Did you just call Team Creme weak? Hah

Did you just call Team Creme weak? Hah...

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REMOVE CREME remove creme

Creme masterrace

>back from work
>everyone says team *colour*
>can't understand whether this is meme or not
what's happened?

Stay oblivious dirthy peeper
Choco is going to take over

Team Creme is WEAK.

>someone from team creme tries to punch me
>they miss because I'm a manlet

Hehe... the age of team mini is here...

At least I'm not chocolate. it feels good.


rolling for anything other than creme


Team cream lol, sounds GAY


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It's the best team desu.

We have shitpost misseles


>his team is unironically named after a homosexual act

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Rolling for team crème de la crème

I think you meant BEYAZ BOĞA

Attached: BEYAZBOGA.png (600x600, 103K)

It does ma kangaroo friend. It doooes.
I'm drunk also. I'd love to go to Straya to fuck some kangarooooooooooooooooooooooos gitrls

Who i is

Why am I chocolate?

FUCK cream

because It's the best flavor. Stop asking stupid questions, Russian.


whats the point if I change team like every 2 hours

How dare you speak, Cr*me? How dare you open your filthy, creme-encrusted mouth?

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Yes I am

Attached: sketch-1522597883656.png (1529x1080, 1.6M)

LOVE cream desu


what's going on


Woah… the White race is truly superior…