all people like twitter, facebook etc and certain places for closed communities for like minded individuals like Jow Forums.
If not we are fucked. Imagine hearing calls for more diversity and equality on Jow Forums from the news.
Sour Cream & Onion Pringles
What the hell is a dankula?
no you're not
stop pretending to be cool
loser virgin
i said it because their "left wing" is more right than our tories, their whole system is fucked because they are so paranoid about any government intervention even though they have the 2nd amendment to defend their constitution
summer, sun and qt gf
in a white ethno state
Nobody here claimed that Dolan is a nazi
I declare war on your mums fat arsehole
I know it still exists in a sense but men like Richard spencer have no real power beyond pissing people off.
This is the best fucking thing I’ve watched in a long time
alri lads what we likeeeeee
the reason why you deny the holocaust is because its a core tenant of your ideology to dismiss and spread distrust amongst the population targeted at jews. You want to do this because you want to normalise the idea that all jews lie to people, and that you've been lied to.
Then your next step will be to rally people to "fight back" which would inevitably involve persecuting jews because you'd label them an enemy
Is that free speech, and should that strategy be allowed, group and societal manipulation is free speech? I dont think so
would love to machine rape this whore
Go away ad haven’t you got to make sure all your ex spies are killed and atheletes are pumped with steroids?
haven't seen pureto rico for a while
dont see the problem with communism honestly at least we dont lynch negroes
didn't read a word of that dave son
after Rotherham and Telford and countless more scandals, how can you honestly be proud of being British? i'm renouncing my citizenship as soon as possible
he was here the other day
the only french people i respect are marcel bucard and louis ferdinand celine
alri davey boy
nought more to life
good post actually
take your shitty dave gimmick elsewhere
>all jews lie to people
basically all the major pseudoscience produced in the last 200 years has been by jews
The outcome of the war in the Iraq will have one positive: an independent Kurdistan
And go where? A’s if it’s better on the continent.
Have you seen this man?
Scottish Yard has put out an inquest and would like you to contact them.
>Scottish Yard
This one looks better
dave's gone feral again lads
is she about to do surgery
i've got a canadian passport to fall back on. canada's got problems itself but i've never heard of any canadian paki grooming scandals or canadians arresting people for jokes
we made you
be grateful, be humble
not very qt at all. Shes got no face.
britain isnt bad, were not what we used to be and brexit was a mistake but we are better than america and i thank gold and allah every day i wake up because im not an American
it's funny when people act like the USSR was somehow nationalistic when it promoted nauseating internationalism, race mixing and constantly whined about the evil racist west
that judeo-asiatic-marxist colossus was the pits of human civilisation
piss off dave
Correct on French for women, but it's a moderate RP for men. Coincidentally, in a couple, this is the patrician pairing.
calm down dave my son
If you're an enemy of a liberal democracy, you should be treated as an enemy of the state. The Germans have the right idea with Streitbare Demokratie.
based... jew???????
skizo freak
LEHI were based, fuck the goyim.
Very good post. I'll be printing this out reading it tomorrow at Church.
the normans died out as rulers centuries before britain became a world power
uma delicia...
you wouldn't be a faceist now would you lad?