
I love Chocolate anime girls

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Other urls found in this thread:


nothing is going on with me I am just posting here desu

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2D >>> 3DPD

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where is everyone?

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Ahahaha, LONELY??

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nope just want other people to post here
How are you? How's fate go going for you? I haven't gotten in it myself again yet

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>How are you? How's fate go going for you? I haven't gotten in it myself again yet
Hiya, I am doing alright, thank you for asking. How about you?
I haven't done so much with F/GO, just the daily stuff. There will be event in two days with Alter Jeanne. Kinda happy about it but I have been totally absorbed by playing DanMachi: Memoria Freeze(NA version) it came out recently and it's really fun.
How about you, everything alright?

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You are traitor

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Finally the guests left muahahahaha
now I can have some fun

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Know that you are lonely, yes....

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I am also quite alright ate roasted fish with cooked carrots and tomato sauce
>I haven't done so much with F/GO, just the daily stuff. There will be event in two days with Alter Jeanne. Kinda happy about it but I have been totally absorbed by playing DanMachi: Memoria Freeze(NA version) it came out recently and it's really fun.
oh nice I remember watching DanMachi I really liked it, how's the game? Is it similar to Fate/Go?
But she's so damn cute I can't help it, fuck the team

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Enjoy senpai

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also have you found that tomboy doujin for me?

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>oh nice I remember watching DanMachi I really liked it, how's the game? Is it similar to Fate/Go?
Yeah it's quite similar being a gacha game. But they have added more story and life into it. SO there is tons of story content and voices and more. Plus it's really rewarding to play as F2P, not as hellish as F/GO.
Biggest difference between F/GO and this is the amount of content/story. Give it a go if you can.

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oh really that sounds pretty cool can you just find it on the app store or do you have to get it via apk?

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You have to get it via APK.
Video for closer look into it.
I got the game from here.

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thank you a lot I will try it out and tell you what I thought of it, wasn't able to get the first post in swedish thread's in a while as they make them only like every 400 something posts at and everyoen tries to get the first post

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Fuck! Forgot about it....
Did you save that image? Post it....

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No worries, I am not even there at most of the time and not even here in general been stuck playing this game for 3 days straight.
It's very addictive.

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here it is, find please...
oh wow if you found it that addicting then I will really have to see how it is

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Yeah, will try to find it later... (Bit busy now......)

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okay, what are you doing then?

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Well she belongs to me as I'm in team chocolate >:)
Thanks I did

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Copying files from my broken pc on my onee's old laptop

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>Well she belongs to me as I'm in team chocolate >:)
not anymore spoils of war you know, forbidden love and everything
>Thanks I did
did you fap to the hentai that you just posted the image from? I really like that one

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is she giving her laptop for you?

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Nope she is my personal slave
Actually I also fapped to 'to love ru' 3D hentai. Euphoria is also good and pretty insane

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I already copied all manga and hentai on my google drive account so it's okay

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Not balt but I 100% agree, can’t even get hard unless they brownie.

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your dick is broken

I have already freed her and she fell in love with me unlike team chocolate we aren't animals you see...
>Actually I also fapped to 'to love ru' 3D hentai. Euphoria is also good and pretty insane
oh alright can't argue with that pick, and yeah euphoria is weird I kind of didn't get the plot there was some cult that tried to make the guy impregnate the girls so that he'd save the world and he was kind of crazy too, weird but I really liked it
is the laptop good?

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Why are you asking?
>thinks I'll give it to him for free

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>I have already freed her and she fell in love with me unlike team chocolate we aren't animals you see...
I will come for you and kill you and that girl gonna be my slave for the rest of her life MUAHHAHAHAHA
I don't know about the plot as I skipped through the parts when they explained/talked I don't really get much into hentai plots

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I'm tasty

cause I just want to know baka...
>I will come for you and kill you and that girl gonna be my slave for the rest of her life MUAHHAHAHAHA
I won't allow you!!!!!!!! I Will defend her against you!!!!
>I don't know about the plot as I skipped through the parts when they explained/talked I don't really get much into hentai plots
I usually get interested in the plot right after fapping then I sometimes read it desu

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Want to play games with me? Cute
(Post in my thread one last time please)

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you defend her? hahaha I can even kill Son Goku
>I usually get interested in the plot right after fapping then I sometimes read it desu
I see well there might be very rare times where I still watch certain hentai after fapping, but rarely. Never done any reading tho

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Probably, 3d porn doesn’t do anything for me either.

