Snowden just magically happens to claim asylum in Russia

>Snowden just magically happens to claim asylum in Russia
>I'm expected to believe this shit

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That's because the United States government just magically happened to void his fucking passport while he was in transit in Russia, preventing him from leaving.

/ourredditor/ snowden was a limited hangout cia nigger.

>be a sharepoint admin
>randomly copy everything you can find to a thumbdrive and give it to some journalists
>suddenly become an advocate for internet privacy and freedom

Ah yes, poor Edward, what a sheer coincidence! Who hasn't been stranded in Russia by the evil US government after spilling state secrets to the world? Let him cast the first stone!

>snowden sacrifices his life in USA to prove that USA spies on it's citizens and even european politics and breaks hundreds of international laws
>oh how horrible!
>one month later nobody remembers this guy

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Oh, Edward?
That first cousin of Mark Zukerburg?
What a coincidence! (Not in the way you meant.)
Go back to bed JTRIG. You're drunk.

>reveals that intelligence agency does it's job
>damages the ability of his county to collect intelligence
why yes he really helped the us people

yea pretty much.
that and/or limited hangout, exposing echelon (a "conspiracy theory!!!111!" before)
for consent in their pedo satanic takeover.
protip: I don't consent.

just enjoy the show my man

so much for murrican freedom loving

I work for the deep state sweetie x

+15 roubles

The existence of ECHELON has been known since the 70s, it wasn't considered a conspiracy theory, it was a legitimate intelligence program

I knew because I knew people involved.
It was spun as a conspiracy theory here at least till snowden

£s work.
I love this country. Freedom > State tho.

No it wasn't, it was widely reported on. There was even a public investigation into it by the EU parliament.

Only traitors were NZ.
The EU stuff came from there.
As I said..
>In this country
t. Most spied upon nation on Earth

I'm a Brit working in the security/intelligence sphere, it wasn't considered a conspiracy by anybody I met, or in any of the reporting.

(Muh point being NOT widely reported on, here at least)

I remember that many years ago 2009-10-ish Science Illustrated did a special conspiracy feature here and ranked them by plausibility and while it dismissed almost all of them they did say that NSA/CIA mass communications and internet surveillance and espionage was a near certainty so it's been "known" for a while even though it wasn't known until Snowden

Same here, although I don't work in those spheres, I grew up exposed to some tech-orientated.
See below as to my point. Normies didn't know.

I have very mixed feelings about it all. I love my country, but I don't like the direction we've taken, and this all seems like an acceleration of that. Really makes one think from a Christian perspective..

snowden is dead

Fair enough then. I don't see any problem with these programs, though obviously you can have your own view

>snow den
>there's a lot of snow in Russia
>Russia serves him as den while he's hiding from Americans

What is your opinion on the US constitution user?
From my perspective it enshrines God given liberties (i.e. legislate away, but you can't STOP me speaking my mind in private, carrying a weapon etc. although you can legally penalise me for doing so, you can't physically stop it.)

I just worry about the direction we've taken. I don't have a lot to hide, hence I use no VPN, no attempt to mask myself etc. But thought crime is real, user. Who's the man behind the curtain? What is their end game?

I guess the argument for is.. We have an uneducated electorate. Conversely, I argue for an educated electorate and democracy I suppose.

Thanks for your service anyway (feels abit yank/sickening, but I do mean it)

>reveals that intelligence agency does it's job

Pretty sure what they did was illegal. The intelligence agency's job isn't to implement mass surveillance on its own citizens. The former Director of National Intelligence also lied under oath about it. Nothing happened. Makes you think, doesn't it?

Dunno, being a bong it seems like written constitutions are for countries without history, and the yank obsession with much constitution bemuses me.

Pretty sure what he did was more illegal.

Fair point. That's where we rock in common law.. If we had lawmakers that represented the people (as far as not rocking the boat too much goes anyway.. I'm not delusional. Money makes the world go round, for better or worse.)

Night anyway

Snowden is a scammer who knows everything.

the man on the TV said Snowden was evil and works for russia so yeah i blieve TV

Night, been nice talking to you

You too
Pls remove from lists x

The overwhelming majority of Snowden's material had nothing to do with domestic surveillance programs and in fact he knew very little about the material that did.
>“He never actually had access to any of that data,” [Steven] Bay said. “All of the ‘domestic-collection stuff’ that he revealed, he never had access to that. So he didn’t understand the oversight and compliance, he didn’t understand the rules for handling it, and he didn’t understand the processing of it…In my mind Ed’s not a hero.”
So Snowden leaked material that deeply compromised surveillance programs on non-US targets and endangered working American professionals abroad. He then flees prosecution and just happens to land in Russia where the Russian government treats him with remarkable clemency. Well, so what, you'll say. Who hasn't been there?

I realise you can't actually do this, but what I'm trying to say is, I hope you're a patriot. Please do right by Britain - the people - and more importantly, by God (archetypal or literal interpretation doesn't matter.) Happy Easter.

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UK, the age of colonialism is long over.
You need to shut up and go away.

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Snowden is volga amerikkkano

No one is interested in your government's mad proofster ravings. I had to laugh at work the other day when I saw that fifty point list of ways Russia was innocent. If you'd had any sense you would've kept quiet about the whole thing.

