Tfw no south korean crypto waifu

tfw no south korean crypto waifu

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innocent gooks never stood a chance


They pumped bitcoin for us, let's hope their sacrifice was not in vain

FOMO kills, I've bled a few times from it. Crypto is the wild west, people are going to get fucked hard until regulation on the exchanges becomes a thing.

I thought S Koreans couldn't even get into the crypto market. fucking asaian beaners

They're the top crypto buyers.

koreans are basically the caucasians of asia, if SEA are where all the beaners are at

>tfw kimchigf
Not the plastic kind, looks are average, but treats me pretty well. It's okay, would recommend/10

Rest in pepperoni

Japan are the Caucasians. South Korea is an extremely fucked up and Jewed place. Having to log into the internet with government issued ID numbers, feminism and other poz in extremely high doses, and ruled by a female illuminati. To make matters worse, Jewed Koreans have almost entirely taken over Japan's news agencies attempting to spread leftwing views and poz there. It's like how Jews control our news except in Japan it's Koreans. You can thank JewSA for this.

but "muh no regulation"


The Wapanese are literally the jews of asia you weeb faggot. Go to an actual bar in SK, meet and drink with SK people and tell me the Japs aren't stuck up cucked faggots who live for money

Lol we dumped on them. remember when were 10+ and it was always americans dumping and koreans pumping.

>sk goes bust
>people lose money
>get poorer
this means you can get a kgf cheaper
you even into gfconomics?

The Talmud was literally a best seller in South Korea dude. Japan>Korea

>go ask SK monkeys inbetween them getting baptized and cutting of their foreskin for their masters if they hate japanese
>get told by SK monkeys how much they hate japanese

Whoah what an amazing revelation.

>people will stop losing money once (((regulation))) happens

Attached: 1517625334394.jpg (475x462, 260K)

They threw the cult out.

>mfw crypto solved the gook problem

These are the retards who drove the price to $24k in their country and had exchanges freeze, right

This article is bullshit. It's not that Koreans aren't doing well economically. They have ALWAYS had problems with addiction.

My friend bought in at 22k and sold at 9k haha. They honestly thought they would be rich. Think he lost all his savings. Now he and his friends won’t talk to me about crypto currency anymore lol so SK probably won’t get back in until it’s 20k+ again and can lose his next few years savings. They are that stupid. They only follow trends and what others tell them to do. Fashion, movies, food, investments. Whatever.