I just want to know if you're getting something good or not
>you defend her?
Yes? Quite easily
>I see well there might be very rare times where I still watch certain hentai after fapping, but rarely. Never done any reading tho
I don't know that's kind of weird I like to read hentai sometimes, lets me immerse myself easier into it and not to mention they sometimes talk about stuff while doing it
>3d porn doesn’t do anything for me either.
that's a sign of you having an actual taste man only those who figured out that 2D >>> 3DPD are the enlightened ones

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>Yes? Quite easily
But you are weaker than me
Oh I thought that you read about the hentai plot on the internet or something to understand it better, if you mean reading subs then I obviously read them they are sometimes pretty hot.

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>But you are weaker than me
But I could just shoot you
>if you mean reading subs then I obviously read them they are sometimes pretty hot.
well obviously I was talking about them, I never thought of reading about hentai plots on the internet what you read is what you get lol and yeah sometimes they are hot

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I am not going to keep it forever, only for a week or two
It's okay, I used to play gta iv on it when I was younger

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oh okay

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>But I could just shoot you
>Doesn't have a good
>I never thought of reading about hentai plots on the internet
kek you should immerse yourself in them

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*steals it from you*
now I do lol
>kek you should immerse yourself in them
should I?

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WHY THE FUCK did I write "good"
Maybe I don't even have it myself :)
>should I?
absolutely hentai is ART

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Cute blushing girl!
Yeah, OKAY

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>Maybe I don't even have it myself :)
oh well will have to steal it from someone else then
>absolutely hentai is ART
lol haven't seen that one beffore, so do you read it yourself? I thought you didn't?
yes she is very cute
nah not okay

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>close uTorrents
>half of RAM usage frees up
I think I should change my torrent client

I don't think it is gonna be that easy better just fing a baseball bat or large stick, stones and bash me with those I bet you could win easily with those if I didn't expect it and wouldn't be prepared myself
>lol haven't seen that one beffore
wow what a newfag
>so do you read it yourself? I thought you didn't?
I don't, but both of us should do it

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Y-you too
Why not okay?
>not Deluge
Enjoy your botnet

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>just fing a baseball bat or large stick, stones and bash me with those I bet you could win easily with those if I didn't expect it and wouldn't be prepared myself
wow maybe that's a good plan thanks for telling me how to win against you desu
>wow what a newfag
s-shut up
>I don't, but both of us should do it
yeah maybe when I become interested in it I will read it desu
shut up
why shouldn't I be?

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>Enjoy your botnet
I know I bet they are mining cryptocurrencies with my machine. Freaking stealing my precious pc resources

No problem, I like helping weaker than myself
>s-shut up
Very good

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gonna fap again desu

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M-my image
You should be okay, lol
Gonna watch anime and fap, see ya

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Ok now this thread belongs to me

>No problem, I like helping weaker than myself
stronger than you*
I am okay
okay have fun
thank you I did

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I thought that you already acknowledged that I'm stronger than you

why oh why do anime girls have to be so cute and hot can't stop fapping to them each day

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not if I can shoot you that would make me stronger unless you're only talking about physical strength

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Very nice .gif *saves it(steals it)*
So that you wouldn't stop fapping and watching anime.
>unless you're only talking about physical strength
well obviously
shooting is not part of strength it is more accuracy

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>Very nice .gif *saves it(steals it)*
its okay I stole it from another thread too
>So that you wouldn't stop fapping and watching anime.
you're saying like that's a bad thing
>shooting is not part of strength it is more accuracy
oh well then I think I really might be much better than you

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Did, thanks
Posted it in that thread...
Came already? LOL

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yes so? are you an impotent?

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>you're saying like that's a bad thing
Nah not really
>oh well then I think I really might be much better than you
>never shot with a gun
>thinks that he is more accurate
lel actually I'm very accurate I'm probably more accurate than being stronger than you

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>Nah not really
haha I know that you didn't mean it as bad thing I know that you just meant to be realistic, my reply was meant to be as a joke
>lel actually I'm very accurate I'm probably more accurate than being stronger than you
why do you think so?

