Your country?
What is your opinion on China?
Your country?
I hope that they rule the world
I agree, as someone who lives basically already lives in China (Canada)
1 Nanking wasn't enough desu
there is a sign that says dead chink storage
Chinese execution of prisoners, you're from Mexico so you should already be well aware
I can't wait to see when they BTFO the West desu
Jimmy you know I see no shit...
People here want more prisoners executed, until the army actually does execute them and everyone cries like a bitch
Fuck this place
Are they dead?
Damn dude, hope things go better for you over there
Why do they execute qt ?
I would mating press one of them right then and there
Typical third shithole that pretends to be first world
I dont have opinion about China because they are a secret to me. Their culture is isolated, they dont export it. But they export smartphones and appliances, and thats what i know.
But why are they being executed dress like that?
Are they prostitutes? Or what?
There are many chinese investors in Brazil. Everywhere.
Their with god now
or with a bunch of maggots, what ever you believe
They broke the law, so it's best to set an example for others, it's for the best
While I'm a female, I do find these pics very nice to look at
Chinese always do that, dunno why exactly
the next owners of all the non taxed industry when the US becomes completely third world
Because they look cute like that
I agree with you on that 100%, that's why I collect these
Those are clearly fake,dumb fuck.
Some "artistic photos" made by someone who oppose the death penalty.
Why are they wearing high heels and why do all of them have one heel not on their feet?
I like them because I am an East Asiaboo and they have lots of cyb cities.
Must have fallen off or something, I dunno honestly
They could be great, if they weren't Communists.
investing on pastéu di flangu?
i like the chinese, but maybe that's because i don't live in china. almost every chinese in brazil (and every chinese i've met in person) owns a fast food restaurant (they sell fried stuff filled with meat), so in my experience i think they are all nice, and i'm even friends with one.
I get this
But t thanks
matter of fact, why there is no chinese on Jow Forums?
they can't have internet? i'm pretty sure they can.
Unfortunately they are, here are some real funeral pics to make up I guess
I'd wish they didn't go that horrible path, I'd like to see a nationalist and laid back China.
This is kinda creepy.
>muh fake news about China
Why so much of this? OP’s picture is a great example.
good taste user, need more
From what little I've just seen from this, this is amazing, thank you bud
>pretends to be first world
>”We will strive for the peaceful development of the world,” Xi said, but he also reminded his audience that “China is still a developing country, and its responsibilities should be commensurate with its status.”
>”China is still a developing country”
Image of directing.
We have our own general.
2kill4 is a great source of this shit if you want more like this
>laid back China
You mean like modern China? Pic related
Laid back as in less imperialistic and scummy. We don't need more Muricas on this world.
>I'm a female
Tits or GTFO
Is this a protest? They sure as fuck don't look dead and blood is not supposed to be fucking pink.
Trust me, i'm from El Salvador, i know what i'm talking about.
I will do neither
There not real, It is kind of a protest in a sense,
>less imperialistic and scummy
Lmao China has 4000 years of empires and the Republic of China invaded and conquered Xinjiang, Tibet, Taiwan, and Mongolia.
You’re ignorant of history.
You mean the Manchus.
Modern China is literally doing what all its predecessors did. Being imperialistic is what empires do.
Does this spic not get that Modern China didn’t just pop up 93% Han and stretching from Vietnam and Turkmenistan to Russia and Korea?
Modern China is the least imperialistic of Chinese empires by the way.
No wars since 1979.
Is this fake or are they really dead?
Roasties btfo
Their not actually dead, read
My point still stands, I'd wish to see a laid back non imperialistic China. I never said China wasn't imperialistic in the past you idiot.
Your presumption is that an empire can exist without being imperialistic.
China as we know it would not exist if it was “laid back”. That’s my point.
I see where you are coming from, but it’s not possible. It’s like assuming the USA cannot make any mistakes when policing the world.