You guys ready for 4k utter despair BTC?

You guys ready for 4k utter despair BTC?

I'll be here until I start seeing suicide posts answering questions about medicine, pharmaceuticals, nutrition, and blockchain.

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Focalin better than Ritalin?

Drugs like that are all subjective. If it works best for you it's best.

what are some good pharmaceuticals to forget everything

>4x over 2017
>utter despair

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Benzos. Lorazepam specifically has a negative effect on memory.

I feel like today 90% of this board are December-January buyers

Hi PharmaPhag,
I posted a while ago in a thread regarding tokenized funding for pharma startup, thanks for the feedback. My platform IP may be of interest for licensing/partnership to a publicly traded mid cap biotech, their platform is eerily similar to mine with one very important principle difference in the composition. I have evidence that my compounds can better address some conditions they have in their pipeline, including one for which they failed a Phase 2b. I've gotten in touch with them very recently, so not sure how the discussion is going to pan out. Any advice on licensing/partnership deals?

I think people forget btc is just as volatile as any shitcoin

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Hey pharma fag.
How to cycle coffee?
Is loading creatin a meme or not?
During crypto summit in Switzerland I saw a few VCs talking about collectibles being a huge under radar thing thanks to uniqueness provided by blockchain. I believe numales would go nuts over Pokémons on blockchain. What do you think?

Old Jewish lawyers.

Is cholesterol a myth? Can I eat as much eggs as I want

No need to cycle. If you're building a significant tolerance to caffeine you're using too much. Cut the dose in half for 2 weeks and let your adenosine receptors rest.

Creatine loading is a meme. 5g/day creapure creatine monohydrate.

Collectables will be huge.

Is there some way for me to burn calories slower? I stopped eating my extra meal and drinking my extra protein shake a couple of weeks ago and started to eat a little more unhealthy but still worked out and ate a lot just not as much as before. Since then i have lost 3kg its really annoying to constantly having to eat in oder to just not lose weight, im currently at 80 was at 83 and im 187 tall.

And also im starting to see my hair thinning out should i stop with the creatine or is that just a myth since that experiment with dht and rugby players only happened once? Also other tips for hair loss, thank you based pharmafag


Dietary cholesterol generally doesn't effect blood cholesterol. Not something you need to worry about unless you have CVD or shit APOE genetics. I eat omeg3 eggs freely, in fact but had half a dozen for dinner last night. Be more worried about arachadonic acid content of shit mass produced eggs.

No. Get checked for hyperthyroidism.

Monoxadil if it's early. ARTAS transplant is the way to go.

Predictions for BTC? Or market in general? We heading in 4-6k direction? Rebound soon? ">Institutional Money"

AMB is a good buy still. The 200-700k market buys over the past few days have been nuts. A few big dogs are getting in.

What about propecia?

4-6k soon, next week or two. Sideways trading until regulations and real liquidity. Liquid exchange is one to watch. Based QASH.

Id just get plugs. Don't fuck with your hormones.

My lawyer is middle age and WASP, so I guess I'm fucked.

As far as caffeine goes, 100mg caffeine and 10mg CBD is an awesome stack.

Haha I work with Lorazepam with high melt extrusion. Good to know it gives memory loss to people. I feel horrible now