He is clearly a Jew. He is one of them.
They think that fighting with goys is a good thing no matter what they do is acceptable according to their religion.

free siberia then.
honestly not a massive fan of my govt but it's blatently obvious it was your lot so pls kys

volga=eternal mighty jew
rasputin was volga,

Please reread the post. The post is about the UK and not Russia.
The UK must acknowledge that its better days (the days of huge british empire backed up by many colonies) is long over.
Just acknowledge it.
The UK is shit country now, influence if falling down, w/o the support of the US you are virtually nothing but another Poland

verpiss dich bitter k

>said in ???

>free siberia then.
What? Why? Are you high?!

>Pretty sure what he did was more illegal.
What he did was illegal. He had no other choice. Look at what happens to legit whistleblowers in the US. In the CIA torture scandal, the only person who was sent to prison was the whistleblower who revealed it. Other whistleblowers end up never getting anywhere, if they're lucky, or actually getting harassed and prosecuted, if they're not.

>The overwhelming majority of Snowden's material had nothing to do with domestic surveillance programs and in fact he knew very little about the material that did.
So you post a quote from Snowden's former boss. Legit. I was actually following the Snowden revelations as they happened.

>He then flees prosecution and just happens to land in Russia where the Russian government treats him with remarkable clemency. Well, so what, you'll say.
He was in Hong Kong when he first released the information to journalists. It wasn't safe for him there, and when he was in Russia and seeking asylum in Iceland and Ecuador, your government REVOKED HIS PASSPORT, preventing him from leaving the country. And why would the Russian government be in a position to offer clemency in the first place? He's a bargaining chip for them and they won't hesitate to give him up in exchange for something equally valuable.

Nice arguments. Oh wait, did I say that the UK = shit country with diminishing influence on world wide arena?
Your behaviour is just proving this point.
All you and your government can do is screech autistically claiming you were hurt and ask for the help. Without support of "big boys" like the US are nothing. That applies to your country and to the UK citizens on Jow Forums.

because the age of colonialism is over

There are no colonies in Siberia

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As if I'm the one screeching autistically.
I supported DJT mostly for the de-escalation with you fucking savages. Not going to end well for either of us. I stand by that too. But Malasian Airways.. This.. Honestly, you do behave like fucking savages. That's all you are. Go bash some gays you fucking caveman.

That was my point ye.

how about all of it m8
you realize r*Ssians are originally from Europe as embarrassing as that is to an otherwise civilized continent

>attacking people with chemical weapons injuring a fucking policeman in a hostile state
This is the state level equivalent of REEEEEEing you fucking spastic.

her too ?

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>>attacking people with chemical weapons injuring a fucking policeman in a hostile state
Autistic screeching.
Do you realize that mods on Jow Forums help the UK by purging thread where people bully the UK?
UK = Pathetic whiny bitches.

Attached: FireShot Capture 6 - _int_ - UK_ wh__ - http___boards.4chan.org_int_thread_.png (1422x2681, 232K)

Amazing how Jow Forums went 180 regarding this guy just because daddy Trump said he's bad.

As if faggot
All I've seen is tigers and their proxies bashing the UK ever since that """incident"""
Or, put another way, proofs?

Fuck we joined the wrong side in WW2. Imagine the British Army & Germans against your pathetic arses... lol. Shame Germany is run by a Russian agent.

>But Malasian Airways..
The consensus is that MH17 airliner was shot by Ukraninan rebeles using russian weapons.
Ukranine must acknowledge that and pay compensation, as it's clearly their fault. That did that in past. They are dumbasses who can't operate anything, neither militiary stuff nor their country.
USSR should have seized every signle firearm back then.

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>Uke rebels
Meaning.. Fucking Russians?

Not an argument
Mods purge all Brexit threads (when they're actually on the ball) here too. Not a politics forum.

>Shame Germany is run by a Russian agent.
So is Austria
> Vienna chose not to expel Russian diplomats as a response to the poisoning of double agent Sergei Skripal, saying it wants to keep dialogue with Moscow open. Some European opposition figures say the move will only create problems.

Civilisation is overrated.
Russians are /ourcontinent/ as much as us Brits are. I do feel bad about neoliberal policy post fall of USSR, and how much they got cucked, but it's still no way to behave.

I have a lot of sympathy for them. To a point.

>I have a lot of sympathy for them. To a point.
You're very naive, then. Or you haven't had the unpleasant experience of dealing with Russians.

That includes you, oblivious normalfag.

Every country in Eastern Europe struggled with the switch to capitalism. It was inevitable; they built up all that physical capital that wasn't adding value and then exposed it to reality over night. Like most of them Russia has recovered fine

>Not an argument
I clearly said that the UK is nothing w/o help of the "big guys" like the US.
Even on Jow Forums the brits are constantly "helped" by the mods, if the mods are on duty and there is a thread somehow related to the UK and it's going south it's gets deleted in no time.

Clearly didn't read my post then, I knew wagwan within my limited sphere. I could tell you some stories that were told to me as a boy.. But that would be breaching the OSA :^) (as I was also told)

Checked. I do though. I respect them as a people. We're all fucked over from the same place.. But they are a fucking menace for real.

>Meaning.. Fucking Russians?
Calling a Russian a khokhol is same tier shit as calling a british person an american.

Some were supported though. Russia was merked. Putin rose to power to merk the oligarths remember.

US = UK. And no I disagree. So many UK hate threads here and on Jow Forums - I'd argue the opposite in fact. They're being pushed! (Dont get me wrong, there's a lot of reasons to h8)

TIL Saffas and Rhodies are Africans.
But seriously, I recognise we are all brothers, 1776 apart. Anglo pride world wide!