where is the yank that posts the green slug
mad how someone was able to do this with a knife
thread theme
Who was the brainlet that came up with that idea that if someone takes your property you can MURDER them? Genuinely mentally ill mentality.
Watched a documentary about a couple of women who were murdered by Arabs with machetes when they were hiking in the forest
Now considering getting a gun
hello leftypol thief
do you mean hiking in palestinian land?
Thats clearly from a bullet lad
nah it was a throwing knife and the guy wanted to kill him so he did
No, they were in Israel
>girl showing me interest
>I have no idea how to react
do women do this on purpose
Hey that guys stepping on my grass
*shoots you with my desert eagle at point blank range*
miss her
WE ARE 138
bless you x
Ever since I turned 24 I started feeling that my youth is over and I’m at risk to a life-long social isolation.
part of their culture you fucking fascist
yeah thats what i said, palestinian land
wish palestine and israel would just have a big war of extermination
get it over with already
Of all the people here you should probably get a gun
the neighbours sprinkler is overreaching into my garden
*loads up my RPG from under the bed*
is /brit/ blackpilled?
A certain portrayal of things characteristically associated with an individual that was forthcoming perhaps?
ah so that's what all the months of preparation and shit were for
get over it
Yeah I'm sorry mate it seems you are misinformed
haha april fools
shut up
FFS literally shat meself
*has a heart attack*
just "accidentally" dropkicked my cat off clifton suspension bridge
>Did that postman just deliver me junkmail even though I have a sign in the window saying no junkmail?
>Melania get the AA12
haha top bants that
Fucking hell that lady is violently shouting at her kid
*puts down binoculars*
*Pulls out my M107 Barrett .50 Caliber Rifle with incendiary bullets*
right lads therapist suggested getting a hobby to cure my insomnia so i go about murdering stray cats and dogs and the occasional fox
see you in a few hours
What if the something they are taking is essential to your quality of life? What if them taking it leaves you significantly worse off or even destitute? What right has someone got to make you suffer hardship when you've worked hard to avoid it?
Fuck that, what if you have children in the house and you have no idea what the intruder wants? You have the right to make that decision in your own house. If you'd rather be safe than sorry, but then have to Iive with the fact you killed someone, it's your right to make the choice.
Self defence is absurd in this county, how the fuck does an 8 stone woman protect herself from being raped and killed by an 18 stone man if even fucking pepper spray is illegal? The people in charge have no fucking right to make people vulnerable like that and fuck you for defending it.
Why do yanks have dumb names like Cody and Brick
Oh, I see we're coming at it from two different perspectives. I have normal intelligence and reactions and you're a moron.
I can remember the 4-digit code to my phone at night. Can't you?
Never heard of being told to get a hobby to cure insomnia
Why are Brits so obsessed with yanks?
Well lads it was nice knowing you
never had to do it under pressure with a 10 inch black python pounding away at my tight little arsehole so i couldn't say
Did that guy just reverse into my drive to do a 180?
Wheres the keys to pickup and the gun cabinet Cody?
the american family unit
what's that
is it having a subscription in blacked.com?
wew uh... very graphic imagery...
if that ever does happen make sure to get pics
Lefties on suicide watch
hopefully i can get to the centre of paris fast enough to receive a 200kt payload right on my bollocks
im a lonely cloud
is it a boy or a girl
Based Mummy May showing those Slavoids what's going
that song rocked my world as a young teenager
ruskies getting what they deserve
"the virgin african-american"
The Chad Black-British
clearly a boy dressing as a girl you mong
Oh shut up you pretentious mongoloid. Boo hoo, someone stole your sony bravia. Report it to the police, and if you see the little bastard them by all means fuck them up and get it back if you can. But don't give us all this biblical tier philosophy spiel about justifying fucking murdering someone over it.
Nobody in this country agrees with that insane mentality, which frankly is a guise to permitting murder with no consequences. Killing in self defense? By all means kill them. Killing in a life threatening situation? Sure. But your baseless material you got from Argos on a Sunday afternoon? Fuck off, you can't kill them, and you never will. No matter how many books you've read from autistic german philosophers that's said otherwise
>the anti-gun poster is a literal faggot
I'm not surprised in the slightest.
>Self defence is absurd in this county
Same here. The people who advocate for these laws are filth, just like the faggot I responded to. No moral fibre at all, ambivalent to the suffering of others.
because you're incredibly shitty posters who won't take a hint and piss off
it's not
yas quen
>the pro gun poster is a literal americanised runt
i'm not surprised in the slightest/
yes it is
Just take the right cookies and be indignant when they tell you you can't have them because you're a man, saying stupid shit like "Did you just assume my gender?"
>muh guns
eurgh just fuck off to the states you collaterally brainwashed arsehole
you can leave if you don't like it
all your posts are shit
quite decent dancer
don't think you understand what clear means.
based midget
paddy mcfuckwit
Why do people come here and do stupid long winded posts
it's dave
Don't recall asking your opinion mate.
Thankfully making faggots cry isn't illegal in my country.
internet is serious business
Alri dave
love playing swishy swishy with the lads
irish loghorrea
>don't think you understand what clear means.
yes it is boy wearing clothes, but if you pay attention to the boy's face, his stature, gait mannerisms and the silliness of the outfit styling, you could easily and clearly determine that he is in fact a boy
>Just take the right cookies and be indignant when they tell you you can't have them because you're a man, saying stupid shit like "Did you just assume my gender?"
any other university students have no idea what they want to do after graduating
me and the lads having a time
ah be the lord jaysus as me mothers great uncles godson used to say lord have mercy on him, she knew well what she was doing
wow did you think of that yourself
real creative
>my country
the one ruled by the gay trans muslim?
imagine being irish
imagine having a bent paki as your PM
screaming and howling