Why is this being shilled so hard today? Pajeets trying to dump their bags lol?
Why is this being shilled so hard today? Pajeets trying to dump their bags lol?
Bitcoin got banned in India
So far I just see baseless FUD threads.
fuck off REQ shill
Can you give me at least one factual FUD? With sources?
Tell me why as a normie why I need to use REQ over paypal especially when REQ doesn't have any fraud protection in place at the moment?
>why would x person use y thing if z thing exists
Oh jeez I dunno user. You really got me.
Well then what is REQ good for?
THIS has literally been answered hundreds of times please fuck off and DYOR. People just get tired of responding to you. Shit in the street and sell or buy whatever coins you want.
Who cares, one of the few coins that does not need anyone buying your bags, Shill or fud as you like, the burning and market buy from the contract will make anyone holding a decent amount rich in a couple of years, regardless of whatever the crypto market decides to do.
Lol enjoy that burn rate if nobody is using it
Doesn't REQ claim to be paypal 2.0?
No it claims to burn the money out of your wallet. Sell everything now.
This. Thanks.
>Doesn't REQ claim to be paypal 2.0?
REQ? Who is "REQ" for you? The team? Did the team specifically say they aim to be PayPal 2.0? Do you have sources of that?
Right here on the white paper lol
>Tell me why would anyone use BTC over paypal
Literally me in 2010/2011, not making the same mistake again.
hey guys i had 20k request token in MEW but now it's only 18k? I hear there are random burns being done by these guys?
i treid asking on telegram but they banned me wtf is going on
>replaces payment systems such as paypal = paypal 2.0
Are you retarded?
"Replaces payment systems such as PayPal"
Oh you're baiting, I see.
Also good job proving you’re just shitposting by asking in the thread what REQ is good for when clearly you had the capability to go to their whitepaper and read the clearly defined Use Cases section.
Again, fuck off pajeet.
pajeets are trying to dump their bags
I mean normies, you need normies using it on a mass scale everyday to even make the burn rate significant for gains. Commerce with crypto is pretty rare unless it's drug related.
Yeah they wanna position themselves as a improved version of paypal hence replacing it* which I don't see in place unless they have strict fraud protection that PayPal has.
oh sheeeeeiiiiiiit
all my 25k req burnt
"Nobody will use it lul"
>at least 43 team working at apps on the req network
>PWC working with them and shilling it their clients.
Again, all this regardless of any idiotic attempts of either shilling or fudding. It's one of the few golden tickets of crypto, buy and retire in 2 years, as simple as that.
PWC France* which is a little franchise not actual people running PWC endorsing them lol
Just stop trying to argue. He’ll respond next with >le partnership meme
>Lists five use cases before even mentioning PayPal
>Haha they say it’s gunna be PayPal 2.0 amirite guise? Haha
>4 billion dollars yearly revenue for the french branch (12 billion in Europe, the whole pwc network is 37 billion)
>little franchise
You are the worse fudder I have seen in a while lol
Because PayPal profits off your information bb
Soon will be 6MM working..
Im holding 5k REQ but I dont have that much faith in the project.
Rather buy Iota, epsecially at .97$
Coinbase just added REQ to their hot wallet.
whats the wallet address
Req is good and all that but I don't feel comfortable knowing that there's a chance of my coins getting burned.
I actually did the math and it's something close to 30% chance of your coins getting burned in a month.
Newfag’s attempt and the copypasta fud
>calling me newfag to hide he's new.
Good try.
It's not pasta, bagholding is blinding you.
Hurrrrsspppdffddddptt *Brapp*
If someone is thinking about buying these fags bags, just remember, this is the average req holder.
holding for the next 2 years. No point in selling this fucking low anyways..
It's all or nothing at this point.
Stop spreading this bullshit. That's not how burning works you fucking retard
Auditing companies don't have franchises. Pwc isn't like mcdonalds.
If anyone wants to know the truth, this guys lying. Nobody's tokens are burnt except for the fee paid by the requester...their fee is auto converted to req and burned
175K at .03 Comfy as fuck. To celebrate our future lets watch Blackface Jerry dance.