Did you know that Argentinian cuisine is bland as fuck (except Northwestern Argentina, but that's basically Bolivia)?

Did you know that Argentinian cuisine is bland as fuck (except Northwestern Argentina, but that's basically Bolivia)?

Most of our good meals are really simple. Basically, some meat with something accompanying it.

Attached: donde-comer-comida-tipica-argentina-en-buenos-aires[1].jpg (850x600, 148K)

Maybe that's why 'argentine cuisine' isn't a thing on the rest of the world?

Or maybe because we are a shit country with no identity

>Basically, some meat with something accompanying it.
Name literally one thing wrong with this.

Argentines believe it's their cuisine and only theirs

Well that's strange.

no you are wrong, you keep making threads trying to shit on Argentina, move dude just. move. But I know you wont because you are newfag who lives with their parents

He was refering to the lack of sophistication my boliguayan friend.

Whoops meant for you

That's fucking plain and boring. We don't have anything unique