Living in London

So I have a chance of a job in London starting on £60k plus potential 25-50% annual bonus. Is it worth it? What sort of quality of life would I have there? Would I have to rent a room in a shared house? How much would I pay in living costs? How many times a week would I get robbed/stabbed/run over/acid-in-the-face?

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No Londonfags here?

It’s probably quite rare despite the memes

Mate where are you from?
Where in town is the job? (Postcode) And what is it? (i.e. do you need to be in work at 6am?)
..Don't believe the memes that's not a bad wage at all.

60k is pretty good, you might still end up flat-sharing though, depends on the area (primarily which side of the river you're on).

The stabbings etc are almost completely confined to one demographic - black boys.

Not rly.. Depends on postcode as to where OP is working. It's about commuatable distance. There's no excuse for living in a shared flat on that money unless he's a trader (even then...)

£60k is alright. London isn't really any more dangerous than other cities its size.

Newcastle. I'm on £40k and that goes a long way in the NE so don't know if it's worth moving considering the increased living costs.
Job is in Central London, north of the river. Just normal hours afaik.
I won't be able to buy a place on £60k will I?

>There's no excuse for living in a shared flat on that money
There's a thousand reason you could be flat-sharing on that kind of money, the fuck are you talking about.

>I won't be able to buy a place on £60k will I?
No, you'll be renting.

>someone on Jow Forums with a job of $60k + unheard-of bonuses

Roleplaying is fun isnt it !!!

And even if its true why the fuck are you asking us

Central london user here.
It's fine but I live in zone 1.

Yes but what postcode/nearest station faggot. You run that back via commutable routes and can figure out somewhere to live. Transport links have got SO much better since I first moved here. (E.g. overground. Used to be some grimy train, now it's the m25 of public transport..)

>children / other dependants
..pls name another o wise sage.

Saving money to buy a house? Proximity to work? Preference?

Depends on your deposit.

60 GBP > 60 USD dickhead. LARP away.

IT jobs in London are well-paid, lad. Not everyone here is a NEET fagit.

60k is a good salary. I don't think you'll have to share unless you're living in zones 1/2.
if you plan to eat out it will be very very pricey.
Since your alone and have no kids you should be able to live a comfy life.
Don't worry about robbery unless you visit say harlsden at midnight alone. Be smart and you won't be robbed.
Be careful with acif attacks you can't expect them

Fuck off Billionaire

OP here, forgot to say I'll have nearly £200k cash with selling my flat and my investments.

But I don't know anyone in London. Is it possible to make friends there? I'm not that sociable desu, just an IT wanker.

Not everywhere in zone 1 is ultra-expensive.
I don't live in mayfair.

I live in Belgravia
London is sociable if you want it to be. Don't expect to approached. You need to be proactive and the banter will take getting used to. When they say London is a different country it really is.

OP here again - just looked up the location and it's SW1X just around the corner from Buckingham Palace! Shit almighty!

Of course it is. It's harder than Newky tho for sure. The most hardcore of Southern culture.. If you like being left alone you'll enjoy it.
Depends on your office and interests as to how quickly and how many friends you meet tho.

It's a buyers market here right now though. On that wage with that deposit you'll be able to buy. (You still never said what postcode you're working in though.. Pic related)

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Belgrevia went down in rent in the last few years. I hope you didn't buy it 3 years ago user.

SW1X, overlooking Buckingham Palace gardens.

Gonna graduate and start at a 20k estimate job, never affording a house in London, thinking of moving to america or scotland or just live with my parents till 25-27 just for a cheap 1bed flat/studio/apartment and then wageslave for mortgage..
Sigh being poor sucks, don't wanna marry for mone...

You weren't lying.
So I would look west on the District/coloured Line(s). Hard to find something appreciating though. Consider reting out your current place and renting where you are till you figure it out.
Bare in mind it's only like 30-40 min out West to like Chiswick or somewhere super nice from there.

I was poor for a long time, middle class now. What subject? You'll probably be fine unless it's like aromatherapy and lesbian studies.

>You weren't lying.
I didn't realise until I looked it up just now. Just had a telephone chat with them and they want me to go down for an interview.

That or you move South and commute up to Viccy and west. Might be quicker, but lots of nogs South of the River and it's also (disproportiately) trendy. Would recommend shooting West.. But not tooooo West, cos that's paki/nog land worse than South.

Generally even in the rough areas you'll be left alone, because you're not a black kid who grew up on the estate.

TFL is a godsend for travel planning. Work back from there. It's pretty relentless tho, sorry for being so useless.

Games art, gonna try working for some small mobile game companies and hopefully climb up and build portfolio, not many notable game companies here i can only think of Rockstar and Sony (?). If not i'll try doing fine art/3d/digital art/design teaching, if not some public library, if not some bookstore as a cashier and freelance commissions till i get a place.
If i do land into the games industry im hoping to climb enough to be able to land a permanent job in LA so i can get into a better company like Blizzard, Bethesda or something..
I guess i deserve the salary with the profession, nothing matters just trying to think of getting a small place to live and get enough to pay bills and possibly a pet cat..

>Just had a telephone chat with them and they want me to go down for an interview.
At one in the morning? On a Saturday?

I fancy Wimbledon for the pathetic reason that a girl I love moved there. Is that feasible?

Canada is the place for that stuff these days.

Not just now, I mean just a few days ago

Chiswick is a nice

Nah america's exceeds in making/being involved in/publishing games/comics/films/cartoons/concept or digital art, especially LA.
Also American homes are fairly larger and cheaper it seems, just seems appealing and ideal to me but back to reality i'm just aiming low for now since i'll be a beginner...

But less tubes as the discrit line seperates at chiswick to Ealing and Richmond.

I dont know, i'll go sleep now.
Good night...

Living in London seems shit but i get an extra 300 for living down there plus an extra 300 for moving down there. It should be ok but the prices for the 300 is weird('87637523');s for a pin are gunna be silly so im not looking forward to it.

I don't know about commuting routes, but financially, probably, look at rightmove? If you wanted to be super on it financially I'd get a posh place in Croydon. (--> Victoria --> West) Pretty grim to live in tho.

Ikr. Grew up there.

Same difference living wise, as you said it's the branches and where you're at.
>tfw no house on the bank by kew bridge

I doubt that, most British blacks I've met have been great. A few from Pakistan have been pretty weird tho.

Non-Londoner here. Why is nobody suggesting the suburban rail into Victoria?

I did faggot. Croydon is hardly London proper.
It adds a shit-tonne onto travel costs.

£60k in London is like £40k anywhere else. Everything else translates straightforwardly (except that you will spend 1.5 hours commuting every day and harassed by niggers on a daily basis).

Every big developer that didn't have a studio in Canada is opening one pretty much daily. New studios = new jobs.
They're all taking advantage of the extreme tax-breaks that Canada introduced a while ago.

>I doubt that
Doesn't change the facts though.

Most of them are fine. Still stab each other a lot though.

If you're earning 40k a year in Newcastle why not buy a cheap house up there and rent it out while you're working down south? At worst you're paying the mortgage with the rent, at best you're making a modest profit.

Also you can easily rent a flat on 60k a year and even put some money away, you don't have to go into a shared house unless you prefer living with others.

I'm living in hampstead on £28k a year. If sucks but I'm managing. It's very safe in this area. You'd be fine too.

I'm also from the North east, but I'm a mackem


How are you managing that? Shared house? What do you do?

Shared house, £600 per month for a shoebox room. I'm working for the government so it pays fuck all. I make do because its a really good job.

>really good job
>pays £28k

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28k is decent. He's not poor.