>be me
>clean my room
>sort myself out
>apply for job
>go to interview
>get job
>go to work
>do good work, boss keeps most of profits, Mr. Shekelstein wealthier
>25% of paycheck is withheld for taxes to support niggers, illegal mexicans and muslims
>use part of paycheck to go buy stuff, get charged 10% sales tax
>buy groceries, no sales tax
>buy stuff online, no sales tax (sometimes)
>buy more stuff to signal my financial fitness to women
>go work out, build a strong body even though i don't use it for combat or physical labor
>go meet women
>attract a woman
>date for months or years
>get married
>provide for her
>give her stability, home, kids, car, new furniture
>she gets bored, fucks other men
>she continues to cuck you
>you find out, argument ensues, she demands a divorce
>years of court appearances, attorney fees, your children are traumatized by all this
>finally reach divorce settlement
>judge decides you must pay spousal support and child support
>wife also gets the house
>wife raises children to be retarded, loathsome assholes
>wife continues to bang various men, including niggers, which further traumatizes your kids
>your daughter begins to date blacks
>your daughter becomes a slut
>your son is a weakling who lacks strong father figure
>your wife continues to demand more from you
>go to your doctor, he tells you to see a psychiatrist
>go to psychiatrist; hes a jew; he prescribes you SSRIs
>SSRIs fuck your brain up
>you finally lose your mind and kill yourself
>your wife and children inherit everything
>your daughter becomes a turbo-slut, participates in gangbangs, becomes a porn actress
>your son becomes a tranny
Jordan b petersons guide to financial success
>be me
>be neet
>buy link
just edited this section in:
>taxes are used by state & fed gov't to pretend the economy produces internal revenue
>state & fed gov't prints more money to support niggers, illegal mexicans, muslims, handicaped people, elderly
>fed gov't continues bombing the shit out of countries, claiming to fight "war on terror"
>fed gov't continues training and arming "rebels" in mideast countries, who then become terrorists
>as fed gov't prints more and more fiat, the value of money goes down
>i have to work harder and constantly "hustle" for more money due to this rapid inflation
(this user gets it...except for the stinkyLINK part).
This is why you need a Slavic woman
Man reading this makes me so grateful I was born in an Asian country with a thriving economy and non-degenerate women. Europe and the US are really doomed.
Jordan Simperson: j-just keep running on that wheel! you'll get your food pellet eventually!
he's a neocon coward and hypocrite
only plebbit-tier retards admire him, hes like our modern age dawkins, he's a false leader given to us
>be cryptobro weebkin
>only wife is my 2D obsession that will never betray me
>live off untaxed gainz in distant relatives empty trailer
>go to sleep happy every night hugging my loli dakimakura
That Jow Forums dream
>Tidy room
>Buy my book
>Financial success
Weird how you can avoid almost all the negatives by just not chasing pussy and other material goods ( including not having to work for shekelstein, since you’ll be able to retire early and pay only minimal tax on your long term capital gains)
>jews get to enjoy mansions, food, and women
>you get to enjoy sleeping in your car
Imagine you live in germany. 50% tax on your income, 19% sales tax
Unironically, the American dream.
mfw some men had to live such a life
you're retarted
Imagine if there were no jews to push this fucked up agenda.
Don't forget to buy a rug!
Why do people like this guy?
They didn't have a father growing up and they need someone to sort their shit out.
>Buys his book
>Looking forward to sortmyselfout.jpeg
>Can't wait to work for Mr. Noseberg again.
Peterson is a fucking jew faggot. He talks about how tribalism with jews and blacks ect is ok but for white people it isnt. He won't even discuss the Jewish question or strawmans, "HEH, ONLY LOW IQ PEOPLE THINK JEWS CONTROL THE MEDIA". Hes worse than a nigger imo because people actually gobble up his kike bullshit.
this is why Jow Forums is obsessed with trading crypto, and before that, testing self-started businesses for immediate profit without having to rely only on employment.
there are photos inside JBpeterson's house and you can see all kinds of weird communist and satanic decoration on his walls.
see pic related, and note the similarity in the title with "Chaos" included. something tells me peterson trained with the kabbalists thats why he loves israel and uses this same phrase. he's basically rehashing shit he learned from kabbalah and chabad jews.
yes, this obvious double-standard shows he's an inside member of the illuminati/freemasons. if i were to look further into his schtick i could probably identify more tells. but just look at the cover of his book and look up Rav Berg's book "Taming Chaos"...both involve "rules" that help you "reduce chaos" in your life. it's all kabbalah stuff.
Such is life in western society
Fuck that shit, crypto set me free
personally i practice mgtow/volcel and i just beat off whenever horny. but if i mention that here or on Jow Forums i'll be met with a chorus of pussy-worshipping philistines who claim to be "trad" because they must "carry on the white race" even though most 4chanfags are not even 100% white.
>They didn't have a father growing up
This makes a lot of sense actually.
