Did you just call Team Creme weak? Hah...
Did you just call Team Creme weak? Hah
REMOVE CREME remove creme
Creme masterrace
>back from work
>everyone says team *colour*
>can't understand whether this is meme or not
what's happened?
Stay oblivious dirthy peeper
Choco is going to take over
Team Creme is WEAK.
>someone from team creme tries to punch me
>they miss because I'm a manlet
Hehe... the age of team mini is here...
At least I'm not chocolate. it feels good.
rolling for anything other than creme
Team cream lol, sounds GAY
It's the best team desu.
We have shitpost misseles
>his team is unironically named after a homosexual act
Rolling for team crème de la crème
I think you meant BEYAZ BOĞA
It does ma kangaroo friend. It doooes.
I'm drunk also. I'd love to go to Straya to fuck some kangarooooooooooooooooooooooos gitrls
Who i is
Why am I chocolate?
FUCK cream
because It's the best flavor. Stop asking stupid questions, Russian.
whats the point if I change team like every 2 hours
How dare you speak, Cr*me? How dare you open your filthy, creme-encrusted mouth?
Yes I am
LOVE cream desu
what's going on
Woah… the White race is truly superior…