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You have a weak 'penis'

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>You have a weak 'penis'
>t. jealous oldman

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>why do you think so?
I mean how do you even know if you are accurate if you haven't even tried shooting?

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yeah finally you got it very nice
>I mean how do you even know if you are accurate if you haven't even tried shooting?
actually I've been to a laser shooting things on one of the school trips long time ago and I had like 30% hit ratio while others had 12% so yes I think that's pretty good

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t. creme bitch boy who cums fast
Lol (ノಥ益ಥ)ノ

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proof that it isn't?
>t. oldman who can't even fap to hentai anymore

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Oh ok never been to a thing like that so can't compare, but I tried shooting with other stuff(paintball guns, real guns, air gun)

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oh yes and did you enjoyed that laser shooting thingy?

Just check that thread, baka
>cums in 30 seconds
>you are old!!
Lol, no, it's older people who cum fast, not the opposite
>limp dick and premature cummer
SAD..... (ノಥ益ಥ)ノ

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>but I tried shooting with other stuff(paintball guns, real guns, air gun)
so you do have a real gun yes nice to know desu
from how far did you shoot from at stuff?
yeah it was okay though as it was underground and indoors it was very very hot cause everyone was shooting and running and they released the smokes to make it more fun and there was just one exit with small door I used to think that if a fire happened we would all die there cause I think day before that they showed on the news a bunch of people dying in some place cause the exit was too small and people were falling onto each other desu

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ugh... link?....
in like 5 minutes actually aka very young and healthy
>Lol, no, it's older people who cum fast, not the opposite
>SAD..... (ノಥ益ಥ)ノ
>t. oldman

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>cums in 5 minutes
>proud of it
>not edging and enjoying hentai for longer
Lol what?
You are old, yes

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Well you can shoot at shooting ranges without owning a gun obviously. I don't remember, but it was pretty close like 10-15 meters only used pistols.
How many people were playing? fuck dieing in a fire would be absolutely horrible

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>t. oldman trying to justify his unability to cum in udner 5 minutes with edging and other memes
oh okay got you
>How many people were playing? fuck dieing in a fire would be absolutely horrible
like 20 something at a time and yeah I think you would hope that you rather choke on the smoke first than actually die in flames lol

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>opens a manga
>cums on the 4th page
>"YOU ARE OLD!!!!"

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>t. old cuck

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You? Yes

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Well 20 is not that many. I think everyone could manage to get away
Yeah probably heh. I think the smoke inhalation is actually the most common way to die in an indoor fire.

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>still posting photoshop

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hot image really like that doujin desu
the door was really really small not to mention that people could've assumed that the smoke is coming from the machine that was releasing the smoke and not the fire and only would've realized it when its too late
>I think the smoke inhalation is actually the most common way to die in an indoor fire.
yep, unless you set yourself on fire, I remember my mom telling me that one time during a funeral you know how they have those grieving days for a day and bury the next day. everyone forgot to dim the candles near the coffin and everyone went to sleep so the candles set the whole house on fire and everyone died in their sleep
fake actually

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Me too fapped to it the day you posted it
well that is true
>I remember my mom telling me that one time during a funeral you know how they have those grieving days for a day and bury the next day. everyone forgot to dim the candles near the coffin and everyone went to sleep so the candles set the whole house on fire and everyone died in their sleep
Oh shit that sounds horrible and btw they kept coffin with a dead body in their own house? wtf

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>Me too fapped to it the day you posted it
nice glad that you liked that doujin!
>Oh shit that sounds horrible and btw they kept coffin with a dead body in their own house? wtf
is that really that weird? they don't have funeral homes in small villages so you have to do it somehow desu

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Shut up or won't look for that doujin...

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going to a store to get some chocolate eggs or something desu

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hehe yeah
>is that really that weird? they don't have funeral homes in small villages so you have to do it somehow desu
well maybe if the village doesn't have funeral home then it probably isn't I don't know. My own village had it. Never heard that someone keeps it in their own house, that would be fucking creepy :D

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Good luck don't get stabbed

I want to hug 02

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You are not her darling

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