Wait, so you're telling me Portugal is both GERMANIC and SUEBI?

wait, so you're telling me Portugal is both GERMANIC and SUEBI?

Attached: SUEBI.png (602x602, 89K)

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The Germanic bull spread their seed far and wide after the collapse of the skirt wearing southron empire.


are there even any white looking portuguese? i don't think i've ever seen any

Jewish and Arabic too

But Suebi are Germanic. The word "Suebi" comes from Swabia.

Attached: 1419181492450.png (560x407, 12K)

No, we are like bolivians and somali:


t. SUEBI warrior in denial

It was, but like the romans and other's they were a minority. Portugal like Spain is pre roman para-celtic, and proto celtic, paleolithic populations, we are those people (lusitanians)
all that came after was residual

>"Phylogeographic analyses show that the haplogroup composition of the ancient Iberians was very similar to that found in modern Iberian Peninsula populations, suggesting a long-term genetic continuity since pre-Roman times."


100% Barbosa

Attached: Califato_de_Córdoba_-_1000.svg.png (686x594, 149K)

>t. amerindian dwarf

t. João Barbosa

Also taller than you, shortugal

Attached: height.jpg (1280x914, 210K)

lol is this map real?

damn portugal looks like that?!?!

Portugal is not a state of a race, elaborate what you mean.

Are some people in the territory of portugal have sone sort of admixture of suebi?
Possibly, do all?

Are all Isrsaelis Jews or Palestinians?

>Portugal is not a state of a race, elaborate what you mean.

portuguese people = ethnicity.
Portugal = nation
our race = european aka white

Why would inventive, cultured Meds wewuz as germanic snowniggers?

Portuguese is a state not a people.

Same as Israeli, Jews and Palestinians are indentifable different groups, Portuguese isn't an ethnicity it is the name of a state with residents of various origins.

Fucking moortuguese intelligence.

Kids always look lighter


Attached: a suebi girl.jpg (1920x1280, 223K)

The american mongrel projecting his own colonial issues into europe, always the same.

Portugal is a nation and portuguese people are an ethnicity, that i bounded by roots and blood, you don´t become portuguese just by living here or even just to happen born here, you need to be totally portuguese/european to be part of the portuguese people.

an asian or african or a mutt will never be portuguese, irish, greek, french, english.

>tfw you see a moortugese

I am Iberian

Absolute retard, portugal isnt a people, its a state, Jews, Moors, Arabs and such call themselves "portuguese".

Portuguese is a meaningless propaganda term for an arbituary royal fiefdom turned into a republic not a nation of common origins.

Attached: Screenshot_2018-03-31-20-03-46.png (720x1280, 159K)


>Absolute retard, portugal isnt a people, its a state

No it's a nation you colonial mongrel, the state came after.
Portuguese people are an ethnicity, why? because they share blood, a culture, a language, history and a national conscious ,that's what define a nation.

>Jews, Moors, Arabs and such call themselves "portuguese".

wtf are you talking retard?

moors were defeated and expelled out of Portugal almost 1000 years ago, jews were expelled by a royal decret in 1496, why do you think they were segregated, and persecuted? are you sane?

For context

Attached: 879.jpg (891x1393, 235K)

dubs of ultra truth. Too bad you guys just kind of went into obscurity. I imagine after the eventual collapse you guys will end up strong though due to less interdependence nowadays.