Interesting his house pics are inside. Maybe he wrote this book?
He doesn't talk badly about Jews probably because it's a career ending move. He's still cashing in.
Wasn't Jow Forums head over heals for this Jordan 'Pepe Advocate' Peterson?
>invest in link
>read the classics
>achieve enlightenment
>bear witness to the kali yuga
it is what it is
>practises volcel
keep telling yourself its your choice bud
Yep because messages like pic related
He is controled opposition, just like trump
I am so glad I learned how to trade.
Inflation is the biggest tax, and the one no one knows about.
this is my plan
>watch Jordan Peterson when he first blew up
>think it's cool a professor is finally saying something against the hivemind especially since I was in college when it happened
>watch his videos take some of his advice to heart
>clean room (sometimes)
>get comfy programming job
>be generally happy with my life
I don't know about you but it worked out for me.
Yep and why crypto is the answer like gold never was. In earlier years I used to own gold to offset inflation but it didn't do the job like Bitcoin did.
Where is Hitler when you need him!
I like J.P. but when it comes to practical relationship advice with women he falls short. In his words its outaide his expertise and hes actually a soft trad con in egards to women.
Jow Forumstheredpill is where ypu want your info from.
Awh man. I'm 16, this is my fucking dream atm.
This man lied to me.
He said people with a high IQ always end up on top.
I work fast food with a nigger boss who makes me scrape chewing gum off the underside of tables. My only source of escape is my imagination, where I build worlds around alternate versions of my life, I am a complete failure in this one.
Well it is attainable. Just do well in college and try your best. Also be aware there is plenty of luck involved with actually getting hired.
This is why we need communism
Everyone not retarded knows about inflation as a tax tho. The new hidden tax is hypergamous women with options in Western nations.
I pay 30% income tax up to 45%, 10% sales tax. Get nothing for it except pay for everyone's health care, welfare, basically pay for more affirmative action for women so they can take my jobs and vote more socialist. Women consume much more tax than they pay and the more you provide the more they end up being a tax on you.
Trump is not controlled, he is chaos manifested in human form.
Well you’re doing something about it. You’re going into crypto. Learning of the tech advancements. And maybe even go to school for CS or some other worth it career. Be a better version of yourself compared to yesterday.
>My only source of escape is my imagination, where I build worlds around alternate versions of my life,
Actually Jordan Peterson has said that high IQ always end up on top but creative people usually struggle to make it in the world unless they are able to be creative. So your creativity is fucking you over according to him.
Thanks for the encouragement, user. Genuinely need it rn.
If you actually do have a high IQ then you are indoctrinated into being a wagie. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt as I do know people that are more intelligent than me, and I'm fairly smrt *tip*, but they're completely indoctrinated into a cult of dependence and intentional weakness.
peterson helped me deal with my depression but the way he speaks trying to over-aggrandise everything is annoying
You're welcome.
don't get angry about it. push it down into a comfy lilttle pit until it boils out and you kill 20 kikes in a synagogue.
>oy vey more state powers will surely cure the ails of social"ism"
I am trying but it is taking a very long time to recover, my formative years were spent in an environment where doing as little as possible was encouraged through peer pressure. It wasnt until I turned 24 and moved to a new city did I really see a world beyond it, where hard work and ingenuity were rewarded.
My IQ is 133-137 range, according to Jordans gay expectation chart I should have trained to do something technical, starting from scratch right now wouldnt see me even close to one of these positions for 2 years given the time and financial outlay required, so daydreaming my life away appears my only realistic outlet for now.
Anyone who has been indoctrinated into being a wagie would have spent all of their teenage years preparing themselves to be the best wagie they possibly could be, which for most isnt working at Macdonalds, I spent my younger years learning to fight people and avoid work. Its true that wagies of all description have a similar common flaw but its too simplistic to lump them all in together in terms of social conditioning, as the alternative to non-wagie for me homelessness, whereas for another the alternative may be self employment or clever investments.
The non-house, non-car, non-food lifestyle I do admit that I have been conditioned against.
The only people who listen to this fool are dumbass white people who didn't have parents
All he does is use big words to convince "smart" low value white people to support social conservatism because they were losers and unable to get pussy and money regularly.
Jobs are important so that you don't fry your circadian rhythms and get depressed. Suicide rates are a lot higher in unemployed people.
>Trump is not be controlled
*visits wailing wall*
*marries his children off to Jews*
*supports Israel in the Palestine conflict*
It's his choice to not pursue women.
OP you're problem is not what you think it is. Your problem is that you're hateful so unconsciously you think hate is normal and expected so you hate yourself and you give off signals that you CAN be hated. You expect to be hated.
You are your mind and thoughts. Clean your mind to clean your life
I'm starting to think neither of them will work. Whatever asset people try to use to escape the system, the system will just use their billions/trillions of fractional reserve dollars to short the shit out of it suppressing the prices and destroying